View Full Version : Still Laughing

06-10-2008, 06:05 AM
I know, I know, you've seen O'Reilly's meltdown a million times. This is the longer version.

It's still so funny to me. I'd hate to be this guy's son. Notice how easily he switches between rage and being composed. Funny scary. :D


06-11-2008, 05:42 AM

Freak Out
06-11-2008, 01:56 PM
I thought you were talking about the beef import protests.

06-11-2008, 04:29 PM
I thought you were talking about the beef import protests.

That one is funny sad.

It's sheer anti-Americanism wrapped in a veneer of pseudoscience. The news program/reporting that got the ball rolling is so bad it makes MSNBC look journalistically legit. Yellow journalism at it's best.

You can poke around here and catch up on the latest fun on the issue and protests. http://www.rjkoehler.com/

As much as I appreciate Koreans (near the tops in math and science), sometimes they are just utterly stupid. The belief that they are genetically predisposed to get mad cow disease from American beef (of course) is ludicrous.

I place that belief in the same category as the infamous and ever menacing fear of the dreaded "fan death." :) :)

You'd be amazed how seriously people fear this.


Freak Out
06-11-2008, 04:43 PM
I thought you were talking about the beef import protests.

That one is funny sad.

It's sheer anti-Americanism wrapped in a veneer of pseudoscience. The news program/reporting that got the ball rolling is so bad it makes MSNBC look journalistically legit. Yellow journalism at it's best.

You can poke around here and catch up on the latest fun on the issue and protests. http://www.rjkoehler.com/

As much as I appreciate Koreans (near the tops in math and science), sometimes they are just utterly stupid. The belief that they are genetically predisposed to get mad cow disease from American beef (of course) is ludicrous.

I place that belief in the same category as the infamous and ever menacing fear of the dreaded "fan death." :) :)

You'd be amazed how seriously people fear this.


When I first heard about Fan Death while in Korea some years ago I thought it was a joke but ended up getting what amounted to a lecture by a stranger over the subject. :lol:

When I heard about the sheer numbers involved in the beef protests I was reminded of the democracy movement 20 years ago. I'm pretty picky about where my beef comes from but I'll protest by just not buying from certain stores/butchers and such.

06-11-2008, 04:56 PM
I know, I know, you've seen O'Reilly's meltdown a million times. This is the longer version.

It's still so funny to me. I'd hate to be this guy's son. Notice how easily he switches between rage and being composed. Funny scary. :D


They should put O'Reilly and Berman in a cage match vs. thier respective producers....now that would increase the popularity of the WWE

06-11-2008, 05:04 PM
Koreans obsess over the pseudoscience stuff. Of course, any cause that is anti-American is like a magnet to them.

However, they were shocked when the Olympic torch passed through Seoul and Chinese students throughout the country descended on downtown. They showed the Koreans what nationalism was.

The Chinese government shipped in something like 10,000 Chinese flags a few days before and the students organized themselves via the Internet. One group forced their way into a swanky hotel and beat the crap out of a Tibetan guy. The Koreans were "shocked" by such uncivil behavior. They forget about how their farmers acted in Hong Kong protests in recent years.


Freak Out
06-11-2008, 06:06 PM
The Chinese government shipped in something like 10,000 Chinese flags a few days before and the students organized themselves via the Internet. One group forced their way into a swanky hotel and beat the crap out of a Tibetan guy.

Nothing like a little riot to celebrate the Olympic spirit.