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View Full Version : Moving to Argentina?

06-07-2008, 07:58 PM
Interesting read...
Really long URL (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/06/06/AR2008060604154.html?hpid=sec-world)

Freak Out
06-07-2008, 08:53 PM
I have to agree with them. I should be able to use drugs freely as long as I don't harm anyone else in the process.

06-07-2008, 09:29 PM
I've often though of moving to Montana and gonna be a Dental Floss tycoon

06-07-2008, 09:36 PM
I have to agree with them. I should be able to use drugs freely as long as I don't harm anyone else in the process.

Non narcotic, if you get hooked on narcotics they can drive you to do some crazy shit to support the habit.

Freak Out
06-07-2008, 10:38 PM
I've often though of moving to Montana and gonna be a Dental Floss tycoon

Floss em up.

06-07-2008, 10:41 PM
I've often though of moving to Montana and gonna be a Dental Floss tycoon

Floss em up.
Don't move to W. Virginia, you don't need floss for 4 teeth that are seperated by 2 inches.