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01-08-2009, 03:28 PM
Gary Ellerson of WSSP was discussing earlier in the day about how the true superstars of every sport rarely work hard enough to reach their potential.

He was citing Favre as an example, he his physical talents are off the charts, but he never studied and just coasted by in his workouts.

Ken Griffey Jr. was a physical freak as well, and he was well-known for never lifting a weight or working out until he got hurt.

Anyone have any other examples? I wonder how common this is.

01-08-2009, 03:38 PM
No one I can think of off the top of my head besides Favre...

From all the stories I hear about him in the early 90's he didn't do much to help his game out (in the film room)... He didn't even know what the Nickel formation was until a couple years in his pro career!

01-08-2009, 03:44 PM
Vince Carter admits to not putting 100% effort every game.

When his head is right (ie - when he plays vs his old team the Raptors) he is unstoppable.

Cleft Crusty
01-08-2009, 03:50 PM
Gary Ellerson? Rarely? You've got to be joking. I'd like to see the scientific study he carried out to show that 'superstars' 'Rarely' work hard enough. Most of the superstars I know about worked far harder than anyone else. Go down the line and look at their off season regimens. The guys that don't work hard, don't remain superstars for very long (just ask Antonio Freeman). By all accounts, Favre showed up and worked hard every practice, often taking extra reps in wind sprints, especially as he got a bit older in the late 90s to stay sharp. just becase the guy wasn't a film study maniac, doesn't mean he didn't work hard enough. And, about reaching his potential, I guess all those records are just there for anyone. Gary Ellerson commenting on this is absurd. From a guy who couldn't make the '87 Packers no less.

01-08-2009, 03:53 PM
Favre turned into a very hard worker later in his career. He studied. He worked out hard. At least, he did during the season. I never listened to their show much, but I've been listening the last few days, and it's a horrible show. Ellerson has some good takes and some that are extremely uninformed. The other two clowns they have on that show don't know what they are talking about 90% of the time. At least, they've sounded that way this week. Yesterday, they were talking about how the Packers have been telling people that they don't have the financial resources to go after FAs. WTF? When has anybody in the Packers organization made that excuse?

01-08-2009, 04:05 PM
I could be mistaken, but I am pretty sure Tiger Woods works hard. John Daly, not so much.

01-08-2009, 05:01 PM
Randy "I'll play when I wanna play" Moss, and Allen "We're talking about practice" Iverson are two off the top of my head.

01-08-2009, 05:07 PM
Jerry Rice...the antithesis to Moss

01-08-2009, 05:09 PM
Reggie White never lifted. He'd go down in the weight room & do Muhammed Ali imitations and joke around. He had a standing bet that he could out lift anybody that regularly worked out. He never lost, but somebody tied him once in a challenge. Reggie was one of the strongest men ever to play in the NFL, so it was cool.

Brett was like a little kid skipping homework. Holmgren made all the QB's script the first 20 plays and then Coach Mike and the QB's would make the game script. Brett would always get the back-ups to do his. Guys like Ty Detmer. But Holmy could always tell that Brett was cheatin' becuase BF would script 16 long bombs, 3 rollouts and a QB draw or something when he did his own.

01-08-2009, 05:10 PM
I could be mistaken, but I am pretty sure Tiger Woods works hard. John Daly, not so much.


01-08-2009, 06:42 PM
I could be mistaken, but I am pretty sure Tiger Woods works hard. John Daly, not so much.

What are you talking about? Nobody spends more time doing 12 oz. arm curls than John Daly.

01-08-2009, 06:43 PM
I could be mistaken, but I am pretty sure Tiger Woods works hard. John Daly, not so much.

What are you talking about? Nobody spends more time doing 12 oz. arm curls than John Daly.

I do 40 oz. curls all the time.

I have him beat.

01-08-2009, 07:03 PM
Gary Ellerson commenting on this is absurd. From a guy who couldn't make the '87 Packers no less.

when i saw that name i thought "isn't he an ex-Packer?" :roll:

t.o. obviously works hard but his superstar days are way behind him now.

01-08-2009, 07:43 PM
Judging by Reggie's arms, he had to lift at some point, didn't he? I can see him coasting as a vet though. Sean Jones said he was a great man who couldn't drive past a Burger King without placing an order.

Tyrone Bigguns
01-08-2009, 07:54 PM
Randy "I'll play when I wanna play" Moss, and Allen "We're talking about practice" Iverson are two off the top of my head.

You aren't seriously suggesting that those two haven't reached their potential. :oops:

Cleft Crusty
01-08-2009, 08:39 PM
Judging by Reggie's arms, he had to lift at some point, didn't he? I can see him coasting as a vet though. Sean Jones said he was a great man who couldn't drive past a Burger King without placing an order.

Sean Jones couldn't walk by a fellow football player without taking their money.

01-09-2009, 07:38 AM
I think sports are so, so competetive at the highest levels that few if any players can make it without busting their butts, and a superstar doesn't get to be a superstar without working hard.

Michael Jordan. Peyton Manning. Tiger Woods.

The world is littered with guys who have all the talent in the world, but don't work hard and never make it.

They work hard, I believe. Maybe not in specific areas, but I think they work hard.

01-09-2009, 09:47 AM
I don't understand the statement. Perhaps he meant that the superstars could have worked even harder and gotten even better. Perhaps the issue is once a player gets on top, he feels, they no longer have to work as hard because they are on top. There may be a bit of truth there, but there are too many exceptions as listed above (and I will add Gretzky) to call that a rule.

01-09-2009, 09:49 AM
Judging by Reggie's arms, he had to lift at some point, didn't he? I can see him coasting as a vet though. Sean Jones said he was a great man who couldn't drive past a Burger King without placing an order.I thought I remember a quote about his youth, and pushing his workouts so hard he was in considerable pain.