High school Peter Parker is my favorite Peter Parker. This latest reboot has been by far my favorite. How far has Marvel come that now you shoehorn Iron Man into Spiderman's origin story to get people to come see it?

The strength of the X-Men has always been that it's a compelling conflict. It's ideology of MLK vs Malcolm X. Done well, the bad guys aren't evil; they are just wrong. This made the X-Men the jewel of Marvel for years and the lack of it is what makes so many of their current books utter trash. The SJW writers of today's Marvel cast the straw man versions of their political opponents as villains. Ironically, the consequentialist ethics of activism make for extremely compelling villains as with Killmonger in the last Black Panther movie. I read several commentaries from the usual SJW suspects talking about how Killmonger was a hero in the aftermath of that film. Terrific villains make for terrific stories because the conflict is real.