We should have a poll: whose polls were/are better, Joe's or Bretsky's. This again is a kinda bogus poll question. I suspect it is just agenda-driven - a backdoor attempt to throw shade on the GOAT, Rodgers.

Last year's team would have been/should have been loaded with talent except for Rodgers' injury situation as well as other injuries, etc. There was very strong expectation at the start of the season that they were the best team in the league and a definite possibility to win it all. This year's team had much lower expectations - without Rodgers, and it has proven to be loaded at most positions also. With Love playing at or near pre-2022 Rodgers level, we have a team that could possibly beat anybody in the playoffs, potentially held back only by Barry's D coaching - which, of course, was there last year too.

So all in all, talent level is about the same considering what we now know about Love. Performance-wise, it's still too soon to say.