View Full Version : Obama's Theocratic Socialist Agenda

05-30-2008, 01:34 AM
Legislation for reparations to African-Americans is coming. It's time for you guilty whites to pay up. Stop with the excuses. Relinquish your "white entitlement" by surrendering the benefits gained via America's historical injustices. Your ancestors incurred the debt but you must pay it.

Obama pal, Father Michael Pfleger, tells it like it is.


Why is Obama drawn to people like this? Because they share the same vision. They believe that God has ordained them to be prophetic voices and His instruments in the reshaping of America. Liberation Theology meets neo-Stalinism in Obama's Theocratic Socialist Agenda.

(Note that the current senior pastor at Trinity United Church of Christ, Rev. Otis Moss III, praises Rev. Pfleger's remarks saying, "Thank God for the message and we thank God for the messenger. We thank God for Father Michael Pfleger." This is the warped environment Barack and Michelle Obama chose for themselves and to raise their daughters in for 20 years.)

05-30-2008, 10:48 AM
Well, you know, Obama is "disappointed" by these remarks, which I'm sure he's never heard before. It's all just coincidence that these people in his close circles keep exposing themselves as racists, extremists, and divisive asshats I'm sure.

How quick the black community turned on the wife of "our first black president" is quite astounding.

Freak Out
05-30-2008, 11:29 AM
Thank goodness we have a Congress......oh wait.....I forgot about all that executive privilege that comes with the modern Presidency.

Harlan Huckleby
05-30-2008, 12:26 PM
This is all pretty damn funny.

Honestly, I doubt Obama even remotely believes in any of the radical crap. I believe him when he says he lives to be a uniter, tries to bridge the gap between different kinds of people. So he joins a black church, where he sits in the back, awkwardly tries to clap along. The guy didn't believe in God when he joined the church, I doubt Obama is sincerely religious today. Next thing you know he's tied to a nutcase minister. And now more nutty guys passing through the church.

:lol: :lol:

05-30-2008, 07:19 PM
This is all pretty damn funny.

Father Pfleger is a entertaining speaker. He'd make a great wrestling manager back in the day.

Honestly, I doubt Obama even remotely believes in any of the radical crap.......So he joins a black church, where he sits in the back, awkwardly tries to clap along. The guy didn't believe in God when he joined the church, I doubt Obama is sincerely religious today...

The "Committed Christian" ads used by the Obama campaign in January (South Carolina) and May (Kentucky) are clear and unambiguous. Obama was surprisingly non-PC and uses standard Christian lingo to express his personal faith. To assert that it's all a ruse is a devastating charge. That's not "Change we can believe in."

Glenn Greenwald at Salon.com stepped into it with his readers when he highlighted Obama's overt religious stance. Back in January, Greenwald went through contortions to avoid criticizing Obama and used Huckabee as a foil to deflect attention from what actually said.

(Finally, just to underscore the point (again), I'm not arguing that Obama has done anything wrong here. As I said, I thought much of the criticism of Huckabee for making overt religious appeals was overblown because that's become the norm for our political culture. My point is simply that, with regard to this specific tactic of appealing to voters based on shared religious beliefs, Huckabee and Obama seem to be engaged in more or less the same exercise, and therefore, it's irrational to criticize one while defending the other. - http://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/2008/01/21/obama/index.html )

However, it's not January any longer and Obama and his ads and his words stand alone.

The charge leveled against Hillary is one of entitlement. But I think Obama believes that he is not only entitled, but also ordained by God to be a transformational change agent in American history.

The mainstream media used to go nuts contemplating the ultimate motivations of a Pat Robertson presidential bid. Well, the scenario they feared is coming true….just under a different candidate, the one that they almost unanimously endorse.

Harlan Huckleby
05-30-2008, 07:44 PM
But I think Obama believes that he is not only entitled, but also ordained by God to be a transformational change agent in American history.

What is your evidence that Obama is religiously zealous?

I said without evidence that I suspect Obama isn't genuinely religous, that is just a hunch. I hardly consider it a devastating charge, a requirement for public office in our country is that every candidate must put on a display of religiosity. It means nothing. We are a ridiculous people.

05-30-2008, 09:13 PM
But I think Obama believes that he is not only entitled, but also ordained by God to be a transformational change agent in American history.

What is your evidence that Obama is religiously zealous?

I said without evidence that I suspect Obama isn't genuinely religous, that is just a hunch. I hardly consider it a devastating charge, a requirement for public office in our country is that every candidate must put on a display of religiosity. It means nothing. We are a ridiculous people.

A better question is why do you believe that he is so insincere? Where is your evidence to discount his personal testimony? Why don't you believe his own words?

Harlan Huckleby
05-30-2008, 09:51 PM
A better question is why do you believe that he is so insincere? Where is your evidence to discount his personal testimony? Why don't you believe his own words?

Your question is no better than mine, so maybe you will answer it.

BO is a wealthy man who has been preoccupied with rising up the power structures. Not that many harvard-educated people with no religious background turn to religion in midlife. And it was absolutely necessary for him to do so as a politician. I can't say with any certainty what he really believes, I just have my own hunch.

And to close the loop with the other thread, Obama claims to be against gay marriage. Do you believe that is true? I doubt, it is another political calculation.

After learning a little more about this latest pastor-gate, this is pretty damaging to Obama. I didn't realize that the Pastor introducing the nutty guy is the New Age version of Jermiah Wright, the supposedly updated model to bring the congregation into modern times. Now there can be no more deflection that the Rev just made some isolated, intemperate remarks in church. Clearly the church itself is highly politicized.

05-31-2008, 09:08 AM
Harlan Huckleby wrote:
Honestly, I doubt Obama even remotely believes in any of the radical crap.......So he joins a black church, where he sits in the back, awkwardly tries to clap along. The guy didn't believe in God when he joined the church, I doubt Obama is sincerely religious today...
__________________________________________________ _____

Obama has the audacity to hope he can con the voters into thinking exactly like you, Harlan. Not that this radical crap is even remotely religious.

Harlan Huckleby
05-31-2008, 09:25 AM
Obama didn't have to "con" me into anything. I'm just making educated guesses based on his profile and personality. Your dark mind may have him pegged as an extremist, that's also just a guess.

There is very little evidence to fix Obama's real political views. Joemailman says he is going to govern as a centrist. There is nothing in his record to indicate this. Then again, the positions on his website are vaguely centrist.

Barack Obama is like Austin Powers - an international man of mystery. And I am adamantly against electing someone to the presidency who has so little record on a national stage, we have no sense who he is beyond a marketing campaign. Obamatics are fond of comparing BO to JFK, but they neglect to mention that JFK served complete terms in Congress and the Sentate before running for office.

The left of the Democratic party seems to think he is one of them. Who knows. But if they are correct, I want nothing to do with him, because those people have acted like animals of late.

Back to Kiwon's question about Barack's religious sincerity: I thought Obama's comments about "clinging to religion", delivered to fellow elites in a private meeting, is a strong indicator of who he really is. Then again, I share his view (as I suspect it to be) that Christianity is little different from Shamanism, or Islam, or oujee boards, or yoga classes. I think its all a bunch of hocus pocus. So it is easy for me to see Obama this way.

05-31-2008, 11:02 AM
I would assert that their is plenty of evidence of Obama's extremism.

To begin with you have his voting record--objectively characterized as the most liberal in the Senate. He voted against every security measure that ever came along.

Then you have tons of political statements and positions he took in his early years, before evolving into a national politician who was more careful to cloak his extremism. He could easily be labedled an out-of-the-closet socialist, based on that rhetoric.

Then you have his current positions, including unconditional negotiation with lunatics and terrorist supporters like Ahmedinijad, his commitment to rapid withdrawal that amounts to surrender in Iraq, his commitment to raising taxes--which will ruin the economy, and his overall disdain for American Exceptionalism--and America in general.

And finally, you have a distnct pattern emerging of his association with the rottenest kind of avowed America-haters (as opposed to the kind who cloak their extremism)--people like William Ayres, who actually bombed the Pentagon and the NYC Police HQ (why the hell isn't he locked up forever?) and then said he hadn't done enough just 6 or 7 years ago, Rev. Wright and Father Pflaggert--the vilest kind of haters and racists, etc. Sure, you can say these aren't Obama's stated views, but they certainly are people he has felt comfortable with for a long time, and is only condemning them (mildly) now that it is hurting them politically.

That's not enough EVIDENCE for you?

Harlan Huckleby
05-31-2008, 11:18 AM
You just have to go point by point and compare Obama's positions with Dennis Kusinich and see that he has positioned himself (more or less) in the center. What he really believes is subject to speculation because of his short record.

Most dramatically: Obama never voted to withhold funding for the Iraq War, as real anti-war politicians did. (well, except for a ridiculous, symbolic vote in spring of 07 that all Dem candidates went along with.)

Obama opposes a single-payer health care system.

(Ya know, the more I list these points, maybe I should write-in Kusinich!)

05-31-2008, 12:08 PM
my dark mind has him pegged as a guy who is sponsoring and pushing a national sales tax that amounts to about 8500/person on average so we can hand it over to the UN.

I know, that's just me being silly....oh wait, no, he actually is.

Harlan Huckleby
05-31-2008, 12:20 PM
pushing a national sales tax that amounts to about 8500/person on average so we can hand it over to the UN.

I know, that's just me being silly....oh wait, no, he actually is.

Do you think the U.N. will take the money in dollars, or will they demand Euros?

you're far beyond silly, you're beyond Jeremiah Wright paranoia if you believe this.

05-31-2008, 12:43 PM

edit, this link is better:


yea, I'm nutty. I was wrong, its not a sales tax, its a GNP tax.

for those to lazy to click, i'll paste a line:

The problem of course is that the bill also means the US will have to meet the requirement to give 0.7% of their GDP to the UN to do it. Currently only Denmark, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden meet that level. At the other end of the spectrum are the "laggard" states and their percent of GDP: Italy (.15%), US (.16%), Japan (.19%).

It comes down to one fact. This is a global tax, a UN mandated tax, and the leading Democratic contender for President is it's leading advocate. That should bother voters a lot more than whether Obama supporters in Houston display flags with Che Guevara on it.

05-31-2008, 01:58 PM
You just have to go point by point and compare Obama's positions with Dennis Kusinich and see that he has positioned himself (more or less) in the center. What he really believes is subject to speculation because of his short record.

Most dramatically: Obama never voted to withhold funding for the Iraq War, as real anti-war politicians did. (well, except for a ridiculous, symbolic vote in spring of 07 that all Dem candidates went along with.)

Obama opposes a single-payer health care system.

(Ya know, the more I list these points, maybe I should write-in Kusinich!)

Gosh, he's not as far left as Dennis Kucinich. Whoopteedo!

If leftist extremism is salt, and if most Dem/libs are as salty as the ocean, Obama is the Great Salt Lake--and Kucinich is the Dead Sea.

As for your other two examples, he was in presidentail candidate mode by then--trying to sweep the horrors of his past leftist positions under the rug.

Obama's healthcare stance may actually be more costly and allow for less freedom than Hillary-care, if that's possible.

Harlan Huckleby
05-31-2008, 10:02 PM

yea, I'm nutty. I was wrong, its not a sales tax, its a GNP tax.

The bill is co-sponsored by Chuck Hagel, a GOP fiscal conservative.

I don't have enough interest in the topic to research it, but I greatly doubt the figures that you quoted about the burden to placed on individual familes. What you have talked about sounds insane, it would never get through congress.

Harlan Huckleby
05-31-2008, 10:06 PM
As for your other two examples, he was in presidentail candidate mode by then--trying to sweep the horrors of his past leftist positions under the rug.

:lol: :lol: Was he in the hills surrounding Havana, fighting with Che? Or was he more a Khmer Rouge type?

I agree that his whole campaign, all his positons are pure marketing. But he really doesn't have a "past", I'd feel better about the guy if he had a past. Hillary Clinton's campaign positions are equally empty of content, it's all tuning to polls and focus groups. But at least she's been around long enough that I have a sense of what she is about.

05-31-2008, 10:30 PM
I don't think he was born when Che was in the Cuban hills, And he would have to have been in the infantry for the Khmer Rouge--get it? INFANT :D ?

However, I wouldn't rule out having him take a little field trip from his Indonesian radical Muslim Madrasa to Osama's al Qaeda training camps in pre-war Afghanistan.

I also wouldn't rule out his supposed father being a surrogate for his REAL procreator--that old dark angel himself, Lucifer. The anti-Christ is overdue, you know. Do you remember Jeanne Dixon implying that he would be born in 1962?

Oh yeah, of course I'm kidding .......

05-31-2008, 11:18 PM

yea, I'm nutty. I was wrong, its not a sales tax, its a GNP tax.

The bill is co-sponsored by Chuck Hagel, a GOP fiscal conservative.

I don't have enough interest in the topic to research it, but I greatly doubt the figures that you quoted about the burden to placed on individual familes. What you have talked about sounds insane, it would never get through congress.

Hagel's voting is all over the map, but one consistent is means testing...in other words, those who took care of their money have to pay for stuff that those who didn't get for free. He is also radically prolife. Other than those two issues he has voted fiscal conservative and liberal at times.

Here is more on the obama-hagel bill(admittedly from a conservative source, but facts are facts): (also, i didn't mention hagel, cuz this is a thread on obama, I won't be voting for chuck either).

What the media is NOT telling you is that Barack Hussein Obama does, in fact, have a legislative record in the Senate and one of his proudest accomplishments is The Global Poverty Act (S. 2433).

But wait just a minute! Isn't combating poverty around the world a noble goal?

Well... the devil, as they say, is in the details!

Some conservative leaders are already sounding the alarm and telling us that, if passed, Barack Hussein Obama's Global Poverty Act will commit us to a stealth United Nations-inspired global tax of $845 Billion dollars... that comes to approximately an $8500.00 tax burden for every household in the United States!

Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media wrote:

"[T]he legislation, if approved, dedicates 0.7 percent of the U.S. gross national product to foreign aid, which... would amount to $845 billion 'over and above what the U.S. already spends.'"

"The plan passed the House in 2007 'because most members didn't realize what was in it.' Congressional sponsors have been careful not to calculate the amount of foreign aid spending that it would require."

Remember the Food for Oil Scandal? Let's face it; the United Nation's actual record on ending pain and suffering around the world is pathetic and dismal.

The questions to ask are, first, how much of our money that goes to the United Nations right now actually winds up lining the pockets of third-world dictators and despots? And, second, if Obama's plan succeeds, how much of his new $845 billion giveaway will end up in those same pockets?

Barack Hussein Obama's Global Poverty Act MUST be STOPPED! Time is of the essence! Obama's Global Poverty Act actually has the support of some prominent RINOs such as Senator Richard Lugar and Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Joseph Biden, who just pushed Obama's world welfare bill out of committee. It could be up for a vote in the Senate AT ANY TIME!

Barack Hussein Obama MUST be stopped. But more importantly, his so-called Global Poverty Act -- which has already passed in the House (because most Members simply didn't know what was in it) and is presently being pushed through the Senate -- MUST be stopped.