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02-10-2008, 01:28 PM
Can someone please tell me what exactly Barack Obama has done?!?

02-10-2008, 01:30 PM
I might get some bear stopper for my wife. She could never shoot an animal, let alone a person. I think she'd be a real bitch with a can of bear stopper though.

Scott Campbell
02-10-2008, 01:37 PM
Can someone please tell me what exactly Barack Obama has done?!?

He pissed off Harlan, and that might just be enough for me.

Scott Campbell
02-10-2008, 01:47 PM
You did not propose a flat tax. You proposed a flat tax RATE.

There's a big difference.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: OK.

I wasn't aware there was such a thing as a "flat tax" that didn't refer to rate. Like everybody in the kingdom ponies-up $1000 in taxes.

This is a proposal one might hear from the Constitutional Party that Partial recently sang praises of. The Libertarians essentially want to take the country back to pre-New Deal era. The Constitutional Party won't hear of this, they think the Government should operate like back in 1840.

I'm worried about that boy. I'm afraid one day we're going to read about Partial living in some sect in West Virginia, with a leader with two names, "Billy Ray" or something, where they shoot any county officials that try and approach their compound.

I'm not proposing anything all that revolutionary. I have no problem paying more tax than you. It's just a matter of how much. I want a quantity discount, just like every American gets when they buy the family sized 55 gallon drum of Tide at Costco. There needs to be incentive for me to work more and continue to contribute tax base for you to feed off of. Otherwise I'll just retire and clip coupons. And then you little greedy bastards will get zero. At the highest progressive tax rates, you barely get to keep 50% of the money you earn. At that rate I become very inclined to say it's just not worth it, and I've got enough.

02-10-2008, 01:59 PM
I'm going to get a safe some day and I'll keep a loaded pistol in it. It will be in my bedroom. I'll have the combo almost complete except for the last number. I'll then pop it open, grab my gun and go from soon to be shot victim to a person capable of defending themself.

JH, are you trained in using that loaded pistol? Do you practice shooting? If you keep a loaded pistol in your bedroom with the safe dial set one number from opening, how are you gonna keep your kids from accidentally hitting the right number, opening the safe and finding a loaded gun to play with? You've seen the reports on home invasions, have you seen the ones about the kids shooting each other with their parents' guns? The parents usually thought the kids couldn't get at the weapons until they had already played cops and robbers with them.

From the NEA: http://www.neahin.org/programs/schoolsafety/gunsafety/statistics.htm

In a single year, 3,012 children and teens were killed by gunfire in the United States, according to the latest national data released in 2002. That is one child every three hours; eight children every day; and more than 50 children every week. And every year, at least 4 to 5 times as many kids and teens suffer from non-fatal firearm injuries. (Children's Defense Fund and National Center for Health Statistics)

From the Brady campaign:

The stories in this one are really sad...

Simply put: guns kept in the home for self-protection are more often used to kill somebody you know than to kill in self-defense; 22 times more likely, according to a 1998 study by the Journal of Trauma.2

More kids, teenagers and adult family members are dying from firearms in their own home than criminal intruders. When someone is home, a gun is used for protection in fewer than two percent of home invasion crimes.3 You may be surprised to know that, in 1999, according to the FBI's Uniform Crime Report, there were only 154 justifiable homicides committed by private citizens with a firearm compared with a total of 8,259 firearm murders in the United States. Once a bullet leaves a gun, who is to say that it will stop only a criminal and not a family member?

Just think it through.

02-10-2008, 02:03 PM
Can someone please tell me what exactly Barack Obama has done?!?

To be honest, I don't think the Obama campaign themselves could tell you what Obama has done, at least of any significance.

The Obama campaign has done a great job making something out of very little. This campaign has been built around Obama himself, not his stance on the issues or his effectiveness as a political figure, but on how he talks and his likeability.

So, to answer your question, Obama has done jack-squat.

02-10-2008, 02:05 PM
Yes, I am the only person who is stealing your tax dollars. It was also my choice for them to give out rebate checks. You truly are an idiot. You and Tyrone are perfect for one another. He would even work so you can stay at home!

Milwaukee is a terrible city loaded with crime. How can anyone in their right mind dispute this?!? It's so bad that the police to do not even come if you call in stating someone broke into your house. Believe me, my father has had to do it on multiple occasions.

You're the only one here stealing my tax dollars while advocating a more fair tax system while also trying to get out of paying every cent he can on his tax return with the rest of his life already paid for in full. Maybe you should use that free money from the government to start your campaign to stop free government handouts. You'd be like the Robin Hood of Stupidity.

No one is disputing Milwaukee has crime. We're disputing that you have any fucking clue what you're talking about. And it's really not that hard to do. Make sure to rest your tootsies real good today, I'm sure you've got lots of loafing - I mean working and studying and judging to do tomorrow. That and you still have to decide how to spend my money. Maybe some lifts for your shoes, no?

And for fucks sake do not get a gun. Ever. You are the case study of why people shouldn't buy guns for home protection.

02-10-2008, 02:14 PM
I'm going to get a safe some day and I'll keep a loaded pistol in it. It will be in my bedroom. I'll have the combo almost complete except for the last number. I'll then pop it open, grab my gun and go from soon to be shot victim to a person capable of defending themself.

JH, are you trained in using that loaded pistol?

I thought he was kidding at first. When I reread his post, I realized he probably wasn't. I love guns and fully advocate gun ownership and responsible use, but I cannot believe people, with kids no less, still think like this.

02-10-2008, 02:22 PM
I'm going to get a safe some day and I'll keep a loaded pistol in it. It will be in my bedroom. I'll have the combo almost complete except for the last number. I'll then pop it open, grab my gun and go from soon to be shot victim to a person capable of defending themself.

JH, are you trained in using that loaded pistol?

I thought he was kidding at first. When I reread his post, I realized he probably wasn't. I love guns and fully advocate gun ownership and responsible use, but I cannot believe people, with kids no less, still think like this.

Hence my post, though I'm not convinced he will read it much less click on THE LINKS THAT WILL GIVE HIM VALUABLE INFORMATION ON GUN OWNERSHIP IN HOMES WITH CHILDREN!!

02-10-2008, 02:45 PM
Can someone please tell me what exactly Barack Obama has done?!?

To be honest, I don't think the Obama campaign themselves could tell you what Obama has done, at least of any significance.

The Obama campaign has done a great job making something out of very little. This campaign has been built around Obama himself, not his stance on the issues or his effectiveness as a political figure, but on how he talks and his likeability.

So, to answer your question, Obama has done jack-squat.

So you're willing to vote for someone who has done nothing. Nice. Go figure.

02-10-2008, 02:51 PM
Yes, I am the only person who is stealing your tax dollars. It was also my choice for them to give out rebate checks. You truly are an idiot. You and Tyrone are perfect for one another. He would even work so you can stay at home!

Milwaukee is a terrible city loaded with crime. How can anyone in their right mind dispute this?!? It's so bad that the police to do not even come if you call in stating someone broke into your house. Believe me, my father has had to do it on multiple occasions.

You're the only one here stealing my tax dollars while advocating a more fair tax system while also trying to get out of paying every cent he can on his tax return with the rest of his life already paid for in full. Maybe you should use that free money from the government to start your campaign to stop free government handouts. You'd be like the Robin Hood of Stupidity.

No one is disputing Milwaukee has crime. We're disputing that you have any fucking clue what you're talking about. And it's really not that hard to do. Make sure to rest your tootsies real good today, I'm sure you've got lots of loafing - I mean working and studying and judging to do tomorrow. That and you still have to decide how to spend my money. Maybe some lifts for your shoes, no?

And for fucks sake do not get a gun. Ever. You are the case study of why people shouldn't buy guns for home protection.

Yes, because I take advantage of SO many tax breaks. I get the same personal exemption that YOU get. I do not take advantage of any social programs.

blah blah blah blah blah. You didn't say anything that makes any sense. You can talk about how I spend my work day when you actually get a real job. I'd be ashamed to free load off of my wife personally, but I guess you're more content sitting around playing your PS3 during the day. Funny how taking care of your kids all day is such hard work yet us working folk don't have the time to play video games like you do!

You don't know anything about me, so don't make idiotic statements. I hope for your kids sake your wife doesn't leave you, but I simply do not see that happening.

02-10-2008, 03:05 PM
Can someone please tell me what exactly Barack Obama has done?!?

I think Obama's followers see him as a talented as a charismatic guy with potential for greatness. I think they are focused more on what he can do in the future than on what he has done in the past. The fact that he doesn't have much experience in Washington isn't a problem for them because they see experienced pols like Clinton and McCain as symptomatic of what is wrong with Washington.

02-10-2008, 03:09 PM
Yes, I am the only person who is stealing your tax dollars. It was also my choice for them to give out rebate checks. You truly are an idiot. You and Tyrone are perfect for one another. He would even work so you can stay at home!

Milwaukee is a terrible city loaded with crime. How can anyone in their right mind dispute this?!? It's so bad that the police to do not even come if you call in stating someone broke into your house. Believe me, my father has had to do it on multiple occasions.

You're the only one here stealing my tax dollars while advocating a more fair tax system while also trying to get out of paying every cent he can on his tax return with the rest of his life already paid for in full. Maybe you should use that free money from the government to start your campaign to stop free government handouts. You'd be like the Robin Hood of Stupidity.

No one is disputing Milwaukee has crime. We're disputing that you have any fucking clue what you're talking about. And it's really not that hard to do. Make sure to rest your tootsies real good today, I'm sure you've got lots of loafing - I mean working and studying and judging to do tomorrow. That and you still have to decide how to spend my money. Maybe some lifts for your shoes, no?

And for fucks sake do not get a gun. Ever. You are the case study of why people shouldn't buy guns for home protection.

Yes, because I take advantage of SO many tax breaks. I get the same personal exemption that YOU get. I do not take advantage of any social programs.

blah blah blah blah blah. You didn't say anything that makes any sense. You can talk about how I spend my work day when you actually get a real job. I'd be ashamed to free load off of my wife personally, but I guess you're more content sitting around playing your PS3 during the day. Funny how taking care of your kids all day is such hard work yet us working folk don't have the time to play video games like you do!

You don't know anything about me, so don't make idiotic statements. I hope for your kids sake your wife doesn't leave you, but I simply do not see that happening.

Partial, If you've gotten even a dime of financial aid loans that you didn't get through your local bank, I have news for you. Also, you were educated in the public school system which is nothing more than one very large social program. Get over yourself and realize that some things that are done to benefit society also benefit you whether directly or indirectly. And the reason I go off about stay-at-home parenting is not because it's horrific and not rewarding. It's because of moronic statements like this one that assume that if you're home all day with little children, you have nothing better to do than play video games. Like if something needed to be done, my ex used to say to me, "well you ARE home" as if my being here made my day a la-dee-dah walk in the park. It's not horror-movie material and, the rewards are immense--nothing replaces your 3-year-old explaining to you how to read, but it's damn hard work, mentally draining (I've never heard of a case of executive brain rot) exhausting 24/7 on call WORK. I hope when you have your four kids that you come to realize that your wife makes so much more money than you do that it makes sense for you to stay home with them because if you care about the little rug rats at all you'll realize that having one of their parents home is so much better FOR THEM that one of you should make the sacrifice (odd phrase they use for that isn't it) and stay home with the kids. You will care enough for them to do that for them, won't you? (Here's a hint, your kids will appreciate a ton more having you there than they will the extra money you'll bring in.)

02-10-2008, 03:12 PM
Yeah, I went to public school. Skin is over here preaching from a pedastle when the guy probably took advantage of an equal amount or programs if not more. Evidently I am stealing his tax dollars. Right. Ok.

I would have a lot more respect for Skin if he wasn't on here an equal amount during the day as I was. He cannot talk about how hard his job is when he surfs the internet all day. I admit to surfing for several hours a day and my job is a piece of cake.

02-10-2008, 03:16 PM
Can someone please tell me what exactly Barack Obama has done?!?

I think Obama's followers see him as a talented as a charismatic guy with potential for greatness. I think they are focused more on what he can do in the future than on what he has done in the past. The fact that he doesn't have much experience in Washington isn't a problem for them because they see experienced pols like Clinton and McCain as symptomatic of what is wrong with Washington.

Yeah, Joe hit the nail on the head. It's not what he has done, it is what he is capable of doing. Or at least what we think he is......

Is that a naive belief? Yes. But, hell, if people were naive enough to vote for Bush in 2004 then I don't see a problem with it. Everyone promises change in their campaigns and then they come to Washington and do shit. Will Obama be the one to kick the habit? I can't say for certain. However, he's got a helluva chance and that's a lot more than I can say for the other candidates out there.

02-10-2008, 03:21 PM
I'd be ashamed to free load off of my wife personally, but I guess you're more content sitting around playing your PS3 during the day. Funny how taking care of your kids all day is such hard work yet us working folk don't have the time to play video games like you do!

You don't know anything about me, so don't make idiotic statements.

I'm going to start calling these Partialisms. You could also call them examples of the clueless stupidity inherent to a lazy brain, but I think Partialisms has a much nicer ring to it. Usually you wait two or three posts before you contradict yourself. It's much more concise when you provide a perfect example of how mentally limited you are in the same post.

I make statements based on what you post. I can't help it you don't like looking in the mirror. You make statements that I think are supposed to be insulting, but they're based on your assumptions about me, so I guess it's kind of hard to take them seriously, like just about all the rest of the retarded mind farts you share with us.

Now go get some sleep. You've got a tough day tomorrow. Fighting off violent bums, building imaginary social networks, "working," "learning," growing taller, buying guns, etc. etc.

One other question. If I don't "say anything that makes sense," why do you get so worked up about it?

02-10-2008, 03:29 PM
I would have a lot more respect for Skin if he wasn't on here an equal amount during the day as I was. He cannot talk about how hard his job is when he surfs the internet all day. I admit to surfing for several hours a day and my job is a piece of cake.

I would have more respect for you if you weren't here as much spewing idiocy, but I guess some of us can't get everything we want can we? I guess it's just because I'm not applying myself.

I'm on here more lately because I hate my children and have been letting them stew in their own feces while I spend all my wife's money on HSN, sleep, play video games, and masturbate the day away.

I guess it's too bad for you that I can only get my rocks off here, imagining Harlan's deep sexy voice and your 5 feet 11 inches of manliness.

02-10-2008, 03:48 PM
Can someone please tell me what exactly Barack Obama has done?!?

I think Obama's followers see him as a talented as a charismatic guy with potential for greatness. I think they are focused more on what he can do in the future than on what he has done in the past. The fact that he doesn't have much experience in Washington isn't a problem for them because they see experienced pols like Clinton and McCain as symptomatic of what is wrong with Washington.

Yeah, Joe hit the nail on the head. It's not what he has done, it is what he is capable of doing. Or at least what we think he is......

Is that a naive belief? Yes. But, hell, if people were naive enough to vote for Bush in 2004 then I don't see a problem with it. Everyone promises change in their campaigns and then they come to Washington and do shit. Will Obama be the one to kick the habit? I can't say for certain. However, he's got a helluva chance and that's a lot more than I can say for the other candidates out there.

Sadly this blind hope is sweeping the nation. Personally, I feel sorry for any of the secret service agents that will be asked to protect him.

02-10-2008, 03:54 PM
Can someone please tell me what exactly Barack Obama has done?!?

I think Obama's followers see him as a talented as a charismatic guy with potential for greatness. I think they are focused more on what he can do in the future than on what he has done in the past. The fact that he doesn't have much experience in Washington isn't a problem for them because they see experienced pols like Clinton and McCain as symptomatic of what is wrong with Washington.

Yeah, Joe hit the nail on the head. It's not what he has done, it is what he is capable of doing. Or at least what we think he is......

Is that a naive belief? Yes. But, hell, if people were naive enough to vote for Bush in 2004 then I don't see a problem with it. Everyone promises change in their campaigns and then they come to Washington and do shit. Will Obama be the one to kick the habit? I can't say for certain. However, he's got a helluva chance and that's a lot more than I can say for the other candidates out there.

Sadly this blind hope is sweeping the nation. Personally, I feel sorry for any of the secret service agents that will be asked to protect him.

Yes, hope is such a damned disgusting thing to have. If he's capable of great things and he's capable of running the country well, who cares how many years he's been doing what? I'm more interested in what he can do in the future than what he has done in the past.

02-10-2008, 03:59 PM
Sadly this blind hope is sweeping the nation. Personally, I feel sorry for any of the secret service agents that will be asked to protect him.

He's the President of the United States. He's arguably the most powerful political figure in the world. No matter who is elected that person is going to need a helluva secret service squad. To be honest, the chance Obama would be the target of an assassination attempt solely because of his race is slim to none. If he's shot it will be because of what he stands for and what this country stands for, not the color of his skin.

02-10-2008, 03:59 PM
blind hope? He is a terrible senator. As a matter of fact, he has done NOTHING except neglect his duty of being a senator to campaign and move up.

Hillary has accomplished 10x as much. And Bill Richardson was better spoken and has actually ran a state before. Without acknowledging and having past success, there is very little evidence of any chance for success moving forward.

In reality, if people wanted change they should have voted for Richardson. He is the only one with the experience to get anything done.

I would have considered voting for Richardson. He and Hillary have been by far the best in the debates. Obama is getting votes because he's an educated black man. That's the only reason imo.

02-10-2008, 04:11 PM
blind hope? He is a terrible senator. As a matter of fact, he has done NOTHING except neglect his duty of being a senator to campaign and move up.

Partial, how many senators can you name that were amazing, solely because of their own work?

Why do you think Senators rarely get elected? Because you don't get a distinguished record in the Senate. It is designed so one person's voice doesn't reign supreme over others.

To say he has been a "terrible" senator is ignorant.

02-10-2008, 04:22 PM
He is absolutely a terrible senator. Since the day he was elected, he has been campaigning for president. Just like John Edwards did in NC. How is ignoring your duties and your country to put your personal interest ahead of your job not a terrible, selfish job!?!?!?

02-10-2008, 04:39 PM
If Obama became President, he'd either be fantastic or be this century's version of Jimmy Carter.

All this talk for change rings hollow for McCain and for Hillary. They've been there for quite some time in one way or another. They've helped contribute to this mess which has been coming to a head for the past 2 decades.

The only one that is truly putting forth a different approach, IMO, is Huckabee. Between the Fair Tax and his plans for economic stimulus (not this hokey rebate we're getting this summer) I feel he's the best one to motivate change.

I feel though that America is so disillusioned with government that Obama would win hands down vs. McCain. Whether he gets past Billary, that remains to be seen. It still could come down to floor fight with the super delegates. Some Democrats like Donna Brazile (herself a superdelegate and former leader of Gore's presidential campaign) said she'd quit the Democratic party if the superdelegates decided the nominee.

All I have to say is I'd hate to be a Democrat from Michigan or Florida. Not having your delegates seated at the convention is definitely destructive. Having an emergency caucus or primary makes a sham of the initial primary. Seating the delegates when Obama never even campaigned in those states since the delegates weren't going to be counted would be unfair as well.

02-10-2008, 04:53 PM
Without acknowledging and having past success, there is very little evidence of any chance for success moving forward.

Tell it to M3...

Tyrone Bigguns
02-10-2008, 05:04 PM
Ask youself why more wealthy US citizens aren't moving to Costa Rica or some other tax haven.

I understand the ex-pats rates are growing by leaps and bounds.

Without any data, a pretty worthless fact.

Of course it is growing..hard to decline.

02-10-2008, 05:18 PM
Just to clarify, Donna Brazile has revised her statement about quiting the Democratic party. She's now saying she'd resign from her spot as a super delegate.

Tyrone Bigguns
02-10-2008, 05:21 PM
You and Tyrone are perfect for one another. He could even work so you can stay at home!

:lol: the lad does have a point.

I think Partial has it opposite. Tyrone's anthem has always been The Member's "Working Girl."

Lost classic for the WHITE freeloading male. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MuuTjT8AXs

"She don't have much, but i tell you she's the ticket to the easy life for me"

"then she could go out to work and i'd lie around the house in the dirt, then she could out to work and bring the money home to me."

"We got a love so pure, as long as she pays the rent."

..."I'm in love with a working girl...cause we can stay out late and she can buy all the drinks with all the money she's earned...I'm in love with a working girl"

02-10-2008, 05:25 PM
You and Tyrone are perfect for one another. He could even work so you can stay at home!

:lol: the lad does have a point.

I think Partial has it opposite. Tyrone's anthem has always been The Member's "Working Girl."

Lost classic for the WHITE freeloading male. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MuuTjT8AXs

"She don't have much, but i tell you she's the ticket to the easy life for me"

"then she could go out to work and i'd lie around the house in the dirt, then she could out to work and bring the money home to me."

"We got a love so pure, as long as she pays the rent."

..."I'm in love with a working girl...cause we can stay out late and she can buy all the drinks with all the money she's earned...I'm in love with a working girl"

If that's your anthem you've been proposing to the wrong girl...

Tyrone Bigguns
02-10-2008, 05:27 PM
I really hope that fucking fat wind bag Rush (do people really listen to him? Fuck....) and that twig of a slam hound Coulter keep slamming McCain....we need a Dem in the WH the next couple of terms to restock the Supreme Court and the more conservatives they can push away from the polls the better. The same goes for the far right Christians like Dobson....keep it up on Sundays you schmuck.

Don't you just love how Rush finally endorsed romney the day before SuperTues. Naw, he could't have used your help in Iowa, etc.

Don't worry about the repub candidate. They are killing themselves over immigration. Rove at least understood that latinos were necessary to win. The days of latinos supporting repubs at over 30% are over. They'll be lucky to pull 25..which means a loss. They are doing a pete wilson redux..turning a solid red state into blue. Look for Colo, Nev, even Florida (first time more non cuban latinos than cubanos) to go blue.

Hell, even MM had to get away from repub leadership.

It isn't by accident that the dems are holding their convention in the west.

Tyrone Bigguns
02-10-2008, 05:39 PM
Can someone please tell me what exactly Barack Obama has done?!?

To be honest, I don't think the Obama campaign themselves could tell you what Obama has done, at least of any significance.

The Obama campaign has done a great job making something out of very little. This campaign has been built around Obama himself, not his stance on the issues or his effectiveness as a political figure, but on how he talks and his likeability.

So, to answer your question, Obama has done jack-squat.

So you're willing to vote for someone who has done nothing. Nice. Go figure.

Is that a change. We elected Bush in 00 with pretty much no experience. Unless you count 4.5 years as governor of the state with the least gobernatorial power as something significantly different than Obama.

Pots meet kettle.

Tyrone Bigguns
02-10-2008, 05:40 PM
Can someone please tell me what exactly Barack Obama has done?!?

To be honest, I don't think the Obama campaign themselves could tell you what Obama has done, at least of any significance.

The Obama campaign has done a great job making something out of very little. This campaign has been built around Obama himself, not his stance on the issues or his effectiveness as a political figure, but on how he talks and his likeability.

So, to answer your question, Obama has done jack-squat.

So you're willing to vote for someone who has done nothing. Nice. Go figure.

Is that a change. We elected Bush in 00 with pretty much no experience. Unless you count 4.5 years as governor of the state with the least gobernatorial power as something significantly different than Obama.

Pots meet kettle.

Tyrone Bigguns
02-10-2008, 05:44 PM
Yes, I am the only person who is stealing your tax dollars. It was also my choice for them to give out rebate checks. You truly are an idiot. You and Tyrone are perfect for one another. He would even work so you can stay at home!

Milwaukee is a terrible city loaded with crime. How can anyone in their right mind dispute this?!? It's so bad that the police to do not even come if you call in stating someone broke into your house. Believe me, my father has had to do it on multiple occasions.

You're the only one here stealing my tax dollars while advocating a more fair tax system while also trying to get out of paying every cent he can on his tax return with the rest of his life already paid for in full. Maybe you should use that free money from the government to start your campaign to stop free government handouts. You'd be like the Robin Hood of Stupidity.

No one is disputing Milwaukee has crime. We're disputing that you have any fucking clue what you're talking about. And it's really not that hard to do. Make sure to rest your tootsies real good today, I'm sure you've got lots of loafing - I mean working and studying and judging to do tomorrow. That and you still have to decide how to spend my money. Maybe some lifts for your shoes, no?

And for fucks sake do not get a gun. Ever. You are the case study of why people shouldn't buy guns for home protection.

Yes, because I take advantage of SO many tax breaks. I get the same personal exemption that YOU get. I do not take advantage of any social programs.

blah blah blah blah blah. You didn't say anything that makes any sense. You can talk about how I spend my work day when you actually get a real job. I'd be ashamed to free load off of my wife personally, but I guess you're more content sitting around playing your PS3 during the day. Funny how taking care of your kids all day is such hard work yet us working folk don't have the time to play video games like you do!

You don't know anything about me, so don't make idiotic statements. I hope for your kids sake your wife doesn't leave you, but I simply do not see that happening.

Partial, If you've gotten even a dime of financial aid loans that you didn't get through your local bank, I have news for you. Also, you were educated in the public school system which is nothing more than one very large social program. Get over yourself and realize that some things that are done to benefit society also benefit you whether directly or indirectly. And the reason I go off about stay-at-home parenting is not because it's horrific and not rewarding. It's because of moronic statements like this one that assume that if you're home all day with little children, you have nothing better to do than play video games. Like if something needed to be done, my ex used to say to me, "well you ARE home" as if my being here made my day a la-dee-dah walk in the park. It's not horror-movie material and, the rewards are immense--nothing replaces your 3-year-old explaining to you how to read, but it's damn hard work, mentally draining (I've never heard of a case of executive brain rot) exhausting 24/7 on call WORK. I hope when you have your four kids that you come to realize that your wife makes so much more money than you do that it makes sense for you to stay home with them because if you care about the little rug rats at all you'll realize that having one of their parents home is so much better FOR THEM that one of you should make the sacrifice (odd phrase they use for that isn't it) and stay home with the kids. You will care enough for them to do that for them, won't you? (Here's a hint, your kids will appreciate a ton more having you there than they will the extra money you'll bring in.)

I think the kids will appreciate the money more than having him around.

Since Partial has already told us his chick is more stupid than him, i'm now inclined to believe. After all, what smart woman would date him?

Tyrone Bigguns
02-10-2008, 05:46 PM
Can someone please tell me what exactly Barack Obama has done?!?

I think Obama's followers see him as a talented as a charismatic guy with potential for greatness. I think they are focused more on what he can do in the future than on what he has done in the past. The fact that he doesn't have much experience in Washington isn't a problem for them because they see experienced pols like Clinton and McCain as symptomatic of what is wrong with Washington.

Yeah, Joe hit the nail on the head. It's not what he has done, it is what he is capable of doing. Or at least what we think he is......

Is that a naive belief? Yes. But, hell, if people were naive enough to vote for Bush in 2004 then I don't see a problem with it. Everyone promises change in their campaigns and then they come to Washington and do shit. Will Obama be the one to kick the habit? I can't say for certain. However, he's got a helluva chance and that's a lot more than I can say for the other candidates out there.

They weren't naive in 04, they were stupid. Naive, maybe in 00.

Tyrone Bigguns
02-10-2008, 05:50 PM
Can someone please tell me what exactly Barack Obama has done?!?

I think Obama's followers see him as a talented as a charismatic guy with potential for greatness. I think they are focused more on what he can do in the future than on what he has done in the past. The fact that he doesn't have much experience in Washington isn't a problem for them because they see experienced pols like Clinton and McCain as symptomatic of what is wrong with Washington.

Yeah, Joe hit the nail on the head. It's not what he has done, it is what he is capable of doing. Or at least what we think he is......

Is that a naive belief? Yes. But, hell, if people were naive enough to vote for Bush in 2004 then I don't see a problem with it. Everyone promises change in their campaigns and then they come to Washington and do shit. Will Obama be the one to kick the habit? I can't say for certain. However, he's got a helluva chance and that's a lot more than I can say for the other candidates out there.

Sadly this blind hope is sweeping the nation. Personally, I feel sorry for any of the secret service agents that will be asked to protect him.

Yes, hope is such a damned disgusting thing to have. If he's capable of great things and he's capable of running the country well, who cares how many years he's been doing what? I'm more interested in what he can do in the future than what he has done in the past.

As i'm sure Partial's future employer's will be thinking after viewing his dizzying academic success at plattville and UWM. Not to mention his record breaking career at sear's.

You better hope they don't look at your past as a prediction of your future.

Cuts both ways, doesn't it P.

Tyrone Bigguns
02-10-2008, 05:53 PM
You and Tyrone are perfect for one another. He could even work so you can stay at home!

:lol: the lad does have a point.

I think Partial has it opposite. Tyrone's anthem has always been The Member's "Working Girl."

Lost classic for the WHITE freeloading male. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MuuTjT8AXs

"She don't have much, but i tell you she's the ticket to the easy life for me"

"then she could go out to work and i'd lie around the house in the dirt, then she could out to work and bring the money home to me."

"We got a love so pure, as long as she pays the rent."

..."I'm in love with a working girl...cause we can stay out late and she can buy all the drinks with all the money she's earned...I'm in love with a working girl"

If that's your anthem you've been proposing to the wrong girl...

For you, i'd change. The minute you accept, Subway has their newest sandwich engineer.

You can exhale. :roll:

Give the song/video a listen/look. It is one of the greatest tongue in cheek songs ever. Not to mention looking back at the "cool" hairstyles of the early 80s.

Harlan Huckleby
02-10-2008, 06:44 PM
Yes, hope is such a damned disgusting thing to have. If he's capable of great things and he's capable of running the country well, who cares how many years he's been doing what? I'm more interested in what he can do in the future than what he has done in the past.

How does he give hope? Hope for what?

For me, that "Yes We Can" song encapsulates everything that is wrong with the Obama movement. It has all the religious overtone, the rightousness, of a very pure cause. But the only cause is to help a very ambitious man to get power.

Obama's speeches really rub me the wrong way. They are all marketting pitches.

I would like to see Obama sit down with a good interviewer for a three hour session. They actually do that with people on CSPAN once a month, on a show called IN-DEPTH. I don't want an interviewer to grill Obama, or try and catch him in contradictions. I want to hear what he wants to do with his presidency. Reading positions off a website is bullshit - they are perfected and embellished like a resume, they just cover all bases.

I have very little idea what Obama is about. I have never heard him speak about what he wants to do - specifically. And by that, I don't mean facts and figures, but rather a layout exactly where he wants to go, his strategies.

People keep repeating that he wants to change the way government works. How? He keeps emphasizing lobbyists, but that is not a big deal. I don't believe he is going to change anything.

People say he is not a traditional politician. BS. He just looks different. He has been working the same supporters as the Clintons.

WHAT DOES HE WANT TO DO IN IRAQ?? The only thing I have heard from him has been vague and kind of silly. I want to hear him speak at length.

So far, to me, Obama is just a smiling face, anice personality, a guy with charisma. I cringe that people are willing to find so much meaningness in blank space.

02-10-2008, 06:49 PM
Can someone please tell me what exactly Barack Obama has done?!?

I think Obama's followers see him as a talented as a charismatic guy with potential for greatness. I think they are focused more on what he can do in the future than on what he has done in the past. The fact that he doesn't have much experience in Washington isn't a problem for them because they see experienced pols like Clinton and McCain as symptomatic of what is wrong with Washington.

Yeah, Joe hit the nail on the head. It's not what he has done, it is what he is capable of doing. Or at least what we think he is......

Is that a naive belief? Yes. But, hell, if people were naive enough to vote for Bush in 2004 then I don't see a problem with it. Everyone promises change in their campaigns and then they come to Washington and do shit. Will Obama be the one to kick the habit? I can't say for certain. However, he's got a helluva chance and that's a lot more than I can say for the other candidates out there.

Sadly this blind hope is sweeping the nation. Personally, I feel sorry for any of the secret service agents that will be asked to protect him.

Yes, hope is such a damned disgusting thing to have. If he's capable of great things and he's capable of running the country well, who cares how many years he's been doing what? I'm more interested in what he can do in the future than what he has done in the past.

As i'm sure Partial's future employer's will be thinking after viewing his dizzying academic success at plattville and UWM. Not to mention his record breaking career at sear's.

You better hope they don't look at your past as a prediction of your future.

Cuts both ways, doesn't it P.

That's the difference between you and me. At 40, you'll still have to report for to a boss. I won't. At 40, you might hit the board of directors. At 40, I'll be the judge jury and executioner myself. You might bring home 200-300k and work 14 hour days, but I'll do what my dad does and work about 6, with the freedom to come and go according to the needs of my family. You can rip on my all you want, but lets compare lives when we're 40 and see whose better off.

Charles Woodson
02-10-2008, 06:50 PM
blind hope? He is a terrible senator. As a matter of fact, he has done NOTHING except neglect his duty of being a senator to campaign and move up.

Partial, how many senators can you name that were amazing, solely because of their own work?

Why do you think Senators rarely get elected? Because you don't get a distinguished record in the Senate. It is designed so one person's voice doesn't reign supreme over others.

To say he has been a "terrible" senator is ignorant.

But wait bh, If partial says that obama is terrible then it simply HAS TO BE TRUE

02-10-2008, 06:51 PM
While I agree with you on a lot of those points, HH, I think that, unfortunately, elections have swayed away from issues and have gone to the personality of the candidates. Romney failed because he came across as a corporate rat that has been running Washington over the years. Guys like Obama and Huckabee are surging because they bring something to the table that hasn't been seen too often in the past.

And I too would like to see Obama sit down and lay out a "road map" for his presidency. Hell, I'd like to see all the candidates do that.

02-10-2008, 06:54 PM
blind hope? He is a terrible senator. As a matter of fact, he has done NOTHING except neglect his duty of being a senator to campaign and move up.

Partial, how many senators can you name that were amazing, solely because of their own work?

Why do you think Senators rarely get elected? Because you don't get a distinguished record in the Senate. It is designed so one person's voice doesn't reign supreme over others.

To say he has been a "terrible" senator is ignorant.

But wait bh, If partial says that obama is terrible then it simply HAS TO BE TRUE

What has he done? I pose that question to anyone to answer. The best answer I have gotten so far is something along the lines of this: "well, uh, he hasn't done anything, but he talks really good for a black public figure". Since going in office, he has neglected his duty to self-promote himself to be president. If he can't handle the job of being a senator, how can he handle being a president?!?

The best candidate out of the bunch for the dems was Bill Richardson, but when you have a black guy, a women, and a southerner going against him, it would be pretty tough to win.

IMO, the democratic party this year is all about style (something fresh, a black guy or a women or a southern democrat!) over substance (Richardson actually has experience running a state and balancing a budget).

02-10-2008, 07:07 PM
What has he done? I pose that question to anyone to answer. The best answer I have gotten so far is something along the lines of this: "well, uh, he hasn't done anything, but he talks really good for a black public figure". Since going in office, he has neglected his duty to self-promote himself to be president. If he can't handle the job of being a senator, how can he handle being a president?!?

Ok, I already answered this once, but I'll do it again.

Partial, Obama launched his Senate campaign in 2003. He didn't come onto the national radar until his speech at the 2004 DNC. While Obama is an excellent speaker and he knows that himself, I doubt he expected the reaction that he would get from his speech.

Also, if you had followed Obama, you'd know he wasn't intending on running in '08. He had said he wanted to complete his duty in the Senate and then think about running in 2012. It was the pressure put onto him by advisers, friends, and political figures that made him decide to run.

Once again, what basis do you have to say "he couldn't handle the Senate"? I don't see any scandals, controversies, or screw-ups on his resume. He has performed his duty as a Senator and I can't see how anybody could say otherwise.

02-10-2008, 07:09 PM
That's the difference between you and me. At 40, you'll still have to report for to a boss. I won't. At 40, you might hit the board of directors. At 40, I'll be the judge jury and executioner myself. You might bring home 200-300k and work 14 hour days, but I'll do what my dad does and work about 6, with the freedom to come and go according to the needs of my family. You can rip on my all you want, but lets compare lives when we're 40 and see whose better off.

That may be the most pompous post I've ever read. And you accuse Tyrone of thinking he's better than you? Hey pot...

Between this post and the one you aimed at Skin you're making yourself look like quite the ass.

02-10-2008, 07:10 PM
Ha :lol:

Didn't intend to run until 2012. Yeah.. OK...

Maybe in Media speak, but that cat hat his mind made up he was going to run for president since he was 12 evidently, and you know he knew he was running this year if Kerry didn't win that election or else he wouldn't have made the speech.

He hasn't been involved in any major projects on the senate. Hillary has been. He has done a bad job imo by ignoring it to focus on his campaign. Clearly, he is not in Washington all year making things happen, you know..

02-10-2008, 07:24 PM
Ha :lol:

Didn't intend to run until 2012. Yeah.. OK...

Maybe in Media speak, but that cat hat his mind made up he was going to run for president since he was 12 evidently, and you know he knew he was running this year if Kerry didn't win that election or else he wouldn't have made the speech.

He hasn't been involved in any major projects on the senate. Hillary has been. He has done a bad job imo by ignoring it to focus on his campaign. Clearly, he is not in Washington all year making things happen, you know..

Partial, I'll be frank. You're talking out of your ass. I don't claim to be an expert on Obama, but I've followed him a helluva lot more than you have and I know what has been said. Sure, he's a politician, he talks bull on a regular basis. But if you think he expected to become a phenomenon from one speech than you are kidding yourself. That speech catapulted him into the radar of the democratic party and he still didn't start getting all the big attention until the weeks surrounding Iowa!

You're making it out like he had this plan to be president all along. He didn't have Washington behind him until his momentum started building. I recall Eugene Robinson talking about how he went to a dinner in D.C. in early fall of 2007 and everybody was Hillary. When he went to a similar dinner in January of 2008 he said almost 75% of the people had switched to Obama. People have switched to Obama because he's winning, people want to back a winner. The media underestimated Obama and Obama knew he was capable of more than what they were giving him credit for, but if you think when he took the stage in Boston 4 years ago that he expected this to happen than I don't know what to say. Sure, you're in college, you think you know the whole damn world. But, frankly, Partial, you're making statements out of your ass with no facts to back it up. Either show me some facts that say he's been inefficient or pipe down.

02-10-2008, 07:38 PM
Well, he did tell his kindergarten teacher he intended to be the president someday. You're kidding yourself if a good looking black man who can speak didn't plan on running for president. Stop being an ignorant schmuck buying all the media garbage they will feed you. All the Obama stuff started after he won Illinois. I remember it because I heard it.

02-10-2008, 07:39 PM
Just an observation, but wouldn't ALL the presidential candiates who are senators be focusing on the presidential race more than the Senate right now?

02-10-2008, 07:44 PM
I would like to think not in their term. I think thats disrespectful to their state. Certainly it is negligence.

02-10-2008, 07:46 PM
Well, he did tell his kindergarten teacher he intended to be the president someday. You're kidding yourself if a good looking black man who can speak didn't plan on running for president. Stop being an ignorant schmuck buying all the media garbage they will feed you. All the Obama stuff started after he won Illinois. I remember it because I heard it.

Oh, yes, Partial, every black guy that can speak well must have aspirations to be president. Hell, Paul Robeson, Andrew Young, Coleman Young, they all must of wanted to be Presidents, right? Because, hell, if you're black and you can talk well I guess that makes you some kind of wunderkind, right?

I'm sure you'd be eating all of the media garbage being fed if you didn't have your head three feet up your ass.

02-10-2008, 07:50 PM
Well, he did tell his kindergarten teacher he intended to be the president someday. You're kidding yourself if a good looking black man who can speak didn't plan on running for president. Stop being an ignorant schmuck buying all the media garbage they will feed you. All the Obama stuff started after he won Illinois. I remember it because I heard it.

Ask any kindergarten class what they want to be when they grow up. In most every class you'll find a couple ballerinas, some firefighters a few actors and a few presidents. That doesn't mean they all will grow up to be presidents, ballerinas, firefighters and actors.

Hillary is a senator. You think she's putting all her energy into the Senate right now? You think Biden never let his attention sway from the Senate?

02-10-2008, 07:56 PM
Well, he did tell his kindergarten teacher he intended to be the president someday. You're kidding yourself if a good looking black man who can speak didn't plan on running for president. Stop being an ignorant schmuck buying all the media garbage they will feed you. All the Obama stuff started after he won Illinois. I remember it because I heard it.

Ask any kindergarten class what they want to be when they grow up. In most every class you'll find a couple ballerinas, some firefighters a few actors and a few presidents. That doesn't mean they all will grow up to be presidents, ballerinas, firefighters and actors.

Hillary is a senator. You think she's putting all her energy into the Senate right now? You think Biden never let his attention sway from the Senate?

I don't think its necessarily right of Hillary either. I realize all these people are neglecting their duty. I think that is something they should serve a few terms and earn first, though.

02-10-2008, 08:00 PM
That's the difference between you and me. At 40, you'll still have to report for to a boss. I won't. At 40, you might hit the board of directors. At 40, I'll be the judge jury and executioner myself. You might bring home 200-300k and work 14 hour days, but I'll do what my dad does and work about 6, with the freedom to come and go according to the needs of my family. You can rip on my all you want, but lets compare lives when we're 40 and see whose better off.


I'm really starting to think Tank was Partial's second account. Except Tank wasn't as delusional. Strange that Tank reappeared, then disappeared right before Partial's delusions of grandeur blew up into full fledged craziness. It's almost like he killed his sane self, and if Tank was the sane self, this is going to be fun.

Don't worry about the needs of your family Partial. They'll be living as far away from you as possible, but they'll be getting their cut of daddy's money too. Or are you going to force your idiot poser of a girlfriend to sign a pre-nup?

Tyrone Bigguns
02-10-2008, 09:43 PM
Can someone please tell me what exactly Barack Obama has done?!?

I think Obama's followers see him as a talented as a charismatic guy with potential for greatness. I think they are focused more on what he can do in the future than on what he has done in the past. The fact that he doesn't have much experience in Washington isn't a problem for them because they see experienced pols like Clinton and McCain as symptomatic of what is wrong with Washington.

Yeah, Joe hit the nail on the head. It's not what he has done, it is what he is capable of doing. Or at least what we think he is......

Is that a naive belief? Yes. But, hell, if people were naive enough to vote for Bush in 2004 then I don't see a problem with it. Everyone promises change in their campaigns and then they come to Washington and do shit. Will Obama be the one to kick the habit? I can't say for certain. However, he's got a helluva chance and that's a lot more than I can say for the other candidates out there.

Sadly this blind hope is sweeping the nation. Personally, I feel sorry for any of the secret service agents that will be asked to protect him.

Yes, hope is such a damned disgusting thing to have. If he's capable of great things and he's capable of running the country well, who cares how many years he's been doing what? I'm more interested in what he can do in the future than what he has done in the past.

As i'm sure Partial's future employer's will be thinking after viewing his dizzying academic success at plattville and UWM. Not to mention his record breaking career at sear's.

You better hope they don't look at your past as a prediction of your future.

Cuts both ways, doesn't it P.

That's the difference between you and me. At 40, you'll still have to report for to a boss. I won't. At 40, you might hit the board of directors. At 40, I'll be the judge jury and executioner myself. You might bring home 200-300k and work 14 hour days, but I'll do what my dad does and work about 6, with the freedom to come and go according to the needs of my family. You can rip on my all you want, but lets compare lives when we're 40 and see whose better off.

First, i see you don't like to address the point of the post. Pretty much tells me everything i need to know.

Huge assumptions about what i do for a living, income and lifestyle. Not very smart, but, we've come to expect that from you.

As for your career, i hope for the best. But, UNTIL YOU ACTUALLY START ONE IT IS BEST TO KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT.

Based on what you've told us, you are studying comp sci, with designs on masters. At earliest you finish school at 24. Then you want 4 kids.

Since you wanna be master of your life, that means you own your own company. Yep, plenty of one man programming shops. Sigh. And, you wanna work 6 hours a day. LOL

And, you wannna be like your dad? So, you will be living in shitty milwaukee where crime is rampant? Perhaps the reason your dad is living in an unsafe area is that he only works 6 hours a day. But, that would explain your mediocre academic performance...monkey see, monkey do.

God bless you, you have so much to learn. Either that, or you are the worlds greatest troll.

Tyrone Bigguns
02-10-2008, 09:44 PM
Yes, hope is such a damned disgusting thing to have. If he's capable of great things and he's capable of running the country well, who cares how many years he's been doing what? I'm more interested in what he can do in the future than what he has done in the past.

How does he give hope? Hope for what?

For me, that "Yes We Can" song encapsulates everything that is wrong with the Obama movement. It has all the religious overtone, the rightousness, of a very pure cause. But the only cause is to help a very ambitious man to get power.

Obama's speeches really rub me the wrong way. They are all marketting pitches.

I would like to see Obama sit down with a good interviewer for a three hour session. They actually do that with people on CSPAN once a month, on a show called IN-DEPTH. I don't want an interviewer to grill Obama, or try and catch him in contradictions. I want to hear what he wants to do with his presidency. Reading positions off a website is bullshit - they are perfected and embellished like a resume, they just cover all bases.

I have very little idea what Obama is about. I have never heard him speak about what he wants to do - specifically. And by that, I don't mean facts and figures, but rather a layout exactly where he wants to go, his strategies.

People keep repeating that he wants to change the way government works. How? He keeps emphasizing lobbyists, but that is not a big deal. I don't believe he is going to change anything.

People say he is not a traditional politician. BS. He just looks different. He has been working the same supporters as the Clintons.

WHAT DOES HE WANT TO DO IN IRAQ?? The only thing I have heard from him has been vague and kind of silly. I want to hear him speak at length.

So far, to me, Obama is just a smiling face, anice personality, a guy with charisma. I cringe that people are willing to find so much meaningness in blank space.

Obama is like Dean. He is campaigning on emotion.

We saw how that turned out last time.

Doesn't take much of a pinprick to pop the emotion ballon.

Tyrone Bigguns
02-10-2008, 09:49 PM
Well, he did tell his kindergarten teacher he intended to be the president someday. You're kidding yourself if a good looking black man who can speak didn't plan on running for president. Stop being an ignorant schmuck buying all the media garbage they will feed you. All the Obama stuff started after he won Illinois. I remember it because I heard it.

And, you heard it from where? Some other source besides the media you indict BH for using. Yikes.

Obama was clearly not going to run. But, was caught in the perfect storm. He was hot. He had to make a choice, run now or perhaps never again..as you can't guarantee hotness in 16..which might have been his earliest opportunity if HC won the 08 election.

Tyrone Bigguns
02-10-2008, 09:53 PM
That's the difference between you and me. At 40, you'll still have to report for to a boss. I won't. At 40, you might hit the board of directors. At 40, I'll be the judge jury and executioner myself. You might bring home 200-300k and work 14 hour days, but I'll do what my dad does and work about 6, with the freedom to come and go according to the needs of my family. You can rip on my all you want, but lets compare lives when we're 40 and see whose better off.

That may be the most pompous post I've ever read. And you accuse Tyrone of thinking he's better than you? Hey pot...

Between this post and the one you aimed at Skin you're making yourself look like quite the ass.

Did someone mention pot?

Let's all toke up!!!

With posts like his last one...he is pretty much convincing us all THAT TY IS BETTER THAN HIM.

And, that is quite a feat to make a crackhead look superior.

02-10-2008, 10:44 PM
im really drunk, prolly more than ever, and that is a statement, but i am sad cuz i only read like ten posts here and there on this thread and you guys are being mean and i dont like that, so quit it and lets just all get together and kiss each others smooth spots. i love packers fans cuz you guys like my team and i like you man im stupid, by the way, im gonna vote for obama or hillary and i dont know who yet

02-10-2008, 10:46 PM
im really drunk, prolly more than ever, and that is a statement, but i am sad cuz i only read like ten posts here and there on this thread and you guys are being mean and i dont like that, so quit it and lets just all get together and kiss each others smooth spots. i love packers fans cuz you guys like my team and i like you man im stupid, by the way, im gonna vote for obama or hillary and i dont know who yet

A retard could've written a better post, I'm going to bed, hoping I wake up. I love you guys, I hope you at least like me too. BI.

Harlan Huckleby
02-10-2008, 10:53 PM
your posts were good. i really doubt a retard could have done better.

02-11-2008, 09:08 AM
Depends on if the retardation is physical or mental.

Deputy Nutz
02-11-2008, 07:32 PM
That's the difference between you and me. At 40, you'll still have to report for to a boss. I won't. At 40, you might hit the board of directors. At 40, I'll be the judge jury and executioner myself. You might bring home 200-300k and work 14 hour days, but I'll do what my dad does and work about 6, with the freedom to come and go according to the needs of my family. You can rip on my all you want, but lets compare lives when we're 40 and see whose better off.


I'm really starting to think Tank was Partial's second account. Except Tank wasn't as delusional. Strange that Tank reappeared, then disappeared right before Partial's delusions of grandeur blew up into full fledged craziness. It's almost like he killed his sane self, and if Tank was the sane self, this is going to be fun.

Don't worry about the needs of your family Partial. They'll be living as far away from you as possible, but they'll be getting their cut of daddy's money too. Or are you going to force your idiot poser of a girlfriend to sign a pre-nup?

I personally like the "better than you" mantra. He better hope his daddy's business is still there to be had because he doesn't have much else going for him. Don't let that get you down Partial, why should it? When you become wealthy and living the good life throw some loose change at me when you walk by, so I can keep them to throw at Skin. We got a game going on, I claim I am a republican and he throws coins at me, then he claims libertarian and I chuck a few assorted coins at him. Then I say I am a staunch Green party canidate and I get pelted with pennies, which I then use in his old Ford gum ball dispenser, ummm crusty, hard gum balls for a penny.

02-11-2008, 08:55 PM
I don't even know what a libertarian is? Is it good?

02-11-2008, 09:07 PM
Holy crap. I've been missing out by skipping over this thread.

Partial, I really hope for your sake that you're just taking the opposing stance to stir up the crowd. Because if you're really as clueless as you've been acting these last few weeks....well lets just say the 20-teens are going to be hell for you.

02-11-2008, 09:12 PM
I think Brooks really hits it on the head. There is no rational reason why I support Huckabee, I just like him because he has an even disposition. And the fact that so many liberals like McCAin is also ridiculous, he's votes very conservative on most social and economic issues. Romney's record is more moderate than any of the Republican candidates, yet Limbaugh latches onto him because he struts like a right winger.

All this talk about issues really is a joke when it comes to the presidential race. We're just picking people we like, not unlike choosing the class president in highschool.

Wow, Harlan, you like Huckleby? Didn't know you joined the ranks of the conservatives. Sad. So sad. The guy is a jehovah's witness for god's sakes. Come on, snap out of it.

02-11-2008, 09:13 PM
Holy crap. I've been missing out by skipping over this thread.

I did the same thing. I thought this thread would be full of nothing more than Harlan Loves Hillary propaganda. Turns out Partial went native. Good stuff with lots of viewers. This has become this year's Teen Pregnancy thread.

Deputy Nutz
02-11-2008, 09:46 PM
I don't even know what a libertarian is? Is it good?

It can't be good if people are throwing loose change at you. If it happens enough it might be of value, but dirty grungy value that makes you feel like a parking lot attendant at a whore house.

Harlan Huckleby
02-11-2008, 11:26 PM
Wow, Harlan, you like Huckleby? Didn't know you joined the ranks of the conservatives. Sad. So sad. The guy is a jehovah's witness for god's sakes. Come on, snap out of it.

well, as I explained before, any guy who cooks squirrel in a popcorn popper is alright with me.

He's not a Jehovah's Witness, I believe he's Amish.

Tyrone Bigguns
02-11-2008, 11:42 PM
Wow, Harlan, you like Huckleby? Didn't know you joined the ranks of the conservatives. Sad. So sad. The guy is a jehovah's witness for god's sakes. Come on, snap out of it.

well, as I explained before, any guy who cooks squirrel in a popcorn popper is alright with me.

He's not a Jehovah's Witness, I believe he's Amish.

Get serious, Baptist.

Harlan Huckleby
02-12-2008, 12:03 AM
Tyrone, shut your pie hole. You think you are so smart, but there's a lot that you've missed.


02-12-2008, 06:41 AM
Harlan, that picture should be your avatar.

Tyrone Bigguns
02-12-2008, 02:40 PM
Tyrone, shut your pie hole. You think you are so smart, but there's a lot that you've missed.


Tyrone doesn't think he is smart. tyrone KNOWS he is smart.

Tyrone's iowa test scores prove it. :twisted: