Quote Originally Posted by Fritz View Post
Clearly I was not the only Packer fan watching that last night and thinking "Gee, this is like watching a Packers defense," whether it was the Philly defense or the NE defense on the field.

The thing that stood out most was how much time each QB had to throw. Often the running backs made their own creases or bulled forward (not to say there weren't running lanes), but the amount of time Brady and Foles had to pick out their receivers - holy smokes, it was like watching a Packers' (lack of) pass rush!

Kind of reminded me of that Arizona playoff game a few years ago, when only one team made one big defensive play, and that was the difference in the game.
Was the big play a helmet to helmet hit, and the refs kept their flags in their pockets?

I know it was 2 seasons ago, but how much difference would Chandler Jones have made out there last night?