Quote Originally Posted by Patler View Post
Of course there is pushback. I'm sure they expect it, no matter what they say publicly. However, I won't condemn them for doing it, as some seem to want to.

How many failed early 1st round picks. who are cut before their contract expires, go on to a decent career anywhere else? I also abhor golden parachutes in the corporate world.
Tim Couch! no, wait, Courtney Brown! no, wait, William Green! no, wait, Brady Quinn! no, wait, Brandon Weeden! no, wait Trent Richardson! no wait...Oh, nevermind.

Admittedly, it doesn't seem to happen a whole lot, I can't remember one. Still, I don't like the concept of offset language. If I get fired, I'm entitled to severance pay. If I got 6 weeks severance, should I have to pay it back if I get a new job 2 weeks later?