View Full Version : I'm a Happy Person!!!

11-15-2008, 08:56 PM
I really hope tax dollars weren't spent here....


Unhappy People Watch Lots More TV
The finding, announced on Thursday, comes from a survey of nearly 30,000 American adults conducted between 1975 and 2006 as part of the General Social Survey.

While happy people reported watching an average of 19 hours of television per week, unhappy people reported 25 hours a week. The results held even after taking into account education, income, age and marital status.

In addition, happy individuals were more socially active, attended more religious services, voted more and read a newspaper more often than their less-chipper counterparts.

The researchers are not sure, though, whether unhappiness leads to more television-watching or more viewing leads to unhappiness.

In fact, people say they like watching television: Past research has shown that when people watch television they enjoy it. In these studies, participants reported that on a scale from 0 (dislike) to 10 (greatly enjoy), TV-watching was nearly an 8.

But perhaps the high from watching television doesn't last.

"These conflicting data suggest that TV may provide viewers with short-run pleasure, but at the expense of long-term malaise," said researcher John Robinson, a sociologist at the University of Maryland, College Park.

In this scenario, even the happiest campers could turn into Debbie-downers if they continue to stare at the boob-tube. The researchers suggest that over time, television-viewing could push out other activities that do have more lasting benefits. Exercise and sex come to mind, as do parties and other forms of socialization known to have psychological benefits.

Or, maybe television is simply a refuge for people who are already unhappy.

"TV is not judgmental nor difficult, so people with few social skills or resources for other activities can engage in it," Robinson and UM colleague Steven Martin write in the December issue of the journal Social Indicators Research.

They add, "Furthermore, chronic unhappiness can be socially and personally debilitating and can interfere with work and most social and personal activities, but even the unhappiest people can click a remote and be passively entertained by a TV."

The researchers say follow-up studies are needed to tease out the relationship between television and happiness.

11-16-2008, 12:12 AM
It sounds like I actually may agree with you for once.

The most unhappy people I know work so hard and long that they don't have the time or are too tired to watch much TV. Conversely, some of the happiest people I know sit around on their lazy asses and enjoy life--with a generous portion of more active types of fun too--if and only if they want to.

I would bet that for the great majority of people--those I often refer to as "good normal" people, watching TV is just a means of entertainment and fun--nothing at all to do with being happy or unhappy for other reasons.

11-16-2008, 07:50 AM
The researchers say follow-up studies are needed to tease out the relationship between television and happiness.

In addition, happy individuals were more socially active, attended more religious services, voted more and read a newspaper more often than their less-chipper counterparts.

This is just junk "science." You can just as easily release a statement claiming people who vote more are happier people or that happy people read the paper more. But that doesn't make a headline. I'm sure the University of Chicago will get their funding (yes, your tax dollars, through the Sociology Program of the National Science Foundation) for the 34th consecutive year though due to releases like this and they'll add a module that asks 4-5 questions about television and happiness scales to their survey. I'm also sure they're probably expecting a nice bump in that funding considering the new democrat president is a home towner.

Yipee for social science!

11-16-2008, 07:59 AM
i havent watched a network TV show in maybe 15 or twenty years. Just sports (of course) and news. I dont know about the happy part but people that watch that much junk sure are boring.

11-16-2008, 10:32 AM
i havent watched a network TV show in maybe 15 or twenty years. Just sports (of course) and news. I dont know about the happy part but people that watch that much junk sure are boring.

First of all, Sheepshead, we need to guard against being like the damned elitists--judgmental of what others consider FUN.

Secondly, and more important, though, if you get past the stupidity of these sick half hour "comedy" shows--portraying what the Hollywood left likes to think is normal, there actually ARE some good shows on network TV--probably about half of all the weekday evening primetime.

Check out "The Unit" tonight and "NCIS" and 'House" among others. A lot of them pre-suppose the goodness of and even actively try to promote liberal causes, but what the heck. Most of them are fairly interesting anyway.

I wouldn't even disparage people who like to watch the half hour "comedy" crap, though. The main point is that having fun and enjoying entertainment including TV is a means to happiness, not a sign that somebody either is or isn't already.