View Full Version : The Perfect Human - Female 14

06-12-2008, 06:53 AM
The Skinbasket desires to create the perfect human. The best place to find the materials necessary for this is obviously the internet.

After a highly scientific culling of the internet to provide a diverse, yet representative random sample, the SkinBasket has decided to allow his fellow Packerrats to determine the course of human evolution by voting in a winner take all tournament consisting of 32 men and 32 women. The champions will be mated and human perfection shall be achieved.

Sometimes modifications are needed to make a woman perfect. Some modifications give you giant knockers. Other modifications give you testicles. Science is not here to judge, only to observe.

Cyclist "Tammy" Thomas vs Boobjob Pam Anderson


06-12-2008, 06:56 AM
I don't care how much silicone she carries around or what her IQ is, I want a night with Pam.

If I can't have a night, how about a few minutes?

06-12-2008, 07:00 AM
jeeze this ones real tuff

a chick that looks like desmond from lost

or pam fucking anderson

06-12-2008, 07:36 AM
That 'woman' on the left has 5:00 shadow. I'm not sure how she could be less appealing.

Charles Woodson
06-12-2008, 09:20 AM
I don't care how much silicone she carries around or what her IQ is, I want a night with Pam.

If I can't have a night, how about a few minutes?

im right their with you

06-12-2008, 09:22 AM
That 'woman' on the right has 5:00 shadow. I'm not sure how she could be less appealing.Does "right" mean "left" in your twisted lil world?

06-12-2008, 09:54 AM
That 'woman' on the right has 5:00 shadow. I'm not sure how she could be less appealing.Does "right" mean "left" in your twisted lil world?

I'm lysdexic

06-12-2008, 10:04 AM
That 'woman' on the left has 5:00 shadow. I'm not sure how she could be less appealing.

They're both freakshows. For my tastes very little appeal either way. Which leads me to think this poll thing has a major flaw: we're forced to choose between two and nowhere are we give the option to reject both. Who ever said survival of the fittest means that one or the other has to survive?

06-12-2008, 10:46 AM
That 'woman' on the left has 5:00 shadow. I'm not sure how she could be less appealing.

They're both freakshows. For my tastes very little appeal either way. Which leads me to think this poll thing has a major flaw: we're forced to choose between two and nowhere are we give the option to reject both. Who ever said survival of the fittest means that one or the other has to survive?

Science thinks that the only "major flaw" here is a gay voter.

Science would also like to point out that unless hoosier is voted the perfect man, he will not be having intercourse with Ms. Anderson.

06-12-2008, 11:16 AM
That 'woman' on the left has 5:00 shadow. I'm not sure how she could be less appealing.

They're both freakshows. For my tastes very little appeal either way. Which leads me to think this poll thing has a major flaw: we're forced to choose between two and nowhere are we give the option to reject both. Who ever said survival of the fittest means that one or the other has to survive?

Science thinks that the only "major flaw" here is a gay voter.

Science would also like to point out that unless hoosier is voted the perfect man, he will not be having intercourse with Ms. Anderson.

I guess there's no accounting for taste. :roll:

06-12-2008, 11:26 AM
That 'woman' on the left has 5:00 shadow. I'm not sure how she could be less appealing.

They're both freakshows. For my tastes very little appeal either way. Which leads me to think this poll thing has a major flaw: we're forced to choose between two and nowhere are we give the option to reject both. Who ever said survival of the fittest means that one or the other has to survive?

Science thinks that the only "major flaw" here is a gay voter.

Science would also like to point out that unless hoosier is voted the perfect man, he will not be having intercourse with Ms. Anderson.

I guess there's no accounting for taste. :roll:

That's gross.

06-12-2008, 11:54 AM
That 'woman' on the left has 5:00 shadow. I'm not sure how she could be less appealing.

They're both freakshows. For my tastes very little appeal either way. Which leads me to think this poll thing has a major flaw: we're forced to choose between two and nowhere are we give the option to reject both. Who ever said survival of the fittest means that one or the other has to survive?

Science thinks that the only "major flaw" here is a gay voter.

Science would also like to point out that unless hoosier is voted the perfect man, he will not be having intercourse with Ms. Anderson.

I guess there's no accounting for taste. :roll:

That's gross.

Skin, BOMNF! It took a split second, but when the penny dropped it was a jackpot!

06-12-2008, 08:33 PM
Skin, BOMNF! It took a split second, but when the penny dropped it was a jackpot!

So I thought, WTF, I have no idea what BOMNF is. So I google it. Of course, one of tarlams posts is the sixth result. Needless to say, I still don't know what the fuck it means and I'm starting to think it's just something you made up.

06-12-2008, 08:39 PM
Beer Outta My Nose Funny, dear. BOMNF. About 2 steps above ROFLMAO.

06-12-2008, 08:43 PM
You sound like my mom when you call me dear.

06-12-2008, 08:53 PM
maybe she is

better clean up your act

06-12-2008, 09:24 PM
For Chrissakes I'm not THAT old!!!

06-12-2008, 09:37 PM
"Tammy" should be disqualified because based on the picture, I gotta believe she was once a guy.

06-12-2008, 10:14 PM
"Tammy" should be disqualified because based on the picture, I gotta believe she was once a guy.


06-12-2008, 11:06 PM
Needless to say, I still don't know what the fuck it means and I'm starting to think it's just something you made up.

I know I didn't create the term, only the acronym. I remember a post on JSO replying to one of Harlan's quips with "Fuck Harlan, that was so funny, I snorted beer out of my nostrils". I don't remember the original poster.

I just felt it was worthy.

06-13-2008, 02:22 PM
Skin, BOMNF! It took a split second, but when the penny dropped it was a jackpot!

So I thought, WTF, I have no idea what BOMNF is. So I google it. Of course, one of tarlams posts is the sixth result. Needless to say, I still don't know what the fuck it means and I'm starting to think it's just something you made up.

I had no idea either. For a while i thought it was Bring on Monday Night Football.

06-13-2008, 05:25 PM
"Tammy" should be disqualified because based on the picture, I gotta believe she was once a guy.


no shit

that looks like more of a guy now then most of the guys i know