Quote Originally Posted by 3irty1 View Post
I'm generally unwilling to make the gym a part of my lifestyle; something about paying to do fake work that I just can't reconcile. I try to smuggle exercise into my life though more productive means.
That is what I have always tried to do. For example, I rarely ever take an elevator. Most of the buildings I frequent are no more than 4 or 5 floors, so I always take the stairs. Unless it is raining, I usually park a fair distance away from where I am going, in part for the exercise and in part to be where there are fewer cars. Last night I parked on a side street three blocks from a restaurant we ate at, just to avoid their congested lot and the busy street in front in addition to a brief walk before and after I ate. I have a decent size yard, just under an acre. I have a riding lawnmower but haven't used it in years. I still use a variable pace walk behind mower, and recently bought a new one. My neighbors all have riding mowers, and probably think I am either crazy or cheap. Funny thing is, their yards are the same as mine or even a bit smaller, but it takes me no longer to do mine than they to do theirs, including mowing small areas with a big rider, then trimming afterwards. It takes me no longer, and I get the exercise they do not. I rake by hand, till gardens with a shovel, trim lots of bushes with a hand shear, not electric and I shovel snow in some places I could use my snowblower, etc.

Lots of ways to sneak exercise into your daily activities.