Quote Originally Posted by mraynrand View Post
PB, you know damn well it wasn't the commercial, but the content. And of course the NFL hates anything that upsets their perfect little apple cart. But College and NFL players have been using their notoriety and clout to push positions since notoriety and clout came into existence. It's not shocking. The Sams situation was far different in that it was carried out at an NFL event. Far more comparable would be 'the Tebow' during games. But Still, that was done openly with no hidden agendas. The dishonest subterfuge (or at least false pretenses) is what makes the Sams thing so slimy (and I mean that regardless of the actual content).
No I don't believe it was the content. The content or position just tells you which side of the field each team will line up on. Tebow did the ad, the FRC ran the ad and he was still drafted above projection in the first round. Sam cancelled the documentary after the getting a lot of pushback.

Both were unprecedented. Both planned pre-draft. Both done without team or league consent. Both in violation of the principle teams hold dear (however hypocritical their subsequent actions are). Especially with young players, most teams are trying to steer clear of the distraction.

The fact that both were firsts tells us more about the norm of player behavior (even among players looking to cash in). And the public reactions were predictable. You are going to have to point me to a source on the subterfuge, because I have not read about it.