Quote Originally Posted by The Shadow View Post
Ok, with the offensive line such a mess....
Go right to the quick rhythm passing attack. The Bears have a stout D line; don't waste time trying to establish an already suspect run game. Their front 7 is pretty good, but they have a really suspect secondary, with a backup strong safety & a rookie free safety. Linebackers, meh.
Use either Montgomery & Ripkowski in the backfield - but mostly to protect Rodgers - or to occasionally swing out for passes in the flat.
Slants, buttonhooks, screens, outs. Don't even to try to ask sub-par tackles to block for extended periods of time.
In effect, use the short passing game to be your rushing attack - and wear out the defense.
If McCarthy comes out and the first play is the usual 1 or 2 yard gain to Montgomery,I fear it's gonna be a long night.
We need to strike first (and often) and keep the Bears - with Glennon - in a catch-up mode.

This was the early Mike Holmgren West Coast offense.