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Thread: Rants

  1. #1


    Could someone please explain the concept of hang the fuck up and drive to these imbecils who drive around like torpedoes trying to kill everyone in their paths because they can't seem to drive with a damned phone stuck to their ears?????? No, I did not have an accident but there were sure enough people trying to get into one out there.

    Anyone else got anything to get off their chests? I think I'm better now. Carry on.

  2. #2
    Creepy Rat HOFer SkinBasket's Avatar
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    You already covered mine. Take it out on Tarlam, he's running around like a wild chicken, blabbering nonsense. He needs a beating.

  3. #3
    Wolf Pack Rat HOFer Deputy Nutz's Avatar
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    My rant is, People mainly administrators expecting that you actually do something at work. What a pisser.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by SkinBasket Disease
    You already covered mine. Take it out on Tarlam, he's running around like a wild chicken, blabbering nonsense. He needs a beating.
    I got my beating....I have such a hangover!

  5. #5
    Anti Homer Rat HOFer Bretsky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nutz
    My rant is, People mainly administrators expecting that you actually do something at work. What a pisser.
    Why are there so many hot lesbians in California but the ones in Wisconsin all look like they could kick my ass ?

    BTW, today was the first day I read the story; I'm still LMAO

  6. #6
    The Californians are faking it for the cameras...

  7. #7
    Redneck Rat HOFer Little Whiskey's Avatar
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    Zig, This past weekend i saw a kid smash into a concrete lightpole. as he climbs out of his car he has his cell phone up to his ear. we just started chuckling. he was okay but his car wasn't. really hope he learned his lesson.

  8. #8
    Yikes!! That sucks, but at least it wasn't another car with someone in it who could have been killed...

  9. #9
    Anti Homer Rat HOFer Bretsky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
    The Californians are faking it for the cameras...
    Gosh, can you find some hot WI that will fake it for the cameras ? I've got a camera

  10. #10
    LOL. I'm not around there anymore, but I'm sure if you checked out the local campus you could find yourself a few. (Some might not even be faking)

  11. #11
    El Jardinero Rat HOFer MadtownPacker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bretsky
    Why are there so many hot lesbians in California but the ones in Wisconsin all look like they could kick my ass ?
    I think it is the sun B. Just like all flowers they need sunlight to bloom and open themselves. Same thing applies to hot honeys.

    In other word, move somewheres warmer!!

    BTW - All ectasy might have something to with it too.

  12. #12
    El Jardinero Rat HOFer MadtownPacker's Avatar
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    My Rant:

    Dont you just fucking hate it when you are in the fucking fast lane doing like 80MPH and some stupid son of a bitch is tailgating you, the speeds around you in the slow lane, cuts your ass off, then once they are in front of you slows down to about 55MPH and you cant do the same back cuz they are keeping pace with the slow lane???

    My Resolution:

    I wait for the first chance I get to pass them and when I do I serve them some brakefast in the morning. That means I get in front of them, let them get tailgate again and then I slam my brakes long enough to make them smoke their tires. The look on their face in the rearview is a great way to start the day.

    And dont get me started on the MFing truck drivers!!

  13. #13
    When I lived in Florida, the old folks would get out onto the highway, jump in the left lane and do about 45-50 tops. Drove me crazy when I had to get somewhere.

  14. #14
    Redneck Rat HOFer Little Whiskey's Avatar
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    my rant:

    the other day my wife decides that my garage is not up to her standards. so she proceeds to clean it for me. she wants to help me out by putting stuff away, and throwing stuff away. now i cannot find anything!!! everything is lost, but my workbench is spotless. now i holler into the house, Honey were is the pipe nipples, or I cannot find my soft fishing baits. You know the ones that say Sweet Beaver on the front!!!! just kidding about the last part but why must women come into our area and "clean" it up. don't they understand that there is a method to our maddness. I don't decide one day to clean out your closet and hide some of those shoes.

    uhhhhhh i feel better, but my crap is still lost!!! maybe i'll change the locks on the garage door!

  15. #15
    Oddly enough, I have the same problem. Hubby is "tidier" than I am but he only wants it to look tidy so he's always moving things from the place on the table where I knew where it was into a drawer or cabinet and I have no hope of getting it back which isn't too bad until he forgets where he put my stuff. I had to threaten bodily harm to keep him off my desk.

  16. #16
    Redneck Rat HOFer Little Whiskey's Avatar
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    sorry zig, i need to bump you so i can have the hat trick. my name on all three pages. Whiskey for everyone!!!

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Little Whiskey
    sorry zig, i need to bump you so i can have the hat trick. my name on all three pages. Whiskey for everyone!!!
    I'm not racist. Johnnie Black just came by....

  18. #18
    Redneck Rat HOFer Little Whiskey's Avatar
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    ya tarlam, how about blue label

  19. #19
    Single malts are watsed on alkies, Mad.....

  20. #20
    Wolf Pack Rat HOFer Deputy Nutz's Avatar
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    Blue label is some good stuff, but only on someone else's dime.

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