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View Full Version : 1980 American Olympians reflect on boycott

04-12-2008, 09:40 PM
In the article listed below, American 1980 Olympians Alberto Salazar and Mac Wilkins reflect on the USA's boycott of the Olympics held in the Soviet Union(now Russia).

President Carter ordered the American boycott of the 1980 Olympics because of the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan.

Salazar was a 10,000 meter runner and Wilkins was a discus thrower. Both men are currently involved in coaching track.

Though both men initially supported the boycott they state it had little effect on the Soviet Union. In the end, the only ones who suffered were the American athletes, many of whom had trained for years to compete in the Olympics.


04-12-2008, 09:55 PM
I remember being very angry that although the athletes were not allowed to go, NBC was not prevented from broadcasting the Olympics. Obviously, the money that NBC had invested was valued more than the time the athletes had invested. As a result, I refused to watch it.

04-12-2008, 11:34 PM
This was one of the examples of Jimmy Carter's ineptitude.

Instead of trying to portray a Jesse Owens-type moment like in the Berlin Olympics, he decides to punish our athletes. Then the Russians return the favor in '84 in LA. Proved absolutely frickin' nothing.

Wouldn't it had been great for the USA bball team to beat the Russians? I felt bad for Louganis, Alberto Salazar, Mary Decker, Kurt Thomas and other US athletes.

Boycotting the Olympics is just flat out stooooopid. :crazy: