Quote Originally Posted by Vincenzo View Post
Trevathan didn’t intentionally go out to hurt Adams.
Yes he lead with the helmet to Adams’ neck and helmet area which was wrong, but players, especially linebackers are taught to finish plays and often don’t have time to stop and think before they act. Things happen in an instant.
It’s easy for us to analyze and judge now after the fact, but football is a high contact sport.....this stuff happens.
A 10 game suspension would have been over kill, NFL got it right with a 2 gamer.

Also keep in mind that Trevathan apologized for his actions when he was interviewed after the game. He reached out to Adams and said that the important thing was that Davante was okay. So the Bear player regretted his actions knowing full well that he’d done the wrong thing on the field. Surely the NFL took his post game comments in to consideration.

I would have said the EXACT SAME THING if I knew a suspension wss coming.

I think 4 games would have been the right call. Often appeals happen and the term gets cut in half. It would not surprise me if Danny plays his cards right and this ends up at 1 game