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View Full Version : Giuliani lost my vote....

01-15-2008, 05:33 PM
Not that he had it to begin with, but listen to this story.

Giants fan Giuliani won't sign Packers cap
The Associated Press

PUNTA GORDA, Fla. -- Rudy Giuliani badly needs to win Florida -- but that doesn't mean he'll risk jinxing his hometown team.

At a campaign stop in this southwest Florida town on Monday, the Republican presidential candidate refused to autograph a white Green Bay Packers cap. The New York Giants face the Packers in the NFC championship game on Sunday night in Green Bay.

"No, I won't sign that," the former New York City mayor says as he scribbles his name on a series of placards and papers. He has been spending almost every day here before Florida's Jan. 29 primary as it's his best chance to win a state before the Feb. 5 Super Tuesday contests.

"Oh, please," a man is heard pleading in the videotaped encounter posted on Fox News' Web site.

"No, no, no. That would be bad luck right now," Giuliani insists, almost recoiling from the green-emblazoned cap. "I'll sign it afterward."

A man barks back: "Sign it now."

But Giuliani wouldn't budge. "No."

Smiling, he kept signing everything else.

Freak Out
01-15-2008, 05:39 PM
Were you actually considering it before this?

01-15-2008, 05:47 PM
At least he didn't say 9/11 was the reason he couldn't sign the cap. :D

01-15-2008, 06:20 PM
I dont really care one way or the other about him personally

But, I would have thought less of him if he did sign it.

01-16-2008, 08:14 AM
If this would actually cause a person not to vote for a candidate, that person probably shouldn't be voting in the first place.

01-16-2008, 09:41 AM
At least he didn't say 9/11 was the reason he couldn't sign the cap. :D

Here is a simulated interview with Rudy:

"How do we end the war in Iraq?"

"How do we make the country more energy independent?"

"How do we make health insurance more affordable for all Americans?"

"How do we invigorate the American economy?"

"What can America do to establish peace and stability in the Middle East?"

01-16-2008, 11:06 AM
I'm a Democrat, and he's certainly not my candidate...but for once I agree with SkinBasket. Rudy got a ridiculous amount of crap about saying he was rooting for the Red Sox after his beloved Yankees were out of the playoffs. He probably wanted to stay out of that same sort of jam. I wouldn't fall out of my chair if I found out that the autograph seeker was a plant from another campaign trying to put him in a damned it you do, damned if you don't situation.

Now, if Mitt Romney had gotten that hat, he would have talked about how he once was a Lions fan in Michigan, but he had an epiphany when he saw a Packers fan and became one of those. :P Given her Yankees flap, Hillary Clinton probably would say that the Packers were her second favorite team to the Bears growing up in Chicago. :P

01-16-2008, 11:11 AM
Considering he's not too far a drive away maybe I should pay Rudy a visit. :twisted:

01-16-2008, 11:12 AM
but for once I agree with SkinBasket.

Everyone is always so afraid to admit they agree with me... It's not like I'm woodbuck or something. Release yo' delf. Embrace your inner basket. Or your outer basket. That feels just as good if you shave properly.

01-16-2008, 11:17 AM
Other potential candidate responses to CapGate:

John Edwards: "Is there a union label on that hat? Or was it made by greedy, outsourcing companies profiting from third world child labor?"
Mike Huckabee: "I am deeply sorry, but signing your hat would mean turning the Packers into a graven image and false idol".
Mike Gravel: "No! That hat's a worse coverup than Nixon had with the Pentagon Papers!"
Former candidate Tom Tancredo: "Did ferriners make that hat?"
Dennis Kucinich: 'I can't sign your hat, because the Packers are playing the Browns in the Super Bowl in an alternate universe".
Fred Thompson: "ZZZzzz...huh?"
Barack Obama: "Though I am a Bears fan, I believe that signing this hat is a sign of the reconciliation our country needs to move forward".
John McCain: "I'm going to go in and sign the cap until the job gets done...even if it takes 100 years".

01-16-2008, 11:20 AM
A-grade stuff, Badgermaine. :lol:

Spot on.