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11-14-2008, 09:23 PM

Obama, Clinton discussed secretary of state job
Fri Nov 14, 2008 9:04pm EST

CHICAGO (Reuters) - U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton left the door open to becoming secretary of state on Friday, a day after a meeting with President-elect Barack Obama at which a Democratic official said they discussed the job.

Obama's selection of Clinton would be a bold move that would bring into his coming administration a high-profile former rival who had questioned his level of experience and his foreign policy ideas in the Democratic primary battle earlier this year.

In introductory remarks at a speech in Albany, New York, Clinton, wife of former President Bill Clinton, did not confirm or deny that she had a secret meeting with Obama on Thursday. Democratic officials said the meeting did take place.

"I'm not going to speculate or address anything about the president-elect's incoming administration. And I am going to respect his process and any inquiries should be directed to his transition team," Clinton said.

The Obama's transition office in his hometown Chicago refused to comment.

The Washington Post, meanwhile, said Obama met on Friday with another former rival, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, and that they talked about the secretary of state position.

A Democratic official told Reuters that Clinton and Obama "had a serious meeting but the question was whether an actual offer was made."

CNN quoted Democratic sources as saying Obama and Clinton had a serious discussion to gauge her interest in becoming secretary of state and that she left the meeting with the impression the job was hers if she wanted it.

Nominating Clinton for the job would be a dramatic step by Obama as he seeks to build a high-powered team in Washington. He defeated the New York senator in a sometimes bitter duel for the presidential nomination, then miffed her supporters by not choosing her as his vice presidential running mate.

Obama also scheduled a meeting in Chicago on Monday with Republican Sen. John McCain, their first face-to-face talks since Obama defeated him in the presidential election on November 4.

Obama spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter said Obama and McCain would discuss ways to bring about a "more effective and efficient federal government." McCain had campaigned on reforming government by cutting out programs and reducing spending.


Washington was abuzz with the news that Clinton might be on Obama's short list and be a member of a "team of rivals" in much the same way Abraham Lincoln consolidated power by bringing his opponents into his Cabinet.

Many experts thought she would be a strong choice for secretary of state -- she would be the third woman to hold the job after Madeleine Albright and Condoleezza Rice.

"You need someone who can be taken seriously internationally, who has that kind of experience and policy ability, but also has the gravitas to make people sit down at the table," Democratic strategist Liz Chadderdon said.

But the question was whether she would take the job if offered. An alternative could be to remain in the Senate and use her clout to have a say in Obama's proposals and keep an independent platform for another possible run for president.

There were also questions about how her spotlight-loving husband would be managed if his wife were the top diplomat.

Obama has already turned to many former members of Bill Clinton's administration for help in his transition to power, including his chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, and co-chairman of his transition team, John Podesta.

Considering Clinton for secretary of state would mean Obama was expanding his search beyond other candidates mentioned for the job, such as Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, a Democrat who lost the 2004 presidential election to George W. Bush; Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel, a Republican who backed Obama over McCain this year; and Richardson, who was the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations during Bill Clinton's presidency.

Obama has been closeted all week in meetings in his transition office in Chicago as he prepares to take over the presidency on January 20.

New Jersey Democratic Gov. Jon Corzine said on MSNBC that Clinton would be great as secretary of state.

"She probably knows every major foreign leader. There's already a relationship where she can sit and talk directly about the problems that exist either on a bilateral or multilateral basis," he said.

Corzine would not address speculation that he is a candidate to be Obama's Treasury secretary, amid reports that another candidate for the position, Lawrence Summers, was fading due to opposition from women's groups upset at him during his tenure as president of Harvard University.

(Additional reporting by Deborah Charles and Caren Bohan, editing by Vicki Allen)

This would eliminate any idea that Obama is surrounding himself with "yes" people, since they sparred on foreign policy during the campaign. This would be a better pick than some other names I have heard mentioned. And it might even make Harlan less bitter. :D

Harlan Huckleby
11-14-2008, 10:05 PM
I didn't read the article, I'm far too busy and important of a man to invest the time, but Hillary ain't gonna take the secretary of state job. IT is not senior enough for her. She would have taken the VP job, but she won't go for Madame Albright redux.

Hope I'm wrong.

ps. maybe a supreme court nomination would get her juices flowing.

11-14-2008, 10:12 PM
Many people would consider the SOS job do be a bigger plum than VP. All depends on how the President wants to define the VP's role. If she takes it, I wonder if there will be press coverage the first time she takes a trip to Bosnia. Hears the airport there can be a dangerous place.

Harlan Huckleby
11-14-2008, 10:19 PM
who do you think had more influence under Bush, Colin Powell or Dick Chenney?

ya, that is just one example.

I would think Hillary would rather be in the Senate than be in the Cabinet, more autonomy.

A VP like Gore or Chenney would have been her role in the Exec.

11-15-2008, 08:26 AM
who do you think had more influence under Bush, Colin Powell or Dick Chenney?

ya, that is just one example.

I would think Hillary would rather be in the Senate than be in the Cabinet, more autonomy.

A VP like Gore or Chenney would have been her role in the Exec.

You couldnt have given two more different examples than these two.

11-15-2008, 08:49 AM
Many people would consider the SOS job do be a bigger plum than VP. All depends on how the President wants to define the VP's role. If she takes it, I wonder if there will be press coverage the first time she takes a trip to Bosnia. Hears the airport there can be a dangerous place.

That is true. What much does the VP do anyway. The SOS does most of the negotiating and deal making with other heads of state.

11-15-2008, 09:20 AM
depends-cheney has been the best vp clearly in my lifetime. A guy like Gore-who did nothing, of course his boss did nothing so...

Harlan Huckleby
11-16-2008, 04:23 PM
Many people would consider the SOS job do be a bigger plum than VP. All depends on how the President wants to define the VP's role. If she takes it, I wonder if there will be press coverage the first time she takes a trip to Bosnia. Hears the airport there can be a dangerous place.

That is true. What much does the VP do anyway. The SOS does most of the negotiating and deal making with other heads of state.

The VP can be anything, there is no forumula. But potentially, the VP has more access to the president than anyone, with possible exception of interns.

I don't understand Sheephead's justification in claiming Cheney was a great VP. I actually have long admired Cheney personally, by that I just mean that I thought he was very smart and direct in how he explained his positions. But things did not go well during the Bush years. What are the Bush Administrations accomplishments? I give them some credit for turning IRaq around, but what lead to the situation?

I suspect Sheepshead is just trying to be dramatic. Cheney's chief accomplishment is sharing Sheepshead's ideology.

11-16-2008, 07:06 PM
who do you think had more influence under Bush, Colin Powell or Dick Chenney?

ya, that is just one example.

I would think Hillary would rather be in the Senate than be in the Cabinet, more autonomy.

A VP like Gore or Chenney would have been her role in the Exec.

You've got it backwards. The real question is, who had more influence, Powell or Bush?

I suspect Hillary would seriously consider Sec of State if it looked like the position would play a featured role in an Obama administration's revival of US international relations. But if she figures that Obama himself would get all the credit for resuscitating US respect around the world, she'll stay in the Senate.

11-16-2008, 07:17 PM
Given all the angling for power Billary makes, I think she'll give the SOS a patronizing view and say no thanks to it.

She would rather go after one more run in 2012 vs. Obama if the country is still struggling and knock off The One. If Obama succeeds and she is SOS, she would get nowhere until 2016. By then it seems unlikely she'll be viable.

After 20 years of Bushes and Clintons, I think the country would just like to move on. (though Obama's advisers and Cabinet favorites are mainly Clinton appointees).

Harlan Huckleby
11-16-2008, 07:32 PM
(though Obama's advisers and Cabinet favorites are mainly Clinton appointees).

my sources tell that several are registered democrats, too.

this seems to be the year where experience has become a dirty word. hope the pendulum swings back from this lunacy.

11-17-2008, 11:23 AM
Given all the angling for power Billary makes, I think she'll give the SOS a patronizing view and say no thanks to it.

She would rather go after one more run in 2012 vs. Obama if the country is still struggling and knock off The One. If Obama succeeds and she is SOS, she would get nowhere until 2016. By then it seems unlikely she'll be viable.

After 20 years of Bushes and Clintons, I think the country would just like to move on. (though Obama's advisers and Cabinet favorites are mainly Clinton appointees).

She won't run in 2012. Sitting Presidents rarely get a serious challenge from their party for re-nomination. That's why she so tenaciously stayed in the race against Obama even after she had little chance of winning. She knew this was her only shot. She'll have to decide whether she wants to stay in the Senate and focus on domestic legislation (especially health care), or whether she wants to be SOS.

11-17-2008, 01:03 PM
Barry would have to really mess up and the press wont let that happen no matter what he does.

11-18-2008, 01:11 PM
Plus, when you havent done anything with your life you don't know that many people. They probably met on the campaign trail. Maybe the senate but Barry wasnt there very much.

11-22-2008, 08:08 AM
I dont like woodward very much, but this is a beauty:

The quote of day comes from Journalist and Author Bob Woodward-

Being president is about control, and tell me who ever controlled Bill or Hillary Clinton. They can't control each other