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View Full Version : Vote Now! Who is our most bitter conservative?

Tyrone Bigguns
11-05-2008, 06:55 PM
Day after the election and it is clear that we have some very bitter conservatives.

I apologize if i missed out on a bitter conservative. Please dont' feel slighted.

Edit: Wow, can't believe i forgot Kiwon. Sorry, buddy..but, what can you expect from someone who is morally bankrupt...then again, at least i'm aligned with our country's financial situation.

11-05-2008, 07:02 PM
I haven't voted yet. Do you know the gender and race of all these tools? It's important.

Tyrone Bigguns
11-05-2008, 07:06 PM
I haven't voted yet. Do you know the gender and race of all these tools? It's important.


11-05-2008, 07:08 PM
LOL @ Partial being tied for the lead.

11-05-2008, 07:08 PM
I haven't voted yet. Do you know the gender and race of all these tools? It's important.


If you have to ask....Sorry, Ty, you just don't get it.

11-05-2008, 07:18 PM
No Tex? Is he a conservative, or does he have his own category?

Tyrone Bigguns
11-05-2008, 07:21 PM
Tex is so far off the reservation he doesnt' count.

Tyrone Bigguns
11-05-2008, 07:22 PM
I haven't voted yet. Do you know the gender and race of all these tools? It's important.


If you have to ask....Sorry, Ty, you just don't get it.

Bitterness transcends race and gender.

But, i think it is you and the rest of the conservatives who don't get it. The country spoke, you lost.

11-05-2008, 07:25 PM
I haven't voted yet. Do you know the gender and race of all these tools? It's important.


If you have to ask....Sorry, Ty, you just don't get it.

Bitterness transcends race and gender.

But, i think it is you and the rest of the conservatives who don't get it. The country spoke, you lost.

Please point out one Conservative who has been nothing but gracious here.

11-05-2008, 07:26 PM
WHERE AM I ????????/

Actually, I should be voted the strongest conservative to be smart enough to avoid the RR and political jabber :lol:

11-05-2008, 07:28 PM
Holy shit....I just thought of something. Where has Tex been the past day or two?

Tyrone Bigguns
11-05-2008, 07:40 PM
I haven't voted yet. Do you know the gender and race of all these tools? It's important.


If you have to ask....Sorry, Ty, you just don't get it.

Bitterness transcends race and gender.

But, i think it is you and the rest of the conservatives who don't get it. The country spoke, you lost.

Please point out one Conservative who has been nothing but gracious here.

Quit your day job. Comedy is your true calling.

Tyrone Bigguns
11-05-2008, 07:40 PM
WHERE AM I ????????/

Actually, I should be voted the strongest conservative to be smart enough to avoid the RR and political jabber :lol:

You aren't bitter...cept when you have to agree with me. :wink:

11-05-2008, 07:51 PM
Quit your day job.

I did. Today. My time is now.

11-05-2008, 07:55 PM
Holy shit....I just thought of something. Where has Tex been the past day or two?

Tex is either in a stupor somewhere or he's in the basement doing something with blowtorches and rivets. Or maybe he just went for a long drive along the Rio Grande to Big Bend.

11-05-2008, 08:14 PM
HAHA Great poll, bitter conservatives is right.

I voted Ayn because he's hiding it with humor for the moment.
Serenity now, madness later.

Partial shouldn't even be on the list, that kid doesn't have a clue as to what he is, besides a cheapass. :roll:

Bubblehead is giving up altogether and moving in with kiwon I heard :lol:

I think Tex is hiding out on the grassy knoll, waiting for the moment to be right. That or he collapsed in a fit of rage when he found out that HIS America disagrees with his views.(guess were all morons and sheep that don't know any better) :wink:

Tyrone Bigguns
11-05-2008, 08:30 PM
Quit your day job.

I did. Today. My time is now.

I look forward to seeing you at Chuckles in Scranton and Yuk Yuks in Des Moine.

11-05-2008, 08:30 PM
Edit: Wow, can't believe i forgot Kiwon. Sorry, buddy..

Thank you for not lumping me in with that rogues gallery of bitter conservatives. I've got my standards to protect. 8-)

I'll take the winner on for the title of "The Most Bitter Conservative" in a cage match at either the Heritage Foundation or Liberty University.

but, what can you expect from someone who is morally bankrupt...

Confession is good for the soul...you're making progress :D

Tyrone Bigguns
11-05-2008, 08:31 PM
I am sincerely shocked that Sheepshead isn't winning this thing. My god, were all those youtube clips for naught?

C'mon libs...dont' let sheepshead down.

11-05-2008, 08:44 PM
I vote for me.

I am the ones that we've been waiting for.

The Altlantic Ocean is going to drop several inches if you vote for me.

I represent the coming together of all races, peoples, and creeds.

A vote for me is a vote to overturn the Law of Nature.

A vote for me is a vote to end the tyranny of Original Sin.

I will pay for your mortgage, yes you, giddy negress.

I will lower your gas bill, yes you, with the stud through your eyeball.

I will put you in my civilian army corps Gestapo, yes you, from The Family International.

Yeah, yeah, I know collectivist, utopian dreams have come and gone, and there's that unsightly problem of all the piles of bodies, but dreams can really come true, if you just believe, if you just feel the force, Luke, if you just, don't think...feel...focus your attention on a spot on the wall and just hear the silence...you will begin to taste your energy field, see your vibrations, hear the colors around you...

Because I'm transformational...and every single sunrise is a brand new day...when you wish upon a star...

[BTW. I'm a Christian so I don't get bitter. I just know the wizard behind the curtain...and it's all according to the playbook, dude.]

11-05-2008, 08:46 PM
The Kingdom of God is inside you, and all around you, not in mansions of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood... and I am there, lift a stone... and you will find me.

This doesn't surprise me.

Obama is the Gnostic President.

And he's getting the Gnostic vote.

cf: my previous post

Harlan Huckleby
11-05-2008, 08:47 PM
wait a minute! I'm bitter. I'm not so conservative, but I'm bitter.

this poll is racist. or something.

11-05-2008, 08:52 PM
wait a minute! I'm bitter. I'm not so conservative, but I'm bitter.

this poll is racist. or something.

You're black, Harlan? But you're so clean and articulate!

Woops, the new VEEP suddenly possessed me...

11-05-2008, 08:57 PM
Tyrone, please fix your poll to allow for more than one vote to be cast, or else to allow for mulligans. I want to amend my vote.

11-05-2008, 09:02 PM
Partial a conservative? Partial is one of common sense.. Not defined by liberal/conservative, democrat/socialist/republican, etc.

11-05-2008, 09:04 PM
Tyrone, please fix your poll to allow for more than one vote to be cast, or else to allow for mulligans.

I'll send ACORN right over.

11-05-2008, 09:13 PM
I am sincerely shocked that Sheepshead isn't winning this thing. My god, were all those youtube clips for naught?

C'mon libs...dont' let sheepshead down.

Where's your vote at, Ty? I'm the only one that has voted for Sheep so far.

I need help.

Actually, he needs help.

11-05-2008, 09:13 PM
Technically, I'm not a conservative, b/c quite frankly, I have no idea what that means... and I am not a Republican.

That said, I voted for myself... b/c no dispises socialism more than I do. Institutionalized dishonesty. Truly shameful.

11-05-2008, 09:55 PM
I'm assuming I got votes because I'm the first one on the list? What the fuck do I have to be bitter about? I ain't going to die. I've got my storehouse of canned beans at an undisclosed location motherfuckers so when the wheels fall off this shit and this country goes all feral, I'm going to own each and every one of you for your price in beans.

11-05-2008, 09:56 PM
skinbasket is a conservative? how can you be elitist and conservative? i thought only liberals were elitist? specifically those from the west coast? how many sentence fragments can i put question marks after?

EDIT: I meant to say east coast. now i've probably offended somebody else

11-05-2008, 10:03 PM
I console myself by picking at the wound.

How many times does Barry shag M in the oval office in the first 100 days?

Does William Ayers get to sleep in the Lincoln bedroom?

Does Rashid Khalidi get to listen in on the other line and make animal noises when Barry calls the Israeli PM?

11-05-2008, 10:08 PM
I'm assuming I got votes because I'm the first one on the list? What the fuck do I have to be bitter about? I ain't going to die. I've got my storehouse of canned beans at an undisclosed location motherfuckers so when the wheels fall off this shit and this country goes all feral, I'm going to own each and every one of you for your price in beans.

Beans make me fart. You're the one who's gonna have to suffer for it. Shoulda chosen something reasonable like spaghetti-ohs.

11-05-2008, 10:30 PM
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.

Deputy Nutz
11-05-2008, 10:38 PM
I'm assuming I got votes because I'm the first one on the list? What the fuck do I have to be bitter about? I ain't going to die. I've got my storehouse of canned beans at an undisclosed location motherfuckers so when the wheels fall off this shit and this country goes all feral, I'm going to own each and every one of you for your price in beans.

Beans make me fart. You're the one who's gonna have to suffer for it. Shoulda chosen something reasonable like spaghetti-ohs.

You can go fart in your own fucking bunker.

I personally hate beans and would rather starve to death. I have no problem eating other people if that means I don't have to eat beans.

11-05-2008, 10:39 PM
I voted for Mr. Ayn Rand. He gives me doggie biscuits and quotes philosophers.

11-06-2008, 01:44 AM
has tex been around here lately?

Harlan Huckleby
11-06-2008, 02:03 AM
has tex been around here lately?

maybe we should take turns on suicide watch

11-06-2008, 06:12 AM
I'm assuming I got votes because I'm the first one on the list? What the fuck do I have to be bitter about? I ain't going to die. I've got my storehouse of canned beans at an undisclosed location motherfuckers so when the wheels fall off this shit and this country goes all feral, I'm going to own each and every one of you for your price in beans.

Beans make me fart. You're the one who's gonna have to suffer for it. Shoulda chosen something reasonable like spaghetti-ohs.

You can go fart in your own fucking bunker.

I personally hate beans and would rather starve to death. I have no problem eating other people if that means I don't have to eat beans.

Ziggy, I'm trading you to nuts for a couple 2x4s.

11-06-2008, 07:44 AM
I'm assuming I got votes because I'm the first one on the list? What the fuck do I have to be bitter about? I ain't going to die. I've got my storehouse of canned beans at an undisclosed location motherfuckers so when the wheels fall off this shit and this country goes all feral, I'm going to own each and every one of you for your price in beans.

Beans make me fart. You're the one who's gonna have to suffer for it. Shoulda chosen something reasonable like spaghetti-ohs.

You can go fart in your own fucking bunker.

I personally hate beans and would rather starve to death. I have no problem eating other people if that means I don't have to eat beans.

Ziggy, I'm trading you to nuts for a couple 2x4s.

Sick of picking up your studs at the Thunder Down Under?

11-06-2008, 07:44 AM
Kiwon in a cakewalk. Nobody's even in his league.

11-06-2008, 08:22 AM
Kiwon in a cakewalk. Nobody's even in his league.

I disagree. I don't notice any recent change in Kiwon's behavior. He has always been what he is right now. Sometimes he goes away for a while but he always comes back, and when he does it's always the same stuff at the same frequency. "Who's the most bitter" is really asking who has become the most embittered recently over the implosion of the Right. I'm not even sure that Kiwon has noticed that implosion. Others certainly have.

11-06-2008, 09:11 AM

11-06-2008, 09:18 AM
I got not votes...I guess I'm not bitter and an all around nice guy. :)

11-06-2008, 09:43 AM
Wow! I didn't even make the top eight?

I doubt any of us are "bitter" by the usual definition--just concerned in varying degrees and over varying issues for the future of the country--exactly how far Obama will drag down America, and if the damage he does can be repaired.

My particular brand of "bitterness" has to do with the effect of terrorist hits which are geometrically more likely now that we will have a president who has opposed everything that has successfully prevented repeats of 9/11. It would be kinda hard to "repair" the death of thousands/tens or hundreds of thousands/millions of Americans, and the nuclear destruction or radiation of cities.

I have three children living in the suburbs of major cities, two of them on the downwind side. While I honestly don't think even with Obama as president that the likelihood of terrorist hits is over 50% or anything like that, and if it did happen, likely it would be in New York, Washington, Chicago, LA, Boston--somewhere that a lot more rotten leftists would be eliminated anyway. Just the same, as Ol' Joe Biden would say, "mark my words", it's a helluva lot more likely there will be catastrophic terrorist hits in America now that the piece-of-crap has been elected who opposed all the things that have thusfar prevented it.

11-06-2008, 09:57 AM
Kiwon in a cakewalk. Nobody's even in his league.

I disagree. I don't notice any recent change in Kiwon's behavior. He has always been what he is right now. Sometimes he goes away for a while but he always comes back, and when he does it's always the same stuff at the same frequency. "Who's the most bitter" is really asking who has become the most embittered recently over the implosion of the Right. I'm not even sure that Kiwon has noticed that implosion. Others certainly have.

What? :whaa: There was an election?

Who won? Is Christianity the official state religion yet? Please tell me Newt Gingrich is president.

11-06-2008, 10:27 AM
Kiwon in a cakewalk. Nobody's even in his league.

I disagree. I don't notice any recent change in Kiwon's behavior. He has always been what he is right now. Sometimes he goes away for a while but he always comes back, and when he does it's always the same stuff at the same frequency. "Who's the most bitter" is really asking who has become the most embittered recently over the implosion of the Right. I'm not even sure that Kiwon has noticed that implosion. Others certainly have.

What? :whaa: There was an election?

Who won? Is Christianity the official state religion yet? Please tell me Newt Gingrich is president.

The Bush Theocracy has been defeated. The world can breathe in the sweet, sweet smell of freedom once more. New copies of the constitution are being printed to replace those shredded by Bush. The gates of Guantanamo Bay prisons have been opened and freedom loving farmers, dragged away from their homes in Afghanistan by the evil Donald Rumsfeld, have rescued their Korans from the toilets and are making their way back to their beloved homeland to live in the peace and prosperity of a world soon to be changed by Obama. Souls are being healed. Americans are finally, finally proud of their country.

11-06-2008, 10:36 AM
Kiwon in a cakewalk. Nobody's even in his league.

I disagree. I don't notice any recent change in Kiwon's behavior. He has always been what he is right now. Sometimes he goes away for a while but he always comes back, and when he does it's always the same stuff at the same frequency. "Who's the most bitter" is really asking who has become the most embittered recently over the implosion of the Right. I'm not even sure that Kiwon has noticed that implosion. Others certainly have.

What? :whaa: There was an election?

Who won? Is Christianity the official state religion yet? Please tell me Newt Gingrich is president.

The Bush Theocracy has been defeated. The world can breathe in the sweet, sweet smell of freedom once more. New copies of the constitution are being printed to replace those shredded by Bush. The gates of Guantanamo Bay prisons have been opened and freedom loving farmers, dragged away from their homes in Afghanistan by the evil Donald Rumsfeld, have rescued their Korans from the toilets and are making their way back to their beloved homeland to live in the peace and prosperity of a world soon to be changed by Obama. Souls are being healed. Americans are finally, finally proud of their country.

Ah, the levels of the oceans are decreasing and the planet is healing.

I knew that we are the ones that we've been waiting for. - Yes, we can!!

(Once we get paid that is.....Obama campaign workers angry over unpaid wages


11-06-2008, 11:17 AM
Kiwon in a cakewalk. Nobody's even in his league.

I disagree. I don't notice any recent change in Kiwon's behavior. He has always been what he is right now. Sometimes he goes away for a while but he always comes back, and when he does it's always the same stuff at the same frequency. "Who's the most bitter" is really asking who has become the most embittered recently over the implosion of the Right. I'm not even sure that Kiwon has noticed that implosion. Others certainly have.

What? :whaa: There was an election?

Who won? Is Christianity the official state religion yet? Please tell me Newt Gingrich is president.

The Bush Theocracy has been defeated. The world can breathe in the sweet, sweet smell of freedom once more. New copies of the constitution are being printed to replace those shredded by Bush. The gates of Guantanamo Bay prisons have been opened and freedom loving farmers, dragged away from their homes in Afghanistan by the evil Donald Rumsfeld, have rescued their Korans from the toilets and are making their way back to their beloved homeland to live in the peace and prosperity of a world soon to be changed by Obama. Souls are being healed. Americans are finally, finally proud of their country.

Ah, the levels of the oceans are decreasing and the planet is healing.

I knew that we are the ones that we've been waiting for. - Yes, we can!!

(Once we get paid that is.....Obama campaign workers angry over unpaid wages


Selfish people......

"I want my money today! It's my money. I want it right now!"

11-06-2008, 12:46 PM
I voted for me, but I'm not bitter. I hope Barry does the right thing when he's called upon, Russia, Wall Street and Israel arent wasting anytime in letting us know what they think of our selection. He's my president and I support him. I never understood BDS and will certainly not engage in it and I think, while you'll see the crazies soon enough, you wont see ODS to the extent we saw the other side engage in it since 11-6-2000.

11-06-2008, 03:21 PM
...you wont see ODS to the extent we saw the other side engage in it since 11-6-2000.

Oh I don't know...I'm gonna do my best.

Did you know Obama's deceased grandmother voted for him.

Talk about absentee...

Cheesehead Craig
11-06-2008, 04:30 PM
I got not votes...I guess I'm not bitter and an all around nice guy. :)
I voted for you. Didn't want you to feel left out. :wink:

Tyrone Bigguns
11-06-2008, 05:06 PM
Tyrone, please fix your poll to allow for more than one vote to be cast, or else to allow for mulligans. I want to amend my vote.

I don't know how to do that. Nor does it seem to let me add more people..otherwise Kiwon and Tex would be up there.

Tyrone Bigguns
11-06-2008, 05:07 PM
Partial a conservative? Partial is one of common sense.. Not defined by liberal/conservative, democrat/socialist/republican, etc.

You are a comedy genius.

Tyrone Bigguns
11-06-2008, 05:08 PM
I am sincerely shocked that Sheepshead isn't winning this thing. My god, were all those youtube clips for naught?

C'mon libs...dont' let sheepshead down.

Where's your vote at, Ty? I'm the only one that has voted for Sheep so far.

I need help.

Actually, he needs help.

I cast my vote...but, i can't remember who i voted for.

11-08-2008, 10:53 PM