Quote Originally Posted by pbmax View Post
Yes, because different minorities cannot possibly hold biased or racist attitudes about other minorities? Training and peer modeling don't have any effect?

Funny how running away from a slot machine and leaping over a road barrier makes sense if there were gunshots and seems more suspicious if he was running away from police. The statements don't really conflict. But I wonder how many were running through that room to the outside? How many were arrested?

Video would help, but we just have the aftermath since the two directly responsible didn't have on their body cams. Funny that they malfunction more often than radar guns.
I can tell you a couple things. First, if you jump that barrier, you will be tackled and probably kicked by the police. It won't matter your color. Any night of the week!

Second, I agree 100% with the body cams. But they don't malfunction. In the early days of "voluntary" cams in Las Vegas, the officers were instructed to turn them off during heated situations. Apparently they still do.

During the Cliven Bundy BLM (Land management, not Lives matter) standoff the 2 Federal officers testified on the stand that they turned their cams off because "things were getting heated". And they wondered why they can't get a conviction. (but good liberal troopers, they keep trying since its a bunch of white guys who have had 2 hung juries 11-1 in their favor). OOO....see, racism works both ways. 3rd trial is awaiting a date.

I saw the cops pass a LOT of black people in that video. Wonder why? Also, if Bennett had such an issue why did he tell the officers at the scene he understood? He was not actually arrested btw, just detained. I didn't see the excessive abuse Woodbuck makes up...er alleges. I hadn't heard of Bennett alleging any such thing.

Imho this is just another attention whore who makes EVERYTHING about race. He had nothing to say at the time, but figured if he waited til the next day and made a bunch of allegations he could get even more attention than he gets for sitting during the anthem.

Final note, the LVPD has penned and sent a letter to King Roger to investigate thou thoroughly and take appropriate action for the blatant lies Bennett told. I hope Roger does. Maybe he can find the video of Ray Rice and take action BEFORE he gets egg on his face this time.