Quote Originally Posted by The Shadow View Post
Ok, with the offensive line such a mess....
Go right to the quick rhythm passing attack. The Bears have a stout D line; don't waste time trying to establish an already suspect run game. Their front 7 is pretty good, but they have a really suspect secondary, with a backup strong safety & a rookie free safety. Linebackers, meh.
Use either Montgomery & Ripkowski in the backfield - but mostly to protect Rodgers - or to occasionally swing out for passes in the flat.
Slants, buttonhooks, screens, outs. Don't even to try to ask sub-par tackles to block for extended periods of time.
In effect, use the short passing game to be your rushing attack - and wear out the defense.
If McCarthy comes out and the first play is the usual 1 or 2 yard gain to Montgomery,I fear it's gonna be a long night.
We need to strike first (and often) and keep the Bears - with Glennon - in a catch-up mode.
This is pretty much what he did against the Bears last year on Thursday Night. Then it was because of injuries at the RB situation. Rodgers threw the ball 56 times. They ran the ball 23 times Monty with 9. Of course, that was with the O-Line intact. Will it work in this situation?