Quote Originally Posted by wist43 View Post
The players?? Some blame - Burnett's idiotic slide... dumb on top of stupid. No excuse for that.

But the collapse is, of course, on dunderdummy. His rush no one, and cover no one on 3rd and 21 was the beginning of the end. Until that point, he was Dr. Jekyl... of course, Mr. Hyde is always lurking just under the surface.

When will you guys learn?? lol... the guy can't wait to go stupid, he can't wait to go soft, he can't wait to rush 3 and cover no one... it's who he is, and it's who he has always been.

Dunderdummy cannot be trusted - NEVER, EVER!!!

After Seattle no one here will be able to disagree legitimately with your contentions against Dom Capers. You proved every nay sayer wrong.

Sadly it takes Green Bay Packers losing to prove your 'the WINNER'.