View Full Version : The Perfect Human - BetaMale 2

06-17-2008, 06:45 AM
Science has taken a great leap forward. Round Two Begins!

Now that the nasty chaff has been separated from the sweet wheat, we begin our quest to sort through the Beta Males on the road to discovering the best sperm donor for the perfect human.

In the first round, Packer rat haters... er voters soundly rejected Sportsman and Super Bowl loser Tom Brady in favor of Actor Brad Pitt. Science is concerned that Mr. Pitt may already be running a parallel and concurrent experiment to my own, but science has no choice but to move forward.

His competition will be small this time. Real small. New York Lover Midget Mac garnered a couple more votes than fellow fat head, "Marching Toward Hell" Author Michael Scheuer, giving him the right to square off against his life long love rival.

Actor Brat Pitt vs New York Lover Midget Mac


06-17-2008, 03:17 PM
Kevin Bacon, now Bradd Pitt. Which lady rat was comlaining that they only got to vote on robots or guys wrapped in plastic??

06-17-2008, 03:33 PM
Women do not understand science. Random sampling is science. Therefore. women do not understand random sampling.

Good thing cooking bacon is not a science.

06-17-2008, 06:18 PM
Bite me.