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jack's smirking revenge
06-30-2006, 11:29 AM
Anyone seen it? Care to give a personal review?

I'm thinking about seeing it this holiday weekend, but I've read some shaky reviews and it sounds like the weather's going to be sweet. Let me know what you think.

I suppose since Kevin Spacey is in it, it's a must-see in my book. Just curious on PR poster thoughts on the movie.


06-30-2006, 12:43 PM
I haven't seen it yet and I probably won't 'till it comes out on DVD.

I've never been that big into Superman. I own all the Batman, Spiderman and X-Men movies and I've got Elektra (Jennifer G is Supahot in that one) as well as the Fantastic 4. But my favorite by far is Sin City. That movie is one of the best comic to film adaptations of all time. The biggest bonus is that it's rated R. I wish more comic-films would stop catering to the 12 year olds and produce the films for the 17+ audience but the marketeers are soooo against it with the whole "lack of profit" fear - which I think is total BS.

Comic films to stay away from are Catwoman (unless you're just watching it to see Halle Berry) and Daredevil was totally ruined by that tool Ben Afleck.

jack's smirking revenge
06-30-2006, 01:02 PM
I haven't seen it yet and I probably won't 'till it comes out on DVD.

I've never been that big into Superman. I own all the Batman, Spiderman and X-Men movies and I've got Elektra (Jennifer G is Supahot in that one) as well as the Fantastic 4. But my favorite by far is Sin City. That movie is one of the best comic to film adaptations of all time. The biggest bonus is that it's rated R. I wish more comic-films would stop catering to the 12 year olds and produce the films for the 17+ audience but the marketeers are soooo against it with the whole "lack of profit" fear - which I think is total BS.

Comic films to stay away from are Catwoman (unless you're just watching it to see Halle Berry) and Daredevil was totally ruined by that tool Ben Afleck.

I've been watching a lot of comic book movies these days. I've never been into Superman either, but with Spacey as Lex Luthor, I'm willing to pay the money.

Like you, I own all of the movies you listed. I was REALLY disappointed in X3. Wish Singer would've stuck with that franchise, but you can't blame him. The X trilogy was pretty much done and it was his chance to jump onto a brand new franchise. Sin City is simply amazing. The art. The stories. The attention to detail. Like you said, staying true to its audience (not teenyboppers). There are some out there. Not near enough, but there are some. "Blade", though disappointing, is Marvel and aimed at the adults. I've got a feeling "Ghost Rider" will be a bit too dark for the young crowd and will probably get R.

My faves? "Hellboy" and "V". Both are based off of comics. Both do the medium justice. "Hellboy" blew me away and I hope they continue that series.

But, for every Hellboy or Sin City, there's a Daredevil (which is horrible--I just watched again for the first time in years) or Catwoman or Hulk.

At least Uwe Boll (BloodRayne, House of the Dead, Alone in the Dark) hasn't got his hands on comics yet. He's just ruining the video game movie market.


jack's smirking revenge
06-30-2006, 01:04 PM
Oh yeah, and how in the hell did Ben Affleck ever become an A-list Hollywood actor? That guy is HORRIBLE! He was decent in "Dogma" and "Good Will Hunting" but the stench of his bombs is stronger than an outhouse in summer.


06-30-2006, 01:30 PM
Oh god - I totally forgot about the "Hulk" movie. That crap was mega-terrible. It looked like Shrek took some steroids. Piece of junk.

06-30-2006, 04:16 PM
Good movie. I saw it Wednesday night. you won't be dissapointed

Charles Woodson
07-01-2006, 06:38 PM
I saw superman last night and loved it. great movie and i liked the action. only draw back is that ur back gets stiff after about 3 hours