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11-04-2008, 10:22 PM
So the great and free people have risen and shouted to all the conservatives,
We the people do not share your twisted values.

11-04-2008, 10:27 PM
............and you've shown everyone on the forum that you have no class

11-04-2008, 10:31 PM
yeah, not the right time to rub anyones face in anything

i'm happy my guy won

but now he has to come through for us and fix this country. and he needs to do it with both sides

11-04-2008, 10:37 PM
So the great and free people have risen and shouted to all the conservatives,
We the people do not share your twisted values.

I'm pretty sure a liberal like yourself is more interested in whats in my wallet than I am.. My family has plenty more money in the bank :lol:

11-04-2008, 10:41 PM

11-04-2008, 10:41 PM
............and you've shown everyone on the forum that you have no class

oh boo fucking hoo
Listening to GREEDY elitists who think that their way is the only/right way for the last few years has been sickining! Now they will say that we the people are sheep and only they know how to properly manage the USA.

11-04-2008, 10:42 PM
............and you've shown everyone on the forum that you have no class

You're just picking this up now?

Deputy Nutz
11-04-2008, 10:43 PM
Like Nutz said, "You're jerk off."

11-04-2008, 10:43 PM
Like Nutz said, "You're jerl off."

Jerl FTW.

11-04-2008, 10:43 PM
Is this you gex?


11-04-2008, 10:43 PM
Hey Gex, don't be a dickhead.

I congratulated Pres.-elect Obama in another thread. This country needs to come together if it is to succeed. Your jackass comments only help to perpetuate that divide.

Contrary to your narrow minded world view, most conservatives aren't the villianous types that you and the MSM portray them as. The same goes for some conservatives opinions of liberals.

Unlike the last 2 elections, the losing side (for the most part) will not disavow the winner as the leader of this country. He is now OUR POTUS elect. If he fails, he'll be voted out in 2012, that simple. If he succeeds, he'll get re-elected, that simple.

Show some class and some dignity then your opinions might carry a little more weight.

11-04-2008, 10:46 PM
Battle is over dude. We are all on the same team again now, or at least we better be. There's no call for this.

Deputy Nutz
11-04-2008, 10:47 PM
I just want my government to stop spending money and driving us into dept while making other countries stronger.

Three things I wanted and I knew that Obama wasn't going to give me, and McCain wasn't really going to give it to me either,

1. Protect my Personal Freedoms
2. Isolationism
3. Cutting overall spending by the Federal Government

11-04-2008, 10:57 PM
I just want my government to stop spending money and driving us into dept while making other countries stronger.

Three things I wanted and I knew that Obama wasn't going to give me, and McCain wasn't really going to give it to me either,

1. Protect my Personal Freedoms
2. Isolationism
3. Cutting overall spending by the Federal Government

Agreed, we're fucked either way. So we decided to make a change. Time will tell if it is better or worse than the alternative, which seemed to be 4 more years of basically the same economic policies that most of us have grown hateful of over the last 8. I don't know if this is going to make things better, but it's going to make things different and that's what America voted for today.

11-04-2008, 11:02 PM
1. Protect my Personal Freedoms
2. Isolationism
3. Cutting overall spending by the Federal Government

We agree on this. I would add only one thing.
1. Protect my Personal Freedoms
2. Isolationism
3. Cutting overall spending by the Federal Government
4. Decriminalize drugs

I don't add #4 because I want to do drugs so bad, I add it because I truly believe crime would go down drastically, and schools could be funded with taxes from drug sales.

11-04-2008, 11:20 PM
Hurray Socialism! Boo Democracy!

House is now completely overrun by Dems

Things are going to get worse!

People are compaining about people complaining about Obama being elected and dividing the county? Where the hell where you the last 8 years when everyone and the media were doing it to the Bush admin? Whats the difference? Oh, now its your guy. I get it :roll:

11-04-2008, 11:25 PM
I didn't hear any complaining from anyone except here.

11-04-2008, 11:31 PM

People are compaining about people complaining about Obama being elected and dividing the county? Where the hell where you the last 8 years when everyone and the media were doing it to the Bush admin?

The last 8 years? That's not completely true. Just want to remind that immediately following 9/11/01 Bush had support of most, if not all of America.

11-04-2008, 11:37 PM
Just hit me....yet another tank account. APB, you kept it hidden for awhile, but I'm thinking I'm on to you.

Anyway, I'm hoping this guy does walk on water, I would like nothing more than a resurgent economy and a tax structure that makes it impossible for the little guy to catch up to me......

11-04-2008, 11:55 PM

11-05-2008, 12:13 AM

Not a chance. With heavy regulation and progressive taxation you will be working for the "rich" even more. The enormous redtape involved in starting your own company and capital that it will require will make it impossible. When you think you are getting close to breaking through....whammo, higher taxes which beat you right down.

If you think you have an idea that will work you will have to mortgage your future to try it...it will be that expensive. If you fail...time to start all over. Really, its just safer to work for me. Of course you will have to forgoe your raise when my taxes increase (cuz I ain't takin the hit)

11-05-2008, 12:16 AM
People don't realize that increased taxes on companies will result in one of three things:

1) Employee layoffs
2) Reduced pay
3) More results/dollar

11-05-2008, 05:21 AM

What does Nutz mean with wanting "isolationism" for America? Ithought I knew what that term meant, sorta of how Apartheid was brought down in South Africa.

Clearly, that's not meant, so, one more time for the dummies. What is it and why do you want it?

11-05-2008, 06:21 AM
Listening to GREEDY elitists who think that their way is the only/right way for the last few years has been sickining!

You do realize you're just describing yourself just as much as anyone else, right? No? Oh, well.

11-05-2008, 06:29 AM

What does Nutz mean with wanting "isolationism" for America? Ithought I knew what that term meant, sorta of how Apartheid was brought down in South Africa.

Clearly, that's not meant, so, one more time for the dummies. What is it and why do you want it?

I'm not nutz, but if I was, I would say it means telling the rest of the world, "Go fuck yourselves and your needs until we get our own shit fixed first."

11-05-2008, 07:36 AM

What does Nutz mean with wanting "isolationism" for America? Ithought I knew what that term meant, sorta of how Apartheid was brought down in South Africa.

Clearly, that's not meant, so, one more time for the dummies. What is it and why do you want it?

I'm not nutz, but if I was, I would say it means telling the rest of the world, "Go fuck yourselves and your needs until we get our own shit fixed first."

We probably should have said this about 20 years ago. Instead of Sally Struthers at a 3rd world country asking for donations, why not head to an inner city in the US and do the same thing? Sure she might get shot, but w/e. Get to it Mecca-Sally.

11-05-2008, 07:38 AM

What does Nutz mean with wanting "isolationism" for America? Ithought I knew what that term meant, sorta of how Apartheid was brought down in South Africa.

Clearly, that's not meant, so, one more time for the dummies. What is it and why do you want it?

I'm not nutz, but if I was, I would say it means telling the rest of the world, "Go fuck yourselves and your needs until we get our own shit fixed first."

We probably should have said this about 20 years ago. Instead of Sally Struthers at a 3rd world country asking for donations, why not head to an inner city in the US and do the same thing? Sure she might get shot, but w/e. Get to it Mecca-Sally.

of course, we said it in 1994 with Rwanda and look how that turned out

11-05-2008, 07:42 AM
Who's Rwanda. Is she married to Rwandy? Hahahahahahaha!


11-05-2008, 07:52 AM

What does Nutz mean with wanting "isolationism" for America? Ithought I knew what that term meant, sorta of how Apartheid was brought down in South Africa.

Clearly, that's not meant, so, one more time for the dummies. What is it and why do you want it?

I'm not nutz, but if I was, I would say it means telling the rest of the world, "Go fuck yourselves and your needs until we get our own shit fixed first."

We probably should have said this about 20 years ago. Instead of Sally Struthers at a 3rd world country asking for donations, why not head to an inner city in the US and do the same thing? Sure she might get shot, but w/e. Get to it Mecca-Sally.

of course, we said it in 1994 with Rwanda and look how that turned out


11-05-2008, 09:44 AM
So the great and free people have risen and shouted to all the conservatives,
We the people do not share your twisted values.

I'm pretty sure a liberal like yourself is more interested in whats in my wallet than I am.. My family has plenty more money in the bank :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

11-05-2008, 09:55 AM
1. Protect my Personal Freedoms
2. Isolationism
3. Cutting overall spending by the Federal Government

We agree on this. I would add only one thing.
1. Protect my Personal Freedoms
2. Isolationism
3. Cutting overall spending by the Federal Government
4. Decriminalize drugs

I don't add #4 because I want to do drugs so bad, I add it because I truly believe crime would go down drastically, and schools could be funded with taxes from drug sales.

Yes!!! Crack could be sold next to the erasers in the school supply store!

Well, that is probably true in many schools.

1. Protect My Personal Freedoms

Very big one for me as well. Too many fukking laws, but as I have eluded to earlier on this board it's to protect me from people like me.

11-05-2008, 12:28 PM
People don't realize that increased taxes on companies will result in one of three things:

1) Employee layoffs
2) Reduced pay
3) More results/dollar

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't he taxing higher personal income rather than business income? Isn't he giving tax credits to small businesses trying to create jobs here in America? Did I really misunderstand the most articulate presidential candidate in decades, one who was very clear with the American people as to what he'd try to accomplish as President?

Let me ask this one then, since I couldn't get a very clear answer from Senator McCain. What was Mr. McCain's proposal to fix the economy? I never got an answer from him, because he spent all of his time criticizing Obama's economic plan. He never went into detail about what his idea is. So while I don't agree with all of Obama's economic policies, I at least know what he's trying to do. He's earned more of my trust by being forthcoming with his own plan than McCain has by criticizing Obama. I do not swear allegiance to one party over the other, so had McCain been more forthcoming himself about his own plan for this economy perhaps he'd have earned my vote. So I guess my question to you then is, how could you or I or anyone else for that matter know that McCain's economic policy would be better for this country than Obama's?

11-05-2008, 04:31 PM
More from greedy elitist conservatives(abeit one who somehow manages to be, without ever having put in a day of hard work in his life) who look down their upturned noses upon the poor, huddled masses.
skinbucket wrote:
"This is why conservatives think of liberals as mentally challenged. Well, one of the reasons anyway"

11-05-2008, 04:36 PM
More from greedy elitist conservatives(abeit one who somehow manages to be, without ever having put in a day of hard work in his life) who look down their upturned noses upon the poor, huddled masses.
skinbucket wrote:
"This is why conservatives think of liberals as mentally challenged. Well, one of the reasons anyway"

I just look down on people who act retarded but aren't. I also look down on retarded people who try to act normal, but it's clear you're the former. I just wish you were funnier. Then you wouldn't be so annoying.

But it's never been your gig to be clever has it?

Deputy Nutz
11-05-2008, 10:50 PM

What does Nutz mean with wanting "isolationism" for America? Ithought I knew what that term meant, sorta of how Apartheid was brought down in South Africa.

Clearly, that's not meant, so, one more time for the dummies. What is it and why do you want it?

I am not Nutz, but if I were, I would tell you that I feel it is ridiculous to borrow monies from China so we can send aid to Africa/South America/Philippines/Mexico/Curacao.

We are simply borrowing money at a ridiculous rate, but yet we keep sending it out.

On other thing to go along with this, Tariffs. Most other countries automatically attach tariffs to imported goods, which effects American Products potential. At the same time we do not inflict the tariff on goods that are imported to the United States. USA products don't get protected at home, and they gets taxed heavily when imported, there is no protection to American Made Products.

11-06-2008, 01:06 AM
People don't realize that increased taxes on companies will result in one of three things:

1) Employee layoffs
2) Reduced pay
3) More results/dollar

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't he taxing higher personal income rather than business income? Isn't he giving tax credits to small businesses trying to create jobs here in America? Did I really misunderstand the most articulate presidential candidate in decades, one who was very clear with the American people as to what he'd try to accomplish as President?

Let me ask this one then, since I couldn't get a very clear answer from Senator McCain. What was Mr. McCain's proposal to fix the economy? I never got an answer from him, because he spent all of his time criticizing Obama's economic plan. He never went into detail about what his idea is. So while I don't agree with all of Obama's economic policies, I at least know what he's trying to do. He's earned more of my trust by being forthcoming with his own plan than McCain has by criticizing Obama. I do not swear allegiance to one party over the other, so had McCain been more forthcoming himself about his own plan for this economy perhaps he'd have earned my vote. So I guess my question to you then is, how could you or I or anyone else for that matter know that McCain's economic policy would be better for this country than Obama's?

Gun, you hit it on the head...republicans that understand themselves and stand for things don't lose national elections. Most of the nation is conservative by nature, but when bush expands gov't spending and the GOP loses its way guys like obama sneak in. We CAN know what these guys stand for based on history and Mccain was lacking....obama has little/no history. Obama won because of the failings of the GOP.

11-06-2008, 01:20 AM

What does Nutz mean with wanting "isolationism" for America? Ithought I knew what that term meant, sorta of how Apartheid was brought down in South Africa.

Clearly, that's not meant, so, one more time for the dummies. What is it and why do you want it?

I'm not nutz, but if I was, I would say it means telling the rest of the world, "Go fuck yourselves and your needs until we get our own shit fixed first."

We probably should have said this about 20 years ago. Instead of Sally Struthers at a 3rd world country asking for donations, why not head to an inner city in the US and do the same thing? Sure she might get shot, but w/e. Get to it Mecca-Sally.

of course, we said it in 1994 with Rwanda and look how that turned out

While I agree with you in theory, we cannot police the world alone. I'm with Nutz on his isolationism. Can't help anybody else if you can't help yourself!

11-06-2008, 05:34 AM
............and you've shown everyone on the forum that you have no class

oh boo fucking hoo
Listening to GREEDY elitists who think that their way is the only/right way for the last few years has been sickining! Now they will say that we the people are sheep and only they know how to properly manage the USA.

Cy: Oh dear....

That phrase "manage the USA". You really believe that our country is something to be "managed."

Well, my friend, that DOES make you a sheep. Sheep are managed. I don't have to call you a sheep. That's your own self-testimony.

I would hope that our goal is that no single group or person "manages" the decisions of 300 million people. Unfortunately, after 70 years of Nanny State thinking and education, of course that's the way you would think.

Well, let Obama have at it! Cuz he's just so smart and stuff. I need someone to do my thinking for me.

11-06-2008, 06:20 AM
............and you've shown everyone on the forum that you have no class

oh boo fucking hoo
Listening to GREEDY elitists who think that their way is the only/right way for the last few years has been sickining! Now they will say that we the people are sheep and only they know how to properly manage the USA.

Cy: Oh dear....

That phrase "manage the USA". You really believe that our country is something to be "managed."

Well, my friend, that DOES make you a sheep. Sheep are managed. I don't have to call you a sheep. That's your own self-testimony.

I would hope that our goal is that no single group or person "manages" the decisions of 300 million people. Unfortunately, after 70 years of Nanny State thinking and education, of course that's the way you would think.

Well, let Obama have at it! Cuz he's just so smart and stuff. I need someone to do my thinking for me.

It's best at this point to pretty much ignore anything "gex" says. He comes by from time to time to try to cause trouble, gets banned, spoofs another IP and comes back a couple months later. He's the epitome of the jilted fat ex who doesn't understand what a restraining order is. Maybe Mad will get sick of it one of these days and hit him in the head with a shovel.

11-06-2008, 06:59 AM
While I agree with you in theory, we cannot police the world alone. I'm with Nutz on his isolationism. Can't help anybody else if you can't help yourself!

do you/did you support the iraq invasion?

11-06-2008, 08:26 AM
............and you've shown everyone on the forum that you have no class

oh boo fucking hoo
Listening to GREEDY elitists who think that their way is the only/right way for the last few years has been sickining! Now they will say that we the people are sheep and only they know how to properly manage the USA.

Cy: Oh dear....

That phrase "manage the USA". You really believe that our country is something to be "managed."

Well, my friend, that DOES make you a sheep. Sheep are managed. I don't have to call you a sheep. That's your own self-testimony.

I would hope that our goal is that no single group or person "manages" the decisions of 300 million people. Unfortunately, after 70 years of Nanny State thinking and education, of course that's the way you would think.

Well, let Obama have at it! Cuz he's just so smart and stuff. I need someone to do my thinking for me.

It's best at this point to pretty much ignore anything "gex" says. He comes by from time to time to try to cause trouble, gets banned, spoofs another IP and comes back a couple months later. He's the epitome of the jilted fat ex who doesn't understand what a restraining order is. Maybe Mad will get sick of it one of these days and hit him in the head with a shovel.

I hate to respond to a loser, unemployed, pervert like yourself, but at least I don't whine like a little bitch and threaten to leave or back out of things when a thread gets moved. :cry:
BTW skankpail, I have been here since 06 and never been closer than you to being banned. You should just confine all your posts to the garbage can. 8-)

11-06-2008, 09:53 AM
BTW skankpail, I have been here since 06

And your contributions have been astounding. Everyone loves you for your wit and relevant commentary. Your use of emoticons may be some of the best on the internet. Your insults are stinging and original, singing my heart and reducing my virtual soul to shambles.

Do you feel better now or do you need more? That's what you're here for, right? To feel important. To interact with something other than your right fist. If you can just manage to make a drop in the bucket, your life will have some meaning, right?

On a sidenote, I wish mom's wouldn't let their kid's WoW accounts lapse...