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Maxie the Taxi
09-26-2008, 07:44 AM
For months all I've heard from Democrats is that BUSH IS THE ULTIMATE EVIL. Bush is like the anti-Midas. Everything he touches turns to shit. He's dumb as a stump. A functional moron. He's surrounded by big business surrogates who tell him what to do. Super-rich advisors like Henry Paulson, King of the U.S. Treasury.

But wait! Now the Democrats are flocking to Bush and Paulson like flies to a turd. Barney Frank and Chris Dodd kiss Paulson's ass and Bush's feet. Nancy Pelosi is orgasmic. Even the high priest of all-that-is-good, Barack Obama, genuflects before Bush and his economic wizards.

And who is the new king of all that is evil? John McCain and his House Republican conservative cronies. Why? Because McCain's not signing on to the Wall Street bailout proposed by Bush and his new Democrat pals.

Obama and the Democrats...the man and the party of CHANGE...now demand that Americans do the SAME OLD THING they've been doing for the last 8 years... ...(Are you ready?)... ... Yes, fellow Americans, the Dems want us to suck up to the all knowing, all-powerful, economic brainiac, the man for all seasons, (the man with a Harvard MBA), that former evil moron: PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH!!

How delicious!

A prominent Democrat sums it all up for us mid-Western rubes: "When in times of severe crisis, when no one in Washington really understands the mysteries of the Wall Street money machine, we must turn to those who have intimate knowledge of that machine. We must put our unblinking faith in them. Therefore, the men I trust most in this crisis are Henry Paulson and George W. Bush. Let's give them our full support today. [They can go back to being morons tomorrow.]"

Even Leno's comedy writers couldn't come up with stuff this funny!

09-26-2008, 07:56 AM
For months all I've heard from Democrats is that BUSH IS THE ULTIMATE EVIL. Bush is like the anti-Midas. Everything he touches turns to shit. He's dumb as a stump. A functional moron. He's surrounded by big business surrogates who tell him what to do. Super-rich advisors like Henry Paulson, King of the U.S. Treasury.

But wait! Now the Democrats are flocking to Bush and Paulson like flies to a turd. Barney Frank and Chris Dodd kiss Paulson's ass and Bush's feet. Nancy Pelosi is orgasmic. Even the high priest of all-that-is-good, Barack Obama, genuflects before Bush and his economic wizards.

And who is the new king of all that is evil? John McCain and his House Republican conservative cronies. Why? Because McCain's not signing on to the Wall Street bailout proposed by Bush and his new Democrat pals.

Obama and the Democrats...the man and the party of CHANGE...now demand that Americans do the SAME OLD THING they've been doing for the last 8 years... ...(Are you ready?)... ... Yes, fellow Americans, the Dems want us to suck up to the all knowing, all-powerful, economic brainiac, the man for all seasons, (the man with a Harvard MBA), that former evil moron: PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH!!

How delicious!

A prominent Democrat sums it all up for us mid-Western rubes: "When in times of severe crisis, when no one in Washington really understands the mysteries of the Wall Street money machine, we must turn to those who have intimate knowledge of that machine. We must put our unblinking faith in them. Therefore, the men I trust most in this crisis are Henry Paulson and George W. Bush. Let's give them our full support today. [They can go back to being morons tomorrow.]"

Even Leno's comedy writers couldn't come up with stuff this funny!

Who is supposed to have said this and where? Where do you see evidence of Dems sucking up to W? Come on, give us just a LITTLE more than pure assertion here!

By the way, for the record I don't think anyone who really follows politics thinks that W's a moron. He may be astonishing lacking in intellectual curiosity, but he's not dumb. At least politically speaking, he strikes me as more intelligent than most. Note that I'm not saying his politics are good or right, just that he's politically savvy. I think the rube/moron thing is a combination of things: he has strong populist, anti-intellectual leanings, and has adopted a bumpkin/cowboy image for political convenience. If you look at video clips from his early gubernatorial career you'll see that he's more articulate than he comes across today. So either it's an act (he taught himself to say "nuke-ular") or he has a really bad case of early onset dementia.

Maxie the Taxi
09-26-2008, 08:25 AM
Who is supposed to have said this and where? Where do you see evidence of Dems sucking up to W? Come on, give us just a LITTLE more than pure assertion here!

You got me, Hoosier! I'm making it all up! Ha Ha Ha.

Harry Reid didn't really tell McCain three days ago that he has to come to Washington, DC to get his Republicans in line behind the Paulson bailout. And then yesterday, when McCain showed up, Reid didn't really ask him: "What the hell are YOU doing here?"

Nancy Pelosi didn't really say she won't back the Paulson/Bush bailout unless the Republicans back it too so "my Democratic pussy colleagues won't have to go out on a limb all by themselves."

Barney Frank didn't really say that he's working with the President (Bush, that is) in a bi-partisan manner fixing the crisis he created and that McCain was injecting politics into the fix.

Chris Dodd didn't really say that in the critical White House meeting yesterday Barack Obama oratoried like William Jennings Bryan while John McCain sat silent as a deaf mute.

Ha Ha Ha. How funny!

I'm paraphrasing, Hoosier. But it's all true. Watch the cable guys and see for yourself.

At the debate tonight, the candidate for CHANGE will be defending the biggest status quo bailout in history, while the candidate who the Dems call Bush 44 will be criticizing Obama and his Democrats for being in the tank with Bush and Paulson!!!

Actually, I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.

And the "prominent Democrat" I paraphrased said something like that on CNBC this morning!

Ha Ha Ha. (You gotta help me, I'm dying here!) Ha Ha Ha

09-26-2008, 09:15 AM
Harry Reid didn't really tell McCain three days ago that he has to come to Washington, DC to get his Republicans in line behind the Paulson bailout. And then yesterday, when McCain showed up, Reid didn't really ask him: "What the hell are YOU doing here?"

Nancy Pelosi didn't really say she won't back the Paulson/Bush bailout unless the Republicans back it too so "my Democratic pussy colleagues won't have to go out on a limb all by themselves."

Barney Frank didn't really say that he's working with the President (Bush, that is) in a bi-partisan manner fixing the crisis he created and that McCain was injecting politics into the fix.

Chris Dodd didn't really say that in the critical White House meeting yesterday Barack Obama oratoried like William Jennings Bryan while John McCain sat silent as a deaf mute.
Ha Ha Ha. How funny!

I'm paraphrasing, Hoosier. But it's all true. Watch the cable guys and see for yourself.

I don't watch much TV, Maxie, so you'll have to forgive my ignorance while trying to humor me and provide a little more in the way of reference. What you do above is certainly specific enough, but I still have no idea why you see this as sucking up to W. Come on, this is the Dems seeing a political opening and going with it. They're (a) trying to drive a wedge between W and Mac and (b) trying to assure that if the bailout fails or proves to be unpopular that Republican congressionals will suffer as much political fallout as the Dems. Both of those are sensible and obvious political tactics; if they DIDN'T do that they would be politically incompetent.

And the "prominent Democrat" I paraphrased said something like that on CNBC this morning!

Ha Ha Ha. (You gotta help me, I'm dying here!) Ha Ha Ha

Wait, don't die yet, I still have NO idea who or what you're talking about with this "quote". I'm guessing you don't either.

09-26-2008, 09:56 AM
The truly funny aspect of this, if there is one, is watching McCain sit and spin as he tries to appeal to fiscal conservatives and moderates (W included) at the same time. I suspect that his actions over the last 48 hours are going to leave a major hit against his cred--as both a bipartisan dealmaker and someone who has a clue about the economy.

Maxie the Taxi
09-26-2008, 10:55 AM
You got to watch more TV, Hoosier. This is the greatest comedy since Dante's.

First, putting some space between Bush and McCain is the last thing the Dems want to do. McCain has been insisting his whole campaign that he is NOT George W. Bush and will NOT be simply serving a 3rd Bush term.

Second, of course the Dems are seeking political cover. But more than that, they're blaming Republicans for the entire mess (Harry Reid just held a press conference in which he said: "We [Democrats] are simply working to clean up the mess Republicans made." He said it at least five times. This is NOT how you go about creating consensus. The Republicans would be better off doing nothing than giving the Dems cover. But, alas, they don't have the testicles for it.

Third, McCain's cred is OK. He's going to the debate and he'll tell Obama that if he hadn't gone back to Washington the bailout would have gone the way Bush (and Obama and Reid and Paulson and Dodd) wanted it to go. That's a pretty strong position. Plus, he'll tell the world that the politicians who got the most funds from Fannie and Freddie were #1 Chris Dodd and #3 Barack Obama. Ha Ha. No wonder Barack didn't want to go back to Washington to shake things up. He's cool with things like they are now.

Last, and most important, this farce going on now in Washington proves that the place is run by a bunch of buffoons, Democrats and Republicans. Reid said again in his press conference that he doesn't have a clue about banking, so he's deferring his judgement to Barney Frank and Chris Dodd --- the very morons who created the problem in the first place.

The people of this country have to wakeup (and watch more TV). Their financial well-being is being squandered by jamokes in DC that don't know what they're doing EXCEPT when it comes to lining their pockets -- with the people's tax money.

Sadly, it's going to take a financial implosion to wake most people up. So what can you do but laugh at the situation. See you at the soup line; we can discuss further over a mug of hot mulligan stew and stale bread.

Ha Ha Ha!!

Maxie the Taxi
09-26-2008, 10:59 AM
On second thought, I'm going to vote for Obama. He'll put an end to all the nonsense the fastest because he'll drive the whole mess into the ground faster than anybody else.

The sooner we get that cod liver oil down us, the better. Take your medicine like a man. Then start over from scratch.


Yeah, I'm all for it.