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01-04-2009, 10:02 PM
Check out your local Humane Society (Shelter).

Geesh, have you seen that commercial with Sara Mclaughlin singing "Silent Night" showing all those helpless dogs/cats? Makes me want to go out and get a couple more. :D

We got our dog from the Humane Society and she is awesome!

01-04-2009, 10:25 PM
That's a commercial I have to turn every time it comes on. I know it's an awesome thing and I adopted a dog from the humane society about 5 months ago, but those sad animals in that commercial make me sad. Plus her voice puts me in a downer.

01-04-2009, 10:28 PM
Every time I see that commercial, it makes me think of the thousands of unadopted children in the US and wonder why people care more about animals than people.

I'm just sayin.

01-04-2009, 10:39 PM
Did anyone say anything about caring more about animals then people?

.....just sayin

PMS or what?

01-04-2009, 10:42 PM
I didnt mean you, im saying the people that make those commercials. Those animal adoption commercials are on TV a lot.

Good example, say the name Michael Vick to people and they are outraged. Say the name Ray Carruth and you will get a blank stare 99% of the time.

01-04-2009, 10:52 PM
Time and distance, dear. You still get the same kind of outrage from people talking about Ahman Green and he did a lot to straighten himself out. Just think of how much credibility Mark Chmura retained.

That said, I've been cat shopping lately. One of my dogs came from the Humane Society (the nutcase--it figures) and the other (the sweet, happy one) came from a little rescue group.

I am looking on petfinders.com which is a great resource for adopting any kind of animal.

I also went to the pet store today to pick up some bones for the dogs, and I could easily have ended up with a third. :hrt:

01-04-2009, 11:26 PM

Good example, say the name Michael Vick to people and they are outraged. [/quote]

Speaking of Michael Vick, last week's Sports Illustrated had an excellent article about the dogs rescued from Vick's dog-fighing/breeding place.

Authorities initially feared most of the dogs would have to be put down in the belief they would be too wild to serve as family pets.

Instead, many of the dogs were assigned to people skilled with raising dogs, pit bulls, in particular. There were many great individual stories how the dogs were able to successfully adapt to the adoptive families and become good pets.

Check out the article.

01-05-2009, 12:04 AM
We have had a good experience with the Humane Society.

About 4 years ago, my younger daughter adopted a year old cat from the Humane Society. This cat has quite a bit of personality and is a great family pet.

Harlan Huckleby
01-05-2009, 03:07 AM
I could use a pet, 07. Nothing heavy, ya know.

01-05-2009, 07:07 AM
Sarah McLaughlin is a babe.

01-05-2009, 07:21 AM
I howl every time I see that commercial.

By all means, get a humane society dog (don't mind so much about the cats), but don't forget about us purebreds.

And always remember to spay or neuter your pet (just kidding)

P.S. I saw 'Marley and Me' - it is a real howl jerker.

01-05-2009, 07:30 AM
Good example, say the name Michael Vick to people and they are outraged.

Speaking of Michael Vick, last week's Sports Illustrated had an excellent article about the dogs rescued from Vick's dog-fighing/breeding place.

Authorities initially feared most of the dogs would have to be put down in the belief they would be too wild to serve as family pets.

Instead, many of the dogs were assigned to people skilled with raising dogs, pit bulls, in particular. There were many great individual stories how the dogs were able to successfully adapt to the adoptive families and become good pets.

Check out the article.

Caught that article. Good read. Wish there was something similar about a few kids in orphanages or who are wards of the state is all.

01-05-2009, 07:32 AM
When Michael Vick is released from prison, I am going to bite his leg.

01-05-2009, 06:29 PM
When Michael Vick is released from prison, I am going to bite his leg.

Good plan, and adopt a human just to keep Zool happy.

01-05-2009, 06:32 PM
I also went to the pet store today to pick up some bones for the dogs, and I could easily have ended up with a third. :hrt:

If you buy a dog from a pet store, I would come there and kick your ass myself, Zig !! :smack:

No need to support puppy mills, which is exactly what people are doing when they buy pets from pet stores, or buy advertised "purebred" pets in the paper for $200.

01-05-2009, 06:33 PM
When Michael Vick is released from prison, I am going to bite his leg.

Good plan, and adopt a human just to keep Zool happy.

LOL, but it's gotta be a US child

01-05-2009, 06:37 PM
Jiminy Christmas Michele, I meant Petco where the local rescue groups are invited to stand outside the store and show their adorable available animals! Do they even have "pet store" pet stores anymore?

01-05-2009, 06:41 PM
Jiminy Christmas Michele, I meant Petco where the local rescue groups are invited to stand outside the store and show their adorable available animals! Do they even have "pet store" pet stores anymore?

Ok, so no butt kickings for you then.

Actually, yes we have "pet store" pet stores still around. In fact a new one just opened here in GB about three months ago. Maybe it's not as big in other states, but here it's still a huge problem. Local news just did a major undercover investigation of local puppy mills. It makes me furious.

01-05-2009, 09:20 PM
You can all mock Zool, but my wife said pretty much the same thing after seeing that commercial. She mentioned the story about that dog dragging a dead baby out of the woods and wondered why we have so much commercial time devoted to informing people they can go pick up a used animal with sad pleading eyes at the humane society, but no commercial time devoted to informing poor, sick, stupid human people they can drop off a baby no questions asked at any number of locations that are better than the woods.

What I've deduced from all this is that Zool could be my life partner.

Iron Mike
01-05-2009, 10:28 PM
I am looking on petfinders.com which is a great resource for adopting any kind of animal. :hrt:

I think Gracie wants to come and live with you:


01-05-2009, 10:32 PM
I am looking on petfinders.com which is a great resource for adopting any kind of animal. :hrt:

I think Gracie wants to come and live with you:


That is one funny looking cat...

01-05-2009, 11:03 PM
no commercial time devoted to informing poor, sick, stupid human people they can drop off a baby no questions asked at any number of locations that are better than the woods.

I've never seen a commercial concerning that topic, but I did see some TV news special. It was a while back, but if I'm remembering it correctly, it was a hospital that would take children, no questions asked if they parents did not feel they could care for the children. Seems like it was something new that was being tried and might have just been in a few States or maybe even just one? What I do remember about the program is that they were kind of overwhelmed with the numbers they were dealing with. Pretty sad. The story this show focussed on was a man who left his 6 kids at a hospital. His wife died and he pretty much just fell apart and felt he couldn't support them. I'm thinking you won't see commercials for this particular type of thing because they would be afraid of numbers it would bring in.

What they should be advertising more is help that can be provided for these people through Dept. of Human Services. Although when a state agency is involved it can't be "no questions asked" type of thing. Unfortunately people in some of these situations are afraid of getting Human Services involved in their family. They are looked at as the "bad guys". Plus, most often they require all kinds of family counseling, parenting classes, etc.....the type of thing many of them frown upon to begin with.

But you are right, it's really too bad there aren't more places that can accept children...no questions asked, so they don't end up abused or worse.

01-05-2009, 11:22 PM
P.S. I saw 'Marley and Me' - it is a real howl jerker.

Jerker? Is it sad? I wanted to see it, but won't if it ends on a sad note.

01-06-2009, 08:22 PM
P.S. I saw 'Marley and Me' - it is a real howl jerker.

Jerker? Is it sad? I wanted to see it, but won't if it ends on a sad note.

Like any good dog movie, it covers the lifetime of a dog. And like all good dog movies, it ends with the sadness of the loss of a good dog. I have to admit that I howled more during 'My Dog Skip.' That was a good dog, that Skip.

01-06-2009, 10:42 PM
Movie does make you laugh and smile mostly. But the ending is sad.
It's very close to the book so if you read that you'll know what to expect.

My favorite quote from the movie is:
"A dog doesn't care if your rich or poor, give him your heart and he'll give
you his."

So true.

01-09-2009, 11:01 PM
I have this fish. He lays on the bottom of his bowl and does nothing until he thinks he's gonna get fed--then he's all over the place. As soon as he's gotten his food, he goes back down to the bottom of the bowl. I've named him Cleditus...

At the rate I'm going, I should have a cat by the end of the weekend. I wonder how Cleditus will feel about moving when the cat finds his bowl...

01-10-2009, 02:53 PM
Hotel For Dogs

Opening Jan. 16th
Think I'll skip Marley and Me and catch this one.

There are holes in the story and the whole movie is one big implausibility but it just doesn't matter. Hotel for Dogs will be the first big hit of 2009. It's a great family film that 4-12 year olds are just going to eat up.
