Quote Originally Posted by Brandon494 View Post
Im done on this subject now, obviously being the only black guy on this board it hits home for me more but back to football talk only.
I don't desire you to be done. I want to understand your perspective, but I want you to understand mine as well. We aren't all racist. If you and I are in a store and I stare at you think for just one second "shit, my fly is down, its NOT because I'm black"

For my part I have long ago accepted that many black youths are treated unfairly by cops. But I have been treated unfairly by cops. They are authoritarian douchebags in many cases...and in many cases they are good honest people doing great things. We should honestly do our best to weed out cops that show incredibly poor judgement, but we should not say that Michael Brown was a peaceful angel who never hurt a fly and some racist cop shot him for no reason other than being black. When we do that we get egg on our faces when black eyewitnesses say his hands weren't up and store video shows him stealing from an old man and pushing him to the ground minutes earlier.

My viewpoint is that blacks want punishment for 100 years of being treated badly. They want to punish the police because some snooty bitch at Macy's followed them through the store. Instead how about we try to find a middle ground where we get bad cops off the street and keep good ones on it.