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Thread: African American punters and kickers

  1. #1

    African American punters and kickers

    It occurs to me the only black punter or kicker I know of was Reggie Roby, who I see died at age 43. Can you think of any active players in the NFL? Pretty odd, given that 69% of players are black.

  2. #2
    Fact Rat HOFer Patler's Avatar
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    Marquette King, Raiders.

  3. #3
    it might (MIGHT) have something to do with soccer

    a good many kickers in high school and college are the kickers for their teams because of a soccer background

    there is also a big debate going on in US soccer as to why the more athletic youngsters (and blacks are more athletic do to breeding back during the slave days, thats just science) and why those youngsters pick football or basketball, or god forbid even baseball over soccer. some people say that the insane costs of soccer these days prohibits a lot of ineercity youths from pursuing the sport all together, while others say that the kids are just more attracted to the more exciting american sports

    and lets face it, if you start playing football at age 4 or 5, its not to be a punter or kicker, you're gonna play an important position. so by the time high school comes around, coaches are gonna start looking for a soccer player. and at least in this country, soccer is a white mans game (for the most part)

    so, maybe part of the answer?

    it is strange that their are so few of them, but that might be something for them to be proud of

  4. #4
    Indenial Rat HOFer bobblehead's Avatar
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    How come open minded color blind lefties are always the ones so concerned about race and racial breakdowns?? I file this under..."so what"
    I don't hold Grudges. It's counterproductive.

  5. #5
    Greg Coleman with the Vikings was another black punter, and the Bucs had a place kicker (Igwebuike?) who was black.

    The soccer connection doesn't explain the lack of black kickers in the NFL. US major league soccer has to be 25% black players by now.

    Kicker probably doesn't generate a lot of passion for young urban kids who are looking for a ticket out of poverty. The only position less glamorous is long snapper (how many of them are black???). Kickers also have to struggle at their trade, most of them don't get drafted and get cut multiple times before they stick with a team. If you're a kid from the inner city looking to support yourself and your family, that is probably not going to be a very appealing career path.

  6. #6
    Do most punters and kickers who make it to pro level go to specialty camps during high school years? To get really good at something, you often have to focus early and often. Think hockey players in Canada.

  7. #7
    Blacks are only 13% of the general population. Perhaps it is true that blacks have genetic advantages for most positions in football. But kicking is a talent developed equally well by all.

    74% of NBA players come from 13% of the population. That is an incredibly lucrative sport. It pays well too. There must be something inherently different about that 13% group

  8. #8
    Yes, kickers have a lot of specialty camps. The accident that killed two specialists this year in WI was a kicking camp.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  9. #9
    Shutdown Corner Rat HOFer Anti-Polar Bear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patler View Post
    Marquette King, Raiders.
    In a black and white league, I find it queer that there are now more black punters than white corners.

    Mr. Hyde was the last white corner. A abomination. A disgrace to corners all over the world in the present, in the past, in the future, in 2D...Glad Mr. Hyde is now at saftey, even though he's also an abomination at that position.

    Every time Kap feels the white in him emerging, he looks at this pic and it makes him black all over again:

    Last edited by Anti-Polar Bear; 10-05-2016 at 12:35 PM.
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