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View Full Version : The Perfect Male Matchup #15

06-13-2008, 07:12 AM
The Skinbasket desires to create the perfect human. The best place to find the materials necessary for this is obviously the internet.

After a highly scientific culling of the internet to provide a diverse, yet representative random sample, the SkinBasket has decided to allow his fellow Packerrats to determine the course of human evolution by voting in a winner take all tournament consisting of 32 men and 32 women. The champions will be mated and human perfection shall be achieved.

Friedman vs. Friedmann. Does the extra 'n' make all the difference? Both musical geniuses. Both accomplished human beings. Both hot pots of sexuality. Only that singular 'n' separates their individual existences.

Composer David Friedman vs Sexy German DJ Micky Friedmann


06-13-2008, 07:40 AM
I gotta go with the homosexual with the dead animal on the side of his face. That old dude looks too much like a serial rapist.