Quote Originally Posted by Radagast View Post
Regardless of agreements or commissioners, is not this still America . Nobody has to volunteer information that puts them in jeopardy. Appeal this point in a court and there will be changes. IMO , if the NFL can't prove their own case without bullying people then they deserve to loose. If medical testing and Private Investigator surveillance is not invasive enough, then the confessions will not be forthcoming . Can anyone say "The Imposition" or "The McCarthy Hearings ", the powerful never do stop reaching for even more power .
If my employer said they wanted to talk about some accusations, founded or unfounded and I told them to "forget it, I'm not talking". I would likely also be on an unpaid leave very quickly.

"This is Amercia" doesn't work so well with a private employer.

That said, Goodell makes this stuff up as he goes and people don't care until it's "their" team about to get rammed up the keister, then suddenly it's not fair.