Quote Originally Posted by 3irty1 View Post
I've never been able to summon the righteous disgust for midichlorians that some fans do. I suppose they see it as a retcon that spoils our previous concept of the Force and somehow cheapens the mysticism of it with a crappy science explanation.
Pretty much. And quantifying the force and thereby 'ranking' powers like some bad Yugio GX cartoon my kids would watch. "This kid's midichlorians count is higher than even master Yoda's! He also has a bigger penis."

P.S. if Vaders' midi count was higher than Yoda's, why didn't he wield the electric bolts like Yoda? See - all this wrangling leads you down the path of arguing over stupid and arbitrary power level crap. They killed the magic and mystery of the story. Also, Greedo shot first.