View Full Version : Jones undergoes heart surgery!

06-12-2006, 01:36 PM

Open heart surgery!

06-12-2006, 01:39 PM
Not a good way to start a stressful, full-time job. However, better to treat these issues early rather than late. Best wishes for a full recovery.

Homer Jay
06-12-2006, 02:20 PM
I had triple bypass surgery in July 2002. Best thing that ever happened to me. He was smart enough to go to the hospital early. They do amazing things these days.

Scott Campbell
06-12-2006, 02:34 PM
Who has odds on Tank blaming this on Thompson?

06-12-2006, 02:59 PM
Who has odds on Tank blaming this on Thompson?

Hmmmm, pretty good odds I bet.....Thompson screwed up Packers so Jones worried day and night then has a heart problem from all the stress.....

06-12-2006, 03:01 PM
Who has odds on Tank blaming this on Thompson?

Hmmmm, pretty good odds I bet.....Thompson screwed up Packers so Jones worried day and night then has a heart problem from all the stress.....

Nah... He probably caught Thompson in his office with McCarthy and the door closed..... :shock:

06-12-2006, 03:31 PM
So Pack4ever, how long does it take to get back in the game after something like this? I'd think you'd be on the beach for a good six months or so -- cripes, the scar alone would have me fearfully of busting open for a month.

Sounds like Jones was in pretty good shape, but I guess a blocked artery really does not care how many marathons you run.

Homer Jay
06-12-2006, 04:29 PM
It took about 8 weeks before I started to trust everything. In about 12 weeks I was slowly building the stamina back up and in about 4 months I was feeling better than I had in years. That's the funny thing about getting a surgery like that. I didn't realize how bad I felt until after I recovered from the surgery. I was 47 at the time and not in bad shape. Now at 50 I have more energy than I did 15 years ago. It's no fun going through it, but I'm sure glad I did.

Hopefully Mr. Jones has the same results I did.

06-12-2006, 04:33 PM
It's great to hear about your recovery, I can only imagine how thankful you must be for the second chance the surgery gave you. I hope Jones will soon have a story like yours to tell.

Homer Jay
06-12-2006, 04:45 PM
Thanks Noodle. I'll add this and move on.

For all you guys (and gals) out there, if you have a chest pain, even a small one, don't be a hero. Get to a doctor. I didn't have what I thought was a classic example of a heart attack. No pain in the left arm or shoulder. There was a tightness is my chest and I just didn't feel right. I went the the clinic and they put me in the hospital and planned a stress test for the next morning. They kept doing tests and eventually enzymes showed up in my blood showing I had indeed had a heart attack. Next came my first helicopter ride, (I'd like to try one sitting up). I had surgery the next morning and the surgeon told me if I hadn't went in when I did, I may well have been dead by morning.

Enough about me. Don't mess around with chest pains. Do yourself and your loved ones a favor. Find out for sure.

06-13-2006, 06:55 PM
yes, please pay attention to a "little" chest pain. I didn't think it was much, I played in a band, hauled huge speaker cabinets, and was only 54, in 2001. I had seven bypasses, 3 100%. I spent six weeks away from work, and was cleared to work. I played my first band job, and managed the four hours. It was maybe six weeks more building up extra strength again.
I agree, I felt better than I had in years, and could soon do anything I cared to do. I am sure he will recover to the fullest.