The great Packer Offensive Drought of 2015 and 16 was also driven by more than changes to the offseason schedule or film. Receivers were hurt and the depth at WR was sparse. There was no TE and no middle of the field game. Patler will be along shortly to remind us that M3 once said Favre loved throwing into the middle of the field, Rodgers loved going outside. Without a personnel advantage in the middle, most of Rodgers looks go outside, giving the defense an advantage.
Directional Pass Frequency
.................................................. .......Left.....Middle....Right
2016 "Great O Drought" (weeks 1-11)....38%....23%....38%
2016 "Run the Table" (weeks (12-21).....39%....18%....42%
2017 so far..........................................42%.. ..21%.....38%

When the offense struggled, they threw down the middle of the field more often (though less effectively) than since it's returned to higher productivity.