Quote Originally Posted by Cheesehead Craig View Post
Driver was a WR and worked his ass off to become a very good one. Janis has great athleticism who from reports, doesn't work very hard to be a better WR.

I don't think anyone is doubting Janis' physical ability, it's what's between his ears that many question.
I think this part is speculation. He may work super hard but still have trouble grasping things.
When I first started playing basketball in high school, I had a really difficult time with concepts. I was extremely book smart, but I just couldn't grasp court tactics. It took me well into college (watching relatively constantly) before I started picking up nuances before not caring anymore.

The point is: someone can be passionate about it and work hard at it, but sometimes some concepts are difficult to grasp. That's why people speak about a "light going on" because it suddenly makes sense. I think that's where Janis is. His interviews this year are a lot more humble, a lot more "I've got to keep working" and a lot less "I'm just waiting for the ball because I'm ready". We're still waiting for the light to go on, but I think he's finally on the right path.

Armchair sports psychoanalysis.