Quote Originally Posted by woodbuck27 View Post
I watched Spectre again yesterday and enjoyed it immensely on Mae and my Home Theater System. Great audio/sound and action sequences.


I'll miss Daniel Craig as Bond....James Bond. He looks just right as the steely-eyed, super tough and quippy Bond.

Bond gal in Spectre Léa Seydoux is marvelous. She looks shockingly gorgeous entering the dining car of a train to dine with Bond. Does any woman wear a dress better than she looks in that scene?

" Should you ever awake from a coma into an unknown future world, you’d do well to check out the Bond girls of the day. There’s no quicker way to tap into a society’s mores than by assessing the clothes and décolletage, and counting how many (if any) wisecracks these exotic creatures are allowed to make. Bond might be oddly ageless, but his female counterparts and their gilded cages are very much of their time."
Bond is stricken...again.