Well, Slocum isn't getting fired today:

Tyler Dunne ‏@TyDunne 3m3 minutes ago
MM on Seattle targeting Jones on fake FG: A heck of a play by Jon Ryan. ...You have to look at it from that standpoint.

Tyler Dunne ‏@TyDunne 3m3 minutes ago
MM: Fakes are risky. Jon Ryan can run, we know that. ...Hey, we did not execute our responsibilities the best we can.

Packer Report ‏@PackerReport 4m4 minutes ago
On SEA knowing GB's tendencies on the fake FG: Would have been a footrace for the first down.


Tyler Dunne ‏@TyDunne 3m3 minutes ago
MM on Matthews sitting out: Was being looked at near the end. His knee. ...Talked to Clay, he said he needed a minute.

Packer Report ‏@PackerReport 3m3 minutes ago
MM on Matthews' absence late in game: Knee. "Clay said he needed a minute." No concussion concern.