Sharper's high-priced attorneys think "the truth will set him free" but we've heard that before........I have to sneeze......'In-cog-ni-to'!

They better be good because it looks like the captain of the "Love Boat" is in serious trouble.

I know most people here disliked Sharper but I was always a fan and was disappointed that he wasn't resigned. He played for several more years on winning teams after supposedly he was "done" and couldn't run any more.

However, if guilty, I have no sympathy for him or guys like him. There are groupies everywhere targeting athletes and he could have as much causal sex as he wanted. If he couldn't get it for free then he had plenty of money to pay for it. But drugging women and raping them? That's so low. They deserve whatever punishment they receive.

Even if found innocent, through his reckless lifestyle, Sharper blew a sweet gig at the NFL Network and the broadcast career he spent years planning for. He's done in the national media. Maybe he can do commentary for William and Mary games but that will be about it.

Arrogant, dumb a--.