Quote Originally Posted by Upnorth View Post
Woody, TO had a slut walk where a bunch of ladies effectively said they were sluts so...
On the other hand most of the rest of Canada pretends toronto isn't a part of us so it is a difficult question.
Just to stay on topic do you think that headline had a double meaning about Favre's manhood in it???
'Slut Walk'... Ehh! Sounds like a song title for some hard rock bands release. I havn't been in TO since 1986. I'm 100 miles North of TO right now and have absolutely no ambition to spend a single day there. Montreal spoils you.

Upnorth my stance in that whole thing has always been simply this. To do what I felt was necessary to protect Brett Favre's wife Deanna and the children and his family from all this CRAP as their innoscent.

I avoid this issue like I would poison. Sorry Upnorth I cannot comment on any meaning or double meaning. It's total garbage to me.

Entertainment for 'small minds'.