yeah, the last jedi really fucked up the whole thing

jj set up some really great possible story lines that got everyone excited, and the new guy came in and shit all over everything, he basically wrapped every story up in a big lame ass ending

maybe episode 9 will start with episode 8 being just a bad dream?

solo, was a solid movie, but solo was an iconic character because of harrison ford, you take him out of the equation and you don't have solo imo. that combined with the odd release date (going up against avengers, coming so soon after the fuck up of episode 8), and you have a recipe for a flop

i do think solo will go on to be one of the better films in the series, but only f they are allowed to finish the arch

you guys have seen that because of the flop of solo, disney has canceled all plans for future star wars spin offs. even though rouge one and solo were both solid movies better then the shit that was episode 8