Details coming in for Sharper's plea deal:

1. Penile plethysmograph test, in which a sensor will be attached to his genitals for the purposes of measuring arousal in response to specific stimulants

I once took a Greek and Latin language class to learn the roots of many current scientific terms. I cannot parse that device name for pronunciation at all. I just about fall out of the chair trying.

2. Its a 20 year sentence, with release after 10 (9 includes time served?) years.

3. Next its probation in California for 3-5 years. If he falters here, it back to the can for the balance of the 20 years. Sex offender program as well.

4. Then its probation for life in Arizona. If he fails that, its another 14 year sentence.

5. No alcohol or drugs (with testing).

6. GPS device permanently.
