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Thread: 24

  1. #21
    Anti Homer Rat HOFer Bretsky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GBRulz
    Quote Originally Posted by Bretsky
    Quote Originally Posted by GBRulz
    Curtis is gone. Tony is gone. This show needs more hotties. Rumor has it Chad Lowe has signed on to come on the show....oh yeah !!!
    Curtis is not dead yet; the show needs Kim.

    She's used 24 to springboard her career, well...that...and a bit of nudity in a couple movies she was in.

    She needs to go back to her roots.
    Curtis IS dead !

    I think that new girl on the show (don't know her name off hand, she works in CTU) is much prettier than Jack's bitchy daughter
    At the end of the show they were carting Curtis off, but I don't think there was confirmation Curtis is dead....maybe I'm wrong.

    I was surprised Jack shot to kill there.

  2. #22
    Senior Rat HOFer GBRulz's Avatar
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    B, I wasn't sure either, so I went on the Fox 24 site and it said in the epidsode guide that Jack went into despair about Curtis's death.

  3. #23
    El Jardinero Rat HOFer MadtownPacker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bretsky
    I was surprised Jack shot to kill there.
    Thats what Im talking bout!!

    I watched the last hour of 24 to see what all you mofos where talking about. I found it interesting enough and action packed but Im not really into espionage stuff like that.

    But your hero Jack didnt need to smoke his suppose-to-be-tight homie like that in the neck. He could have shot him on the arm holding the gun but instead he saw a black man with a gun and decide to settle it own his terms. Im not sure if the shows storyline is that that is all Jack Bauer knows how to do but when he did it I was like DAMNNN!!!! Over some terrorist??????

    Nice drama fo shure though and the nuke at the end made me feel it was worth spending an hour watching.

  4. #24
    Shutdown Rat All-Pro Charles Woodson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GBRulz
    Quote Originally Posted by Bretsky
    Quote Originally Posted by GBRulz
    Curtis is gone. Tony is gone. This show needs more hotties. Rumor has it Chad Lowe has signed on to come on the show....oh yeah !!!
    Curtis is not dead yet; the show needs Kim.

    She's used 24 to springboard her career, well...that...and a bit of nudity in a couple movies she was in.

    She needs to go back to her roots.
    Curtis IS dead !

    I think that new girl on the show (don't know her name off hand, she works in CTU) is much prettier than Jack's bitchy daughter

    Nadia Yassir

    CTU - Associate Special Agent in Charge, Los Angeles Domestic Unit
    CTU – Director of Intelligence, Detroit Domestic Unit
    CIA – Senior Intelligence Agent
    CIA – Intelligence Agent for Middle East Territories

    Fluency in Arabic
    Searches and documents

    Commendation from CIA for her work penetrating Arab terrorist cells in Detroit

    CIA Academy, Quantico VA
    Bachelor of Arts, Languages – University of Michigan

    BTW curtis is dead if you go on

    it says deceased..

    Also I hate the guy Thomas Lenox hes the guy in Homeland security with Karren.. B is he the same guy that screwed up the recording last season?

  5. #25
    Senior Rat HOFer GBRulz's Avatar
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    Are you talking about James Heller, the Sec of Defense who handed over the recording to Logan last year? If so, then no, it's not the same person. Tom's character as the President's advisor, is new this year. Isn't that what Mike Novik was to Logan last year though?

  6. #26
    Shutdown Rat All-Pro Charles Woodson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GBRulz
    Are you talking about James Heller, the Sec of Defense who handed over the recording to Logan last year? If so, then no, it's not the same person. Tom's character as the President's advisor, is new this year. Isn't that what Mike Novik was to Logan last year though?
    speaking of mike where the hell is he i liked him

  7. #27
    Senior Rat All-Pro GoPackGo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bretsky
    well...that...and a bit of nudity in a couple movies she was in.

    She needs to go back to her roots.

    can i get a confirmation on the nudity?
    To much of a good thing is an awesome thing

  8. #28
    Senior Rat HOFer GBRulz's Avatar
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    I read where the Muslim community is once again protesting against the show. They did this back in Season 4, I believe.

    I'd have to say that I don't agree with them blaming the show. It's just that, a show. 9/11 changed the way many feel towards Muslims. It's not because of race, it's just how it is. I have absolutely nothing against people just because of their race or religion, but I have a hard time believing anyone who says they don't take a 2nd look if one is sitting near you on an airplane with a briefcase or trenchcoat. We are just very suspicious of people in general and tend to be more attentive to our surroundings. 9/11 changed that, not 24.

    CLIFTON, New Jersey (AP) -- Two years ago, Muslim groups protested when the plot of the hit Fox drama '24' cast Islamic terrorists as the villains who launched a stolen nuclear missile in an attack on America.

    Now, after a one-year respite during which Russian separatists played the bad guys on the critically acclaimed series, Muslims are back in the evil spotlight. Unlike last time, when agent Jack Bauer saved the day, the terrorists this time have already succeeded in detonating a nuclear bomb in a Los Angeles suburb.

    Being portrayed again as the heartless wrongdoers has drawn renewed protests from Muslim groups, including one that had a meeting with Fox executives two years ago over the issue. (Watch why "24" is worrying Muslims)

    "The overwhelming impression you get is fear and hatred for Muslims," said Rabiah Ahmed, a spokeswoman for the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations. She said Thursday she was distressed by this season's premiere. "After watching that show, I was afraid to go to the grocery store because I wasn't sure the person next to me would be able to differentiate between fiction and reality."

    She said the group had a conference call Wednesday with Fox executives to protest the current plot line and request more positive portrayals of Muslims on the show, but was not promised anything.

    After a January 2005 meeting with CAIR, Fox aired a commercial in which the show's star, Kiefer Sutherland, urged viewers to keep in mind that the show's villains are not representative of all Muslims.

    In a written statement issued late Wednesday night, the network said it has not singled out any ethnic or religious group for blame in creating its characters.

    "24 is a heightened drama about anti-terrorism," the statement read. "After five seasons, the audience clearly understands this, and realizes that any individual, family, or group (ethnic or otherwise) that engages in violence is not meant to be typical.

    "Over the past several seasons, the villains have included shadowy Anglo businessmen, Baltic Europeans, Germans, Russians, Islamic fundamentalists, and even the (Anglo-American) president of the United States," the network said. "The show has made a concerted effort to show ethnic, religious and political groups as multidimensional, and political issues are debated from multiple viewpoints."

    The current season began with Muslim terrorists waging an 11-week campaign of suicide bombings across America, culminating in the detonation of a suitcase-sized nuclear bomb in Valencia, California, about 26 miles north of Los Angeles. Estimated death toll: 12,000.

    Watching the show's characters talk about detonating a nuclear weapon a few blocks from where she works unnerved Sireen Sawaf, an official with the Los Angeles-based Muslim Public Affairs Council, and a self-described "huge '24' fan."

    "It's a great show, and I do realize it's a multidimensional show that portrays extreme situations," she said. "They have gone out of their way to have non-Muslim terror cells.

    "But I'm concerned about the image it ingrains in the minds of the American public and the American government, particularly when you have anti-Muslim statements spewing from the mouths of government officials."

    Sohail Mohammed, a New Jersey immigration lawyer who represented scores of detainees caught up in the post September 11, 2001 dragnet, watched the episode depicting the nuclear attack with an Associated Press reporter.

    "I was shocked," he said. "Somewhere, some lunatic out there watching this will do something to an innocent American Muslim because he believes what he saw on TV."

    Engy Abdelkader, a member of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee from Howell, New Jersey, launched a campaign Wednesday to encourage Muslims offended by the program to complain to Fox.

    "I found the portrayal of American Muslims to be pretty horrendous," she said. "It was denigrating from beginning to end. This is one of the most popular programs on television today. It's pretty distressing."

    Concerns about Muslims' civil rights, detention of terror suspects in Guantanamo-like holding centers, and stereotyping are given vastly expanded treatment on '24' this year. In one exchange, the show depicts the president's national security adviser challenging the White House chief of staff over the detention of Muslims without criminal charges.

    "Right now the American Muslim community is our greatest asset," the security adviser says. "They have provided law enforcement with hundreds of tips, and not a single member of that community has been implicated in these attacks."

    "So far," the chief of staff responds.

    Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by GBRulz
    I read where the Muslim community is once again protesting against the show. They did this back in Season 4, I believe.

    I'd have to say that I don't agree with them blaming the show. It's just that, a show. 9/11 changed the way many feel towards Muslims. It's not because of race, it's just how it is. I have absolutely nothing against people just because of their race or religion, but I have a hard time believing anyone who says they don't take a 2nd look if one is sitting near you on an airplane with a briefcase or trenchcoat. We are just very suspicious of people in general and tend to be more attentive to our surroundings. 9/11 changed that, not 24.
    I completely disagree. Nobody went into culture-shock when Oklahoma City was blown apart by a white guy. Instead its been explained as a lone white guy acting all by himself, not a representation of white people. No crack-down on right-wing survival nutcases, no extra screening for renting U-Hauls, or even purchasing fertilizer.

    Do you get nervous when you see large rental trucks parked outside government offices?

    9/11 was about Muslim extremists committing horrible acts against the US. People afterwards use it to rationlize their own racial inclinations and make judgments about people they never met.

    But I do agree that CAIR may be over-reacting to "24".

  10. #30
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    David Palmer might be my most recognized commercial actor. He is in a million all-state commercials and a slew of other commercials as well. Very recognizable voice.

  11. #31
    Opa Rat HOFer Freak Out's Avatar
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    I'm still in season one so none of this means shit to me.....I was intrigued when I saw the trailer of the Rasputin looking Jack coming back from lockup or something. My wife’s hooked so I'll catch up fast.
    How many episodes a season?

  12. #32
    Anti Homer Rat HOFer Bretsky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freak Out
    I'm still in season one so none of this means shit to me.....I was intrigued when I saw the trailer of the Rasputin looking Jack coming back from lockup or something. My wife’s hooked so I'll catch up fast.
    How many episodes a season?

    I think around 18 or something

  13. #33
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    Quote Originally Posted by Freak Out
    I'm still in season one so none of this means shit to me.....I was intrigued when I saw the trailer of the Rasputin looking Jack coming back from lockup or something. My wife’s hooked so I'll catch up fast.
    How many episodes a season?

    I just finished watching season one. First ten hours a good. The rest is kinda eh.

  14. #34
    Shutdown Rat All-Pro Charles Woodson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    Quote Originally Posted by Freak Out
    I'm still in season one so none of this means shit to me.....I was intrigued when I saw the trailer of the Rasputin looking Jack coming back from lockup or something. My wife’s hooked so I'll catch up fast.
    How many episodes a season?

    I just finished watching season one. First ten hours a good. The rest is kinda eh.
    haha only 4 more to go to catch up with us

  15. #35
    Opa Rat HOFer Freak Out's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Woodson
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    Quote Originally Posted by Freak Out
    I'm still in season one so none of this means shit to me.....I was intrigued when I saw the trailer of the Rasputin looking Jack coming back from lockup or something. My wife’s hooked so I'll catch up fast.
    How many episodes a season?

    I just finished watching season one. First ten hours a good. The rest is kinda eh.
    haha only 4 more to go to catch up with us
    I just finished #8...pretty intense shit. Did I read somewhere up above about a lesbo episode or 3? Does it involve Bauers daughter or wife?

  16. #36
    Anti Homer Rat HOFer Bretsky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freak Out
    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Woodson
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    Quote Originally Posted by Freak Out
    I'm still in season one so none of this means shit to me.....I was intrigued when I saw the trailer of the Rasputin looking Jack coming back from lockup or something. My wife’s hooked so I'll catch up fast.
    How many episodes a season?

    I just finished watching season one. First ten hours a good. The rest is kinda eh.
    haha only 4 more to go to catch up with us
    I just finished #8...pretty intense shit. Did I read somewhere up above about a lesbo episode or 3? Does it involve Bauers daughter or wife?
    Unfortunately no; it was just a couple young gals kissing

  17. #37
    Euro Rat HOFer mmmdk's Avatar
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    24 glorifies torture. I'm sure Da Bush likes that. Yet, freedom of speech is important even though the hidden messages are of a maleficient nature. But Pentagon/FBI has blue stamped the show (that worries me)...I wonder, if there was even the slightest questioning of the methods used, would Pentagon/FBI then give the thumbs up!? Every warlike movie/TV series gets indirectly censored in the US, at least, money wise and if military equipment/knowledge is needed. Freedom of speech? I guess the boundaries gets nodged every day...and more rapidly in the post 9/11 era.

    Who owns the press? Pentagon is NOT promoting it as they already "know" the truth. Beware of those claiming to behold the truth.

    I like TV entertainment as much as the next guy but 24 is propaganda...they'd have been proud in the good ole Soviet Union & DDR. Even Putin is taking notes...IVAN LIKES DEMOCRACY - IS THIS WAY? IS VERY GOOD FOR OUR TRUTH. IVAN MAKE BASKET.
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  18. #38
    Senior Rat HOFer GBRulz's Avatar
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    I wonder if we start seeing Logan again, soon. He was in contact with the "bluetooth gang" alot and I noticed one of them in next weeks preview. I read where Logan is on the show this season, just don't know when or how many episodes.

  19. #39
    Shutdown Rat All-Pro Charles Woodson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GBRulz
    I wonder if we start seeing Logan again, soon. He was in contact with the "bluetooth gang" alot and I noticed one of them in next weeks preview. I read where Logan is on the show this season, just don't know when or how many episodes.
    Yea its the main guy, hes really white and bald with glasses, hated those bastards too.

  20. #40
    Shutdown Rat All-Pro Charles Woodson's Avatar
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