The prequels would have written themselves if Lucas wasn't such a money grubbing shit bag.

EP 1, First half: Annikan origins, introduction to the force, small glimpse of things not being quite right. Second half, teen Annikan being shown as far stronger with the force than even anticipated. Warnings from Yoda. Scrap the force Jesus routine.

EP 2, Annikan having a secret life outside the Jedi. Not getting married and having terribly written love scenes. Action scenes of the clone wars and growing bond with Obi Wan. Emperor finds him and sees the darkness. Cultivates the darkness ultimately turning him in the final scene.

EP 3, Vader being a killing machine.

In EP 4 Obi Wan said "Vader hunted down and killed all the Jedi". He said nothing about "Clones had a secret code implanted that turns them on the Jedi". Lucas neutered Vader in EP1-3. And as Rand said, there is no main character that makes any sense or that you give 2 shits about.