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View Full Version : I voted early!

10-31-2008, 08:39 AM
My wife and I, with our two cute little kids, went to vote last night. Thinking that on Tuesday the lines are going to be extremely long we thought it would be best to vote early. We waited over two hours to vote! This election is going to have a record turn out. Get out early on Tuesday and bring a book to read and expect to be in line a long time. Tell your boss you may be late.

10-31-2008, 11:52 AM
Only democrats are allowed to vote early, AND OFTEN :D

Freak Out
10-31-2008, 12:25 PM
I'm out of State all next week so I voted early.....I'm registered non-partisan so I got to vote three times. :wink:

10-31-2008, 12:32 PM
I'm out of State all next week so I voted early.....I'm registered non-partisan so I got to vote three times. :wink:

I didn't know that was an option. When I told the Acorn rep I was voting McCain he stopped after reading the first step on his list.

10-31-2008, 01:05 PM
My wife and I, with our two cute little kids, went to vote last night. Thinking that on Tuesday the lines are going to be extremely long we thought it would be best to vote early. We waited over two hours to vote! This election is going to have a record turn out. Get out early on Tuesday and bring a book to read and expect to be in line a long time. Tell your boss you may be late.

I voted with an absentee ballot. Georgia lets you do that without specifying a reason if you order the absentee ballot online.

10-31-2008, 01:13 PM
Virginia doesn't have early voting. And you need a legit excuse to do absentee voting.

ugh, voting day will be awful.

10-31-2008, 03:33 PM
I thought about stopping today to vote but the line was out the door and down the sidewalk.....naa!!!

Cheesehead Craig
10-31-2008, 03:43 PM
I'm not looking forward to the wait next Tuesday. I may just try and take some time off in the morning and go vote.

10-31-2008, 03:48 PM
Virginia doesn't have early voting. And you need a legit excuse to do absentee voting.

ugh, voting day will be awful.

I would think that might be an advantage for our side. Hopefully it will rain there too.

LL2, I assume you got those two cute little kids same-day-registered, and made sure they knew to put the check mark next to McCain. That would cancel out a couple of the crooked votes from the other side anyway.

10-31-2008, 04:27 PM
Virginia doesn't have early voting. And you need a legit excuse to do absentee voting.

ugh, voting day will be awful.

I would think that might be an advantage for our side. Hopefully it will rain there too.

LL2, I assume you got those two cute little kids same-day-registered, and made sure they knew to put the check mark next to McCain. That would cancel out a couple of the crooked votes from the other side anyway.

You betcha! I did learn that much from Obama and Acorn! You should've seen my 1 yr old daughter standing on a chair maneuvering the dial to McCain's name...it was so cute and made daddy proud!

Freak Out
10-31-2008, 04:33 PM
Virginia doesn't have early voting. And you need a legit excuse to do absentee voting.

ugh, voting day will be awful.

I would think that might be an advantage for our side. Hopefully it will rain there too.

LL2, I assume you got those two cute little kids same-day-registered, and made sure they knew to put the check mark next to McCain. That would cancel out a couple of the crooked votes from the other side anyway.

You betcha! I did learn that much from Obama and Acorn! You should've seen my 1 yr old daughter standing on a chair maneuvering the dial to McCain's name...it was so cute and made daddy proud!

The dial? How the hell do you guys vote there?

10-31-2008, 04:36 PM
Virginia doesn't have early voting. And you need a legit excuse to do absentee voting.

ugh, voting day will be awful.

I would think that might be an advantage for our side. Hopefully it will rain there too.

LL2, I assume you got those two cute little kids same-day-registered, and made sure they knew to put the check mark next to McCain. That would cancel out a couple of the crooked votes from the other side anyway.

You betcha! I did learn that much from Obama and Acorn! You should've seen my 1 yr old daughter standing on a chair maneuvering the dial to McCain's name...it was so cute and made daddy proud!

The dial? How the hell do you guys vote there?

It's computerized here in Illinois. Does Alaska use paper still?

Freak Out
10-31-2008, 04:51 PM
Virginia doesn't have early voting. And you need a legit excuse to do absentee voting.

ugh, voting day will be awful.

I would think that might be an advantage for our side. Hopefully it will rain there too.

LL2, I assume you got those two cute little kids same-day-registered, and made sure they knew to put the check mark next to McCain. That would cancel out a couple of the crooked votes from the other side anyway.

You betcha! I did learn that much from Obama and Acorn! You should've seen my 1 yr old daughter standing on a chair maneuvering the dial to McCain's name...it was so cute and made daddy proud!

The dial? How the hell do you guys vote there?

It's computerized here in Illinois. Does Alaska use paper still?

Paper ballot...the little oval you fill in and then it's optically scanned.

10-31-2008, 05:13 PM
Ohio ran out of paper ballots.


10-31-2008, 05:18 PM
Virginia doesn't have early voting. And you need a legit excuse to do absentee voting.

ugh, voting day will be awful.

Yeah, but you know it will be worth it when you see that you helped turn VA blue for the first time in a thousand years.

10-31-2008, 09:40 PM
Voted early here yesterday.

Had to wait over an hour and a half in 2004. Expect more of a wait this year, so my wife and I got it taken care of.

I hope voter turnout does break some records. We need more involvement from the voting public.

10-31-2008, 09:41 PM
Virginia doesn't have early voting. And you need a legit excuse to do absentee voting.

ugh, voting day will be awful.

I would think that might be an advantage for our side. Hopefully it will rain there too.

LL2, I assume you got those two cute little kids same-day-registered, and made sure they knew to put the check mark next to McCain. That would cancel out a couple of the crooked votes from the other side anyway.

Clearly an advantage for the dems... dems are freeloaders who don't have jobs - have all the time in the world to wait in lines. Republicans will be at work and won't have time to wait in line.

Somebody has to work to pay for all the handouts.

10-31-2008, 09:57 PM
Virginia doesn't have early voting. And you need a legit excuse to do absentee voting.

ugh, voting day will be awful.

Yeah, but you know it will be worth it when you see that you helped turn VA blue for the first time in a thousand years.

Did I ever tell you guys the old story of how back in the early days of color TV, the electoral maps used to be red and blue, but the Republicans were blue and the Democrats were red--really, no joke. The leftist mainstream media, however, was concerned about people drawing the obvious conclusion:

If the Democrats were "red", they might be very logically connected in people's minds to "the Reds"--the Commies. Thus, the media switched it all around. I think it was after Nixon beat McGovern.

10-31-2008, 10:44 PM
Here in Oregon we have had vote by mail for quite a few years.

Despite the many conveniences of voting by mail rather than driving to a polling place, the states that have vote by mail have no higher voting rates than other states.

When I taught third grade, I remember telling my students to encourage their parents to vote(No, I didn't advocate a certain candidate or certain position on particular ballot measures. I didn't even tell them how I voted)

What appalled me were the kids who spontaneously volunteered. "My Mom and Dad don't vote. They say it's just a waste of time." I found it both pathetic and sad to hear eight and nine year old children say this.

10-31-2008, 10:46 PM
Virginia doesn't have early voting. And you need a legit excuse to do absentee voting.

ugh, voting day will be awful.

I would think that might be an advantage for our side. Hopefully it will rain there too.

LL2, I assume you got those two cute little kids same-day-registered, and made sure they knew to put the check mark next to McCain. That would cancel out a couple of the crooked votes from the other side anyway.

Clearly an advantage for the dems... dems are freeloaders who don't have jobs - have all the time in the world to wait in lines. Republicans will be at work and won't have time to wait in line.

Somebody has to work to pay for all the handouts.

ah...but the freeloaders don't like to do inconveniant things like vote therefore all the freetime is cancelled out by lack of motivation.

10-31-2008, 11:10 PM
Virginia doesn't have early voting. And you need a legit excuse to do absentee voting.

ugh, voting day will be awful.

I would think that might be an advantage for our side. Hopefully it will rain there too.

There's a campaign slogan for you. Pray for rain! :tup:

10-31-2008, 11:49 PM
Virginia doesn't have early voting. And you need a legit excuse to do absentee voting.

ugh, voting day will be awful.

I would think that might be an advantage for our side. Hopefully it will rain there too.

LL2, I assume you got those two cute little kids same-day-registered, and made sure they knew to put the check mark next to McCain. That would cancel out a couple of the crooked votes from the other side anyway.

Clearly an advantage for the dems... dems are freeloaders who don't have jobs - have all the time in the world to wait in lines. Republicans will be at work and won't have time to wait in line.

Somebody has to work to pay for all the handouts.

ah...but the freeloaders don't like to do inconveniant things like vote therefore all the freetime is cancelled out by lack of motivation.

wow, that made my head hurt... irrefutable logic my friend :lol: :bow:

11-01-2008, 07:30 AM
Hey, so by that logic, should Obama win, it means that either your assessment of dems is incorrect, or all the Repbulicans voted for Obama...!

11-02-2008, 06:24 PM


11-02-2008, 07:55 PM


What's a neo-con?

11-02-2008, 09:06 PM
PR is just under 3 years old.

11-02-2008, 09:07 PM
Hey, we've hardly been convicted of anything!!