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View Full Version : Question About Packer Loyalty

09-12-2008, 07:07 PM
As a Packer fan, is it wrong if I were to buy an Adrian Peterson signed jersey? I collect sports memorabilia and I love AP personally but hate that he's on the Vikings. I feel like he could go down as one of, if not the best RB in history. So would it be inexcusable if it hangs up in my house next to Brett Favre and others? Would love to hear your guys opinion, my brother says it's not acceptable.

Tyrone Bigguns
09-12-2008, 07:09 PM
I would say that buying it is not wrong if you collect memorabilia and look to make some value on it.

However, hanging it up...that is wrong.

09-12-2008, 07:10 PM

Tyrone Bigguns
09-12-2008, 07:15 PM


Harlan Huckleby
09-12-2008, 07:17 PM
Interesting ethical question. I agree with Tyrone's answer. Trafficing in purple product does not involve any actual infidelity. For instance, if you were a pimp, you wouldn't be breaking your marriage vows. The minute you display or admire the jersey, you will have crossed the line.

09-12-2008, 07:23 PM
Jesus was wearing purple right before he was crucified, so don't put it on whatever you do.

Tyrone Bigguns
09-12-2008, 07:25 PM
Jesus was wearing purple right before he was crucified, so don't put it on whatever you do.

His stylist shoulda been crucified for that choice. :wink:

Scott Campbell
09-12-2008, 08:18 PM
Vikings - who cares. They're not the real rivalry. Just don't go getting any funny ideas about an Urlacher jersey.

09-12-2008, 08:54 PM
This is like going to a hooker--but continuing to feel profound love for your true partner.

By many people's standards, there's nothing wrong with that. You really blew it, though, buchunter, by confessing what you did here. Now your true love, the Packers will know--they read this forum, you know--all of them.

We might forgive you, but WILL THEY?

09-12-2008, 10:02 PM
Thanks for the input. In regard to the last post, I haven't gone to the hooker yet, just thought about it. Based off the replies I'll start looking for Oklahoma gear for Peterson. Thanks, for straightening me out :lol:

09-12-2008, 10:18 PM
You could get a Packers jersey customized with Peterson's name and number on it. Could be a real collector's item.

09-13-2008, 01:35 PM
As a Packer fan, is it wrong if I were to buy an Adrian Peterson signed jersey? I collect sports memorabilia and I love AP personally but hate that he's on the Vikings. I feel like he could go down as one of, if not the best RB in history. So would it be inexcusable if it hangs up in my house next to Brett Favre and others? Would love to hear your guys opinion, my brother says it's not acceptable.

Some might argue that you should now take down the favre jersey.

My personal opinion is that you should do what you want and not worry about what others think. Hell, cheer for the vikings for all it really matters, cheer for the jets, but accept the consequences that come with it....like your brother scoffing you.

09-13-2008, 02:45 PM
i say go for it

one of my most prized possessions is a packer hat signed buy the late great walter payton

and no, i do not consider the hat ruined because a bear signed it

Scott Campbell
09-13-2008, 11:00 PM
i say go for it

one of my most prized possessions is a packer hat signed buy the late great walter payton

and no, i do not consider the hat ruined because a bear signed it

I hope you at least got it dry cleaned after he touched it.