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06-01-2008, 03:18 AM
Looks like he felt the pressure:

Obama quits Chicago church after long controversy
Posted: 2008-06-01 00:00:09
ABERDEEN, S.D. (AP) - Barack Obama said Saturday he has resigned his 20-year membership in the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago "with some sadness" in the aftermath of inflammatory remarks by his longtime pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and more recent fiery remarks at the church by a visiting priest.

"This is not a decision I come to lightly ... and it is one I make with some sadness," Obama said at a news conference after campaign officials released a letter of resignation he sent to the church on Friday.

"I'm not denouncing the church and I'm not interested in people who want me to denounce the church," he said, adding that the new pastor at Trinity and "the church have been suffering from the attention my campaign has focused on them."

Obama said he and his wife have been discussing the issue since Wright's appearance at the National Press Club in Washington last month, which reignited the furor over remarks Wright had made in various sermons at the church.

"I suspect we'll find another church home for our family," Obama said.

"It's clear that now that I'm a candidate for president, every time something is said in the church by anyone associated with Trinity, including guest pastors, the remarks will imputed to me even if they totally conflict with my long-held views, statements and principles," he said.

"I have no idea how it will impact my presidential campaign but I know it was the right thing to do for me and my family," he said.

"This was a pretty personal decision and I was not trying to make political theater out of it," he added.

Trinity released a statement Saturday night saying: "Though we are saddened by the news, we understand that it is a personal decision. We will continue to lift them in prayer and wish them the best as former members of our Trinity community."

For months, Obama has been hamstrung by the rhetoric of Wright, whose sermons blaming U.S. policies for the Sept. 11 attacks and calls of "God damn America" for its racism became fixtures on the Internet and cable news networks.

Initially, Obama said he disagreed with Wright but portrayed him as a family member he couldn't disown. The preacher had officiated at Obama's wedding, baptized his two daughters and been his spiritual mentor for some 20 years.

But six weeks after Obama's well-received speech on race, Wright claimed at the Press Club appearance that the U.S. government was capable of planting AIDS in the black community, praised Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and suggested that Obama was acting like a politician by putting his pastor at arm's length while privately agreeing with him.

The next day, Obama denounced Wright's comments as "divisive and destructive."

Remarks by Wright inflamed racial tensions and posed an unwanted problem for Obama, front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, as he sought to wrap up the party's nod.

More recently, racially charged remarks from the same pulpit by another pastor, the Rev. Michael Pfleger, kept the controversy alive and proved the latest thorn in Obama's side. As a guest speaker at Obama's church, Pfleger mocked Obama rival Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Although Obama condemned comments by both Wright and Pfleger, the controversy persisted.

Obama made clear he wasn't happy with Pfleger's comments - in which the Catholic priest pretended he was Clinton crying over "a black man stealing my show" - and said he was "deeply disappointed in Father Pfleger's divisive, backward-looking rhetoric, which doesn't reflect the country I see or the desire of people across America to come together in common cause."

Pfleger issued an apology, saying he was sorry if his comments offended Clinton or anyone else.

The timing of Obama's decision broke late Saturday, while most of the political attention was focused on the Democratic National Committee's struggle to seat delegates from Florida and Michigan.

Republican John McCain also has had his woes with religious leaders.

Earlier this month, McCain rejected endorsements from two influential but controversial televangelists, saying there is no place for their incendiary criticisms of other faiths.

McCain spurned the months-old endorsement of Texas preacher John Hagee after an audio recording surfaced in which the preacher said God sent Adolf Hitler to help Jews reach the promised land. McCain called the comment "crazy and unacceptable."

He later repudiated the support of Rod Parsley, an Ohio preacher who has sharply criticized Islam and called the religion inherently violent.

"This was one I didn't see coming," Obama said Saturday when he asked if he had anticipated the firestorm that would erupt over his relationship with Wright.

Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press. Active hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL.


PS: I didn't see it posted in the other Obama threads, sorry if it was....

06-01-2008, 08:42 AM
Sorry Barry, that horse has left the barn.

06-01-2008, 09:21 AM
Smart time to do it. Sandwiched between McClellan and the Florida and Michigan fiasco. Hopefully will lessen the media attention.

06-01-2008, 09:35 AM
Only a tool will leave his convictions at the door and fold under the pressure. And people think this guy can run the white house with all the pressure that encompasses. This cat is a joke..

Harlan Huckleby
06-01-2008, 11:18 AM
Smart time to do it. Sandwiched between McClellan and the Florida and Michigan fiasco. Hopefully will lessen the media attention.

good catch, BallHawk. Yep, I'm sure that was their thinking.

Speaking of media attention, what media attention? Many of the news outlets pretended that Father Pfleger never happened. To my knowledge: no mention on public radio, NY Times ignored it, Washington Post made no mention, Huffington Post didn't see nothin. Public TV did cover it.

This was a BIG story, the congregation's response to Pfleger's antics was an indictment of Obama's church rather than just Reverand Wright, and showed that the supposedly new-era Pastor they brought-in was continuing the racist politics in his church.

I mention this because now that Obama has left the church, the above-named media sources were forced to admit that Father Pfleger exists. :lol: :lol: Too damn funny, the EXACT same thing happened with Rev WRight - much of the media pretended he didn't happen until Obama made his famous race speech in Philadelphia. Then they had to backpedal and explain that the speech was given in response to an event that didn't happen, except now it happened.

My disdain for OBamamania is fueled largely by the clear path to power he has been handed. It smacks of affirmative action.

06-01-2008, 11:45 AM
Also, that October surprise hasn't lost steam. word is the RNC has the Michelle Obama video at Wrights church (without Wright on the screen) talkin' trash about "whitey". Obviously Barry Obummer would know if it happened and that a tape could exist. Could explain why Hillary keeps hanging on. Could explain Barry reluctantly throwing his church under the bus. (it's getting crowded under there) But the RNC would keep it under wraps until Hillary concedes and McCain runs unopposed for all intense and purposes.

06-01-2008, 05:26 PM
Only a tool will leave his convictions at the door and fold under the pressure. And people think this guy can run the white house with all the pressure that encompasses. This cat is a joke..

He's leaving the church 20 years too late IMHO.

Partial's got a good point. This guy is not ready. He'll make Jimmy Carter look like Lincoln. I expect that he'll be radical in some areas and wimpish in others, the exact opposite of centrist.

He'll be liberal special interests' dream.

06-01-2008, 08:33 PM
I liked pflagler, he made me laugh, I want to hear more of him, I don't think he should hurt obama at all.

06-01-2008, 09:29 PM
Harlan, sometimes you really nail things.

This was a BIG story, the congregation's response to Pfleger's antics was an indictment of Obama's church rather than just Reverand Wright, and showed that the supposedly new-era Pastor they brought-in was continuing the racist politics in his church.

Sheepshead, that sounds a little bit urban legendish--the idea of the RNC having Michelle on tape ranting like that, but we can always hope.

bh, (hey, you got the same initials as Obama), Pflager absolutely DEFINES the term WANNABE.

Kiwon, Partial, yes, there is a resemblance to Jimmy Carter. I see him as more like George McGovern, though, and that is far more dangerous. Hopefully, decades from now, we will all be saying, as with McGovern, at least Obama never got elected.

Tarlam, thanks for posting this. As was said, the timing clearly was meant to deflect attention. However, the way the damned biased media fawns over him, Obama probably didn't have anything to worry about in that respect anyway.

The great thing that America has going for it is the ability to identify and reject leftist trash. It worked with Gore and Kerry, and hopefully, it will also work with Obama. Six months or a year ago, I was worried that he was another Clinton-esque slickster. I now think he falls way short of that, and will be easier to beat than either Gore or Kerry, or than Hillary would have been this time around.