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View Full Version : The Significance of Today

01-20-2009, 07:58 AM
I always thought the first minority president would be a republican. Shows what I know. The significance of today should not be lost on anyone. I am whiter then white. There is no way I can walk a mile in the shoes of anyone of color and appreciate what is it to be treated differently just due to the color of your skin. While a liberal with no experience at anything taking the oath of office today, frightens me greatly, there is hopefully something to be gained in the way we treat each other. Also, President Obama will be an inspiration for kids of all backgrounds and colors. While they will not all become president, there will be many who will strive to work hard and achieve something with their lives that was not necessarily handed to them. His own story and upbringing shows a path void of a silver spoon.

I hope when he has to make a decision, one without complete information at hand, he seeks the advice of the gray hairs around him. Also, if half of what comes out of his mouth is in his heart, then I think he is a good man and will have the best interest of all of us when choices confront him. I didn’t vote for him. I do not want any liberal agenda to succeed (it never has), but I want the best for this country.

Having said all this, the media is making me sick. I have never watched an inauguration and I wont watch this one. The love fest is embarrassing and could prove to be harmful as every administration needs the checks and balances the press provides.

01-20-2009, 08:18 AM
You should re-title your thread "Dear World - The other perspective".

01-20-2009, 08:30 AM
It was a nice sentiment. Why'd you have to go and get nasty about it?

01-20-2009, 08:41 AM
Who said anything nasty? All I see is some levity and truth.

01-20-2009, 09:02 AM
You guys are never going to allow anything fun to ever happen in the Romper Room without a bunch of attacking sarcastic bullshit again, are you. The camaraderie of this room is gone and it's a shame because it used to be such fun.

01-20-2009, 09:02 AM
I didn't vote for Obama, but I will say this day will have a lot of significance for this country. I will probably not agree with half of what Obama says or wants to do, but for today that is besides the point. Minorities and black people do have a lot do be proud about in seeing Obama become president. As mentioned yesterday many many black people still remember being mistreated, segregated, lynched, beaten, and so on, and never thought they would ever see a black person become a president. Yes, Obama is half white. My younger adopted brother is half white and half black too, but he relates with black people more than he does white people. A new chapter will start today, and hopefully race relations will improve in this country.

01-20-2009, 09:06 AM
Yes, it is a momentous day for our nation.

That being said, HIGHLY doubt MSNBC, CNN, etc. would be fawning over like this if a GOP president Michael Steele or J.C. Watts was taking the oath today. Steele was called an Oreo in Maryland as well as them being called Uncle Toms because they're not Dems.

The next thing I'm waiting for is a report that Obama parted the Potomac on his way to the swearing in.

I hope he does succeed, because we as a nation need it. I just wish that the Dems in power would work with the GOP. It won't happen because Pelosi is already altering the rules in the House to squelch debate on legislation.

Until I'm proven wrong, I think it's going to be same old, same old.

01-20-2009, 09:07 AM
I didn't vote for Obama, but I will say this day will have a lot of significance for this country. I will probably not agree with half of what Obama says or wants to do, but for today that is besides the point. Minorities and black people do have a lot do be proud about in seeing Obama become president. As mentioned yesterday many many black people still remember being mistreated, segregated, lynched, beaten, and so on, and never thought they would ever see a black person become a president. Yes, Obama is half white. My younger adopted brother is half white and half black too, but he relates with black people more than he does white people. A new chapter will start today, and hopefully race relations will improve in this country.

Good posts Sheep and LL. And yes, politics aside, Obama provides a very positive role model. Although it should already have been known, It's an affirmation that nothing in this country is impossible to someone with the drive and talent to achieve it.

P.S. I doubt there is anyone out there who remembers being lynched.

01-20-2009, 09:10 AM
You guys are never going to allow anything fun to ever happen in the Romper Room without a bunch of attacking sarcastic bullshit again, are you. The camaraderie of this room is gone and it's a shame because it used to be such fun.

I tried to see the fun in your post above. Perhaps I missed it somehow. But I included sarcasm, since you seem to expect it.

01-20-2009, 10:05 AM
It was a nice sentiment. Why'd you have to go and get nasty about it?

Nasty? Oh, please.

I was contrasting the sentiment, from this thread to the other.

If you can't see the difference, I cannot help you. I personally believe that anything "NASTY" was expressed in the other thread under the "guise" of a joke, or under the "false impression" of levity.

I took it as CRUEL.

That man was our President for 8 years. If you didn't like him, FINE, but those statements shouldn't have been made about EITHER man.

I applaud Sheeps, and I agree, largely. When you look in the mirror what you should see is someone WHO CANNOT AGREE if you apply similar sentiments to the occupant of the office for the past 8 years.

We've dealt with THAT unfair bullshit for the past 8 years. Look in the mirror and leave me alone. When you find ONE THING that I've said bad about our new President since he was elected, then make the comparison. I can find PLENTY you said about Bush WHILE he was the occupant.

01-20-2009, 10:06 AM
You guys are never going to allow anything fun to ever happen in the Romper Room without a bunch of attacking sarcastic bullshit again, are you. The camaraderie of this room is gone and it's a shame because it used to be such fun.

Would you please look closely at the three fingers pointing back at you as you point at me?

Thank you.

01-20-2009, 10:23 AM
You guys are never going to allow anything fun to ever happen in the Romper Room without a bunch of attacking sarcastic bullshit again, are you. The camaraderie of this room is gone and it's a shame because it used to be such fun.

well said zig. the fun has been taken away

on another note, holy hell thats a lot of people

oh, and BTW. as someone who voted for the guy. i'm also getting sick of the media. its a big moment, but they're going way overboard

01-20-2009, 10:25 AM
You guys are never going to allow anything fun to ever happen in the Romper Room without a bunch of attacking sarcastic bullshit again, are you. The camaraderie of this room is gone and it's a shame because it used to be such fun.

Apparently we didn't get the new administration's memo about fun reclassification, Comrade.

01-20-2009, 11:04 AM
I always thought the first minority president would be a republican.

I hoped the same, especially since Lincoln, who freed the slaves, was a Republican and it was Republicans that pushed back against the racist Democrats in the South and helped to end the Jim Crow laws.

But I knew the Dems and the media would not allow a Black Republican or a Black conservative to succeed after watching the Clarence Thomas hearings. That scumbag, Biden, was such a jerk. The feminist nazis came with lie after lie. It was obvious that Anita Hill was nothing but a puppet.

The way that Thomas, Condi Rice, Michael Steele, Ken Blackwell, Janice Rodgers Brown and other Black conservatives have been treated by the "enlightened" and "tolerant" Left is criminal.

Oh, but it's okay because they are not authentically "black" according to the orthodoxy of liberals. Therefore, anything goes, no matter how hypocritical it is.

01-20-2009, 11:40 AM
Yes, it is a momentous day for our nation.

That being said, HIGHLY doubt MSNBC, CNN, etc. would be fawning over like this if a GOP president Michael Steele or J.C. Watts was taking the oath today. Steele was called an Oreo in Maryland as well as them being called Uncle Toms because they're not Dems.

The next thing I'm waiting for is a report that Obama parted the Potomac on his way to the swearing in.

I hope he does succeed, because we as a nation need it. I just wish that the Dems in power would work with the GOP. It won't happen because Pelosi is already altering the rules in the House to squelch debate on legislation.

Until I'm proven wrong, I think it's going to be same old, same old.

All true, and all significant.

Like Sheepshead, I, too, always thought the first black president and the first woman president would be Republicans--despite the sick and horrendous double standard of the media. You could have also mentioned how they--the LIBERAL media called Condoleeza Rice a "pickininny"--which is about as racist as you can get. She has more intellect in her little finger than Obama will ever have.

It also would have been far better for America in general to have a black conservative Republican rise to the top. The exploitation of the black population to where 90% + votes for the party of abortion, the party of the gay agenda, the party of anti-American/anti-Christian/anti-capitalist positions and sentiments is an all out travesty/tragedy--considering that so many blacks are a least as decent on those issues as most whites. An Obama presidency is going to increase the bad feelings between the races, whereas having a decent black president would have helped that situation considerably.

One silver lining in this whole dark cloud, though is this: Obama out of political necessity will have to carry himself much like a white man as president. He obviously will serve as a role model to millions of young blacks. The instances of blacks "being black" or "acting black" will undoubtedly decrease as a result of Obama's presidency. Ultimately, that will be a good thing for the country.

01-20-2009, 11:45 AM
I propose that the Romper Room be renamed the Republican Circle.

01-20-2009, 11:49 AM
Big day in the history of our country. I hope the man can respond as well as he speaks and accomplish the things he says. He has an incredible amount of support.

01-20-2009, 12:06 PM
Of significance today was that I was painfully reminded that poetry died a long long time ago.

01-20-2009, 12:09 PM
Because it didn't rhyme, didn't mean it wasn't poetry.

01-20-2009, 12:10 PM
Big day in the history of our country. I hope the man can respond as well as he speaks and accomplish the things he says. He has an incredible amount of support.

I find him incredible.

Harlan Huckleby
01-20-2009, 12:13 PM
P.S. I doubt there is anyone out there who remembers being lynched.

I've been the victim of high tech lynchings by the crackers in this forum.

01-20-2009, 12:15 PM
P.S. I doubt there is anyone out there who remembers being lynched.

I've been the victim of high tech lynchings by the crackers in this forum.

They didn't succeed...your still here.

Harlan Huckleby
01-20-2009, 12:16 PM
I stole the line from Clarence Thomas. HE's still here too, ya know.

01-20-2009, 12:16 PM
P.S. I doubt there is anyone out there who remembers being lynched.

I've been the victim of high tech lynchings by the crackers in this forum.

Nothing personal, it's because you're blue and we can't have that without the property values going down.

edit: Long Dong Silver, awaay!

01-20-2009, 12:21 PM
I propose that the Romper Room be renamed the Republican Circle.


then can we get a new forum, and call it

something like happy fun place

01-20-2009, 12:28 PM
I propose that the Romper Room be renamed the Republican Circle.


then can we get a new forum, and call it

something like happy fun place

How 'bout we take back the Romper Room and create a political arena where people can disparage each other all they want? I want a thread like the Rat Communication one I bumped to be able to survive in here--or any of the old "Seinfeld-like" threads that have nothing to do with anything, we're just talking and having fun. I so miss them.

Harlan Huckleby
01-20-2009, 12:34 PM
I think we are overthinking this problem. The obvious solution is to kick the right wingers out of the forum.

As an experiment, maybe we should just start with a casual friday policy. No crackers can login on Fridays. I'll draw up a list and send it to madtown.

01-20-2009, 12:35 PM
Or lets eliminate anyone who's too far one way or the other? That way logical people can have actual discussions?

Harlan Huckleby
01-20-2009, 12:40 PM
hmmm, I think a purge of illogical people will be too difficult to decide on.
WEll, I'll sign on to any system that kicks Tex out.

We really should deal with the sicko's first, we got people posting pictures of flying penises, Aunt Jemima - they need to be priority kills.

01-20-2009, 12:46 PM

Aunt Jemima has a flying penis?

Who would of thunk it?

One would of thought that the media would have worn double thick
body condoms with all their warmth putting more carbon
footprints on the earth!

Harlan Huckleby
01-20-2009, 12:50 PM
sooner must go.

01-20-2009, 12:52 PM
I propose that the Romper Room be renamed the Republican Circle.


then can we get a new forum, and call it

something like happy fun place

How 'bout we take back the Romper Room and create a political arena where people can disparage each other all they want? I want a thread like the Rat Communication one I bumped to be able to survive in here--or any of the old "Seinfeld-like" threads that have nothing to do with anything, we're just talking and having fun. I so miss them.

i already ran that idea past the boss

he didn't like it

01-20-2009, 12:57 PM
Ya'all wanted a happy fun place, yet you made Swede get rid of his flying penis.

I wouldn't mind at all having all the silly claptrap separated from the significant political discussions. I've always been a live and let live kind of guy, and never complained either here or previously at JSOnline about people posting meaningless crap. I figured that was their right to do, just like it's my right to post significant stuff. I could live with having it all here under one roof, or I could live with having it separated. Whatever.

01-20-2009, 01:06 PM
Because it didn't rhyme, didn't mean it wasn't poetry.

Gee, thanks. I didn't realize that...

It was because it was terrible that it wasn't poetry.

01-20-2009, 01:30 PM
Ya'all wanted a happy fun place, yet you made Swede get rid of his flying penis...

Hold the phone! I had a chimp with a Glock once but never an aeronautic manstick. :shock:

01-20-2009, 01:39 PM
Then whose long dong silver was it that just flew away? :lol:

01-20-2009, 01:44 PM
Who do ya think? If you really can't make the connection, try creating a list of frequent RR posters. Harlan? Nah. Ziggy? Nope. PIP? Nooooo. Partial? Maybe..... Skin satchel? Eureka!

01-20-2009, 02:28 PM
I had a cock with wings?

You know, you can find a lot of pretty cool stuff by googling "flying cock."

01-20-2009, 03:34 PM
I had a cock with wings?

You know, you can find a lot of pretty cool stuff by googling "flying cock."

I probably should not try that at work.

01-20-2009, 06:56 PM
It was a nice sentiment. Why'd you have to go and get nasty about it?

Nasty? Oh, please.

I was contrasting the sentiment, from this thread to the other.

If you can't see the difference, I cannot help you. I personally believe that anything "NASTY" was expressed in the other thread under the "guise" of a joke, or under the "false impression" of levity.

I took it as CRUEL.

That man was our President for 8 years. If you didn't like him, FINE, but those statements shouldn't have been made about EITHER man.

I applaud Sheeps, and I agree, largely. When you look in the mirror what you should see is someone WHO CANNOT AGREE if you apply similar sentiments to the occupant of the office for the past 8 years.

We've dealt with THAT unfair bullshit for the past 8 years. Look in the mirror and leave me alone. When you find ONE THING that I've said bad about our new President since he was elected, then make the comparison. I can find PLENTY you said about Bush WHILE he was the occupant.

This says it all: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vljdKSQAWD8

What a bunch of classless fools. Calling these people sheep is too kind. Our country is fucked. Not because of Obama, because idiots such as these are becoming the majority.

01-20-2009, 07:18 PM
I think we are overthinking this problem. The obvious solution is to kick the right wingers out of the forum.

As an experiment, maybe we should just start with a casual friday policy. No crackers can login on Fridays. I'll draw up a list and send it to madtown.


01-20-2009, 09:44 PM
What does today mean?

Don King gets to make money legally selling flags, designer jackets and ties.


Harlan Huckleby
01-20-2009, 11:03 PM
Now now, Howard, I'm not really such a hard man. I believe in redemption. Perhaps the conservatives could be sent to a reeducation camp for a period, then accepted back into the forum.

01-20-2009, 11:34 PM
Now now, Howard, I'm not really such a hard man. I believe in redemption. Perhaps the conservatives could be sent to a reeducation camp for a period, then accepted back into the forum.

There will be nothing left but sorrow for what we have done - and love for Big Brother. It will be touching to see how we love Big Brother.

01-21-2009, 12:42 AM
I propose that the Romper Room be renamed the Republican Circle.

Sorry, Pelosi changed the rules, the minority whip no longer has any power, proposition denied.

01-21-2009, 12:49 AM
I propose that the Romper Room be renamed the Republican Circle.


then can we get a new forum, and call it

something like happy fun place

How 'bout we take back the Romper Room and create a political arena where people can disparage each other all they want? I want a thread like the Rat Communication one I bumped to be able to survive in here--or any of the old "Seinfeld-like" threads that have nothing to do with anything, we're just talking and having fun. I so miss them.

Hmmm....sounds a lot like the fairness doctrine.

I would have no problem with seperating us political talkers either. But seriously, there is a reason the Rat Communications threads die and the discussion/debate threads live on.

Like democrats your ideas can't survive in the open marketplace so you propose to change the rules so they can. If only democrats would take their ideas and go to a "seperate room" with them instead of destroying our country.

01-21-2009, 01:35 AM
Why do conservatives always claim lincoln? Not that I know much of anything, but isn't the political spectrum completely different today than it was back then? Wouldn't Lincoln more closely align with todays Demcrat party?

01-21-2009, 01:50 AM
Why do conservatives always claim lincoln? Not that I know much of anything, but isn't the political spectrum completely different today than it was back then? Wouldn't Lincoln more closely align with todays Demcrat party?

No, Lincoln freed the black populace from slavery.

01-21-2009, 01:55 AM
Why do conservatives always claim lincoln? Not that I know much of anything, but isn't the political spectrum completely different today than it was back then? Wouldn't Lincoln more closely align with todays Demcrat party?

No, Lincoln freed the black populace from slavery.

wtf does this mean....how about answering the question.

01-21-2009, 02:11 AM
Why do conservatives always claim lincoln? Not that I know much of anything, but isn't the political spectrum completely different today than it was back then? Wouldn't Lincoln more closely align with todays Demcrat party?

No, Lincoln freed the black populace from slavery.

wtf does this mean....how about answering the question.

Democrats have basically enslaved poverty inner city blacks as a voting group by keeping them in a no growth situation and giving them just enough crumbs to get by in exchange for being the most reliable voting block out there. Whenever a republican speaks against this ridiculous setup he is instantly called a bigot or a rascist.

Democrats try to rewrite history because reality doesn't suit them. Republicans carry the day historically whenever it comes to black rights. Lincoln freed the slaves but never passed a social program once. Republicans far and away supported the civil rights act more than democrats. Repulicans are all for equality and fairness. Democrats are for quotas and double standards.

Who do you think Lincoln would identify with. The party of social programs, progressive taxation, regulation, and paying single women who get pregnant or the party that believes we should all compete equally, and take full responsibility for our actions...HONESTLY, where do you think Lincoln would be?

01-21-2009, 03:51 AM
Why do conservatives always claim lincoln? Not that I know much of anything, but isn't the political spectrum completely different today than it was back then? Wouldn't Lincoln more closely align with todays Demcrat party?

No, Lincoln freed the black populace from slavery.

wtf does this mean....how about answering the question.

Lincoln faced terrible burdens as president, not the least of which were the very division of the country and a civil war. It's difficult to even begin to compare those times to today.

Lincoln was a self-made man of the people who experienced several personal and political setbacks in his career. He was a citizen legislator and would not fit in today with the professional political class of the wealthy and the privileged that form both the Republican and Democratic parties.

Above all, Lincoln was a Christian, a man of sincere faith. He would be labeled a social conservative, a "right-winger" today. There is NO WAY he would validate the social agendas of the Democratic party - abortion on demand, special rights for LGBTs, same-sex marriage, the removal of religious faith from the public square.

He was a man of principle and action and he would not sacrifice his personal religious convictions for political fame.

Frankly, I doubt he would feel much enthusiasm for either party in 2009.

01-21-2009, 06:40 AM
Why do conservatives always claim lincoln? Not that I know much of anything, but isn't the political spectrum completely different today than it was back then? Wouldn't Lincoln more closely align with todays Demcrat party?

No, Lincoln freed the black populace from slavery.

wtf does this mean....how about answering the question.

Democrats have basically enslaved poverty inner city blacks as a voting group by keeping them in a no growth situation and giving them just enough crumbs to get by in exchange for being the most reliable voting block out there. Whenever a republican speaks against this ridiculous setup he is instantly called a bigot or a rascist.

Democrats try to rewrite history because reality doesn't suit them. Republicans carry the day historically whenever it comes to black rights. Lincoln freed the slaves but never passed a social program once. Republicans far and away supported the civil rights act more than democrats. Repulicans are all for equality and fairness. Democrats are for quotas and double standards.

Who do you think Lincoln would identify with. The party of social programs, progressive taxation, regulation, and paying single women who get pregnant or the party that believes we should all compete equally, and take full responsibility for our actions...HONESTLY, where do you think Lincoln would be?

This, Ziggy and Harlan, is why the Circle must live. Excellent posts.

LEWCWA, now you do know something.....spread the word.

01-21-2009, 07:22 AM
Why do conservatives always claim lincoln? Not that I know much of anything, but isn't the political spectrum completely different today than it was back then? Wouldn't Lincoln more closely align with todays Demcrat party?

Google the republican party and see some of the accomplishments. Your question comes from the perception the democrat party has created with entitlement programs that keep people endeared to them rather then people realizing their own potential. Yes, Lincoln would remain a republican.

01-21-2009, 08:02 AM
Why do conservatives always claim lincoln? Not that I know much of anything, but isn't the political spectrum completely different today than it was back then? Wouldn't Lincoln more closely align with todays Demcrat party?

No, Lincoln freed the black populace from slavery.

wtf does this mean....how about answering the question.

Democrats have basically enslaved poverty inner city blacks as a voting group by keeping them in a no growth situation and giving them just enough crumbs to get by in exchange for being the most reliable voting block out there. Whenever a republican speaks against this ridiculous setup he is instantly called a bigot or a rascist.

Democrats try to rewrite history because reality doesn't suit them. Republicans carry the day historically whenever it comes to black rights. Lincoln freed the slaves but never passed a social program once. Republicans far and away supported the civil rights act more than democrats. Repulicans are all for equality and fairness. Democrats are for quotas and double standards.

Who do you think Lincoln would identify with. The party of social programs, progressive taxation, regulation, and paying single women who get pregnant or the party that believes we should all compete equally, and take full responsibility for our actions...HONESTLY, where do you think Lincoln would be?

This, Ziggy and Harlan, is why the Circle must live. Excellent posts.

LEWCWA, now you do know something.....spread the word.

We reach!


01-21-2009, 08:05 AM
Join the circle! Yay, Brother!


Harlan Huckleby
01-21-2009, 09:51 AM
IS the inauguration stuff over? I have been avoiding TV and newspapers, is it safe to come out of hiding now?

01-21-2009, 10:12 AM
[quote="Harlan Huckleby"]IS the inauguration stuff over? I have been avoiding TV and newspapers, is it safe to come out of hiding now?[/q

a buddy just called me and said the Tribune has 18 pages on it.

Harlan Huckleby
01-21-2009, 10:14 AM
thanks for the heads up. back to the bunker.

01-21-2009, 10:20 AM
IS the inauguration stuff over? I have been avoiding TV and newspapers, is it safe to come out of hiding now?

Ditto that. My wife turned on Fox News this morning, and the Obamas were going to the National Cathedral, so I guess it isn't over.

01-21-2009, 10:31 AM
IS the inauguration stuff over? I have been avoiding TV and newspapers, is it safe to come out of hiding now?

It might be safe in 4-8 years.

01-21-2009, 10:49 AM
I turned on TV to hear something about "...continuing live coverage of the transition of power..." so I turned it off.

01-21-2009, 11:17 AM
Did Bush surrender the royal crown?


01-21-2009, 11:49 AM
i like obama and even i am tired of this inauguration stuff

01-21-2009, 12:48 PM
i like obama and even i am tired of this inauguration stuff

Agreed. It's the 21st now. Time for the celebration to end and the work to begin.

Tyrone Bigguns
01-21-2009, 02:23 PM
I propose that the Romper Room be renamed the Republican Circle Jerk.


01-21-2009, 03:35 PM
I propose that the Romper Room be renamed the Republican Circle Jerk.


You only made that fix so you could stay.

Tyrone Bigguns
01-21-2009, 05:00 PM
I propose that the Romper Room be renamed the Republican Circle Jerk.


You only made that fix so you could stay.

When it comes to circle jerks, ty is apolitical.

01-21-2009, 05:09 PM
I propose that the Romper Room be renamed the Republican Circle Jerk.


This kind of thing always happens when they try discussions in the arena of ideas, they loose and get nasty.

Tyrone Bigguns
01-21-2009, 05:18 PM
I propose that the Romper Room be renamed the Republican Circle Jerk.


This kind of thing always happens when they try discussions in the arena of ideas, they loose and get nasty.

Nasty? LOL

Pot meet kettle.

Keep trying though. America has spoken. In the arena of ideas...the republicans lost.

BTW, might be time to enroll in a remedial english class.

01-21-2009, 06:11 PM
Nasty? LOL

Pot meet kettle.

Keep trying though. America has spoken. In the arena of ideas...the republicans lost.

BTW, might be time to enroll in a remedial english class.

Might be time to loose that attitude.

Tyrone Bigguns
01-21-2009, 06:17 PM
Nasty? LOL

Pot meet kettle.

Keep trying though. America has spoken. In the arena of ideas...the republicans lost.

BTW, might be time to enroll in a remedial english class.

Might be time to loose that attitude.

I'm a looser.

01-21-2009, 06:18 PM
Nasty? LOL

Pot meet kettle.

Keep trying though. America has spoken. In the arena of ideas...the republicans lost.

BTW, might be time to enroll in a remedial english class.

Might be time to loose that attitude.

Irregardless of his attitude, the Republicans lost in the arena of rhetoric.

01-21-2009, 06:19 PM

Gah...hate that pseudo word. How the hell can irregardless mean the same thing as regardless?

01-21-2009, 06:19 PM
I propose that the Romper Room be renamed the Republican Circle Jerk.


This kind of thing always happens when they try discussions in the arena of ideas, they loose and get nasty.

Nasty? LOL

Pot meet kettle.

Keep trying though. America has spoken. In the arena of ideas...the republicans lost.

BTW, might be time to enroll in a remedial english class.

seee?? that's called a typo by the way

Tyrone Bigguns
01-21-2009, 06:21 PM
I propose that the Romper Room be renamed the Republican Circle Jerk.


This kind of thing always happens when they try discussions in the arena of ideas, they loose and get nasty.

Nasty? LOL

Pot meet kettle.

Keep trying though. America has spoken. In the arena of ideas...the republicans lost.

BTW, might be time to enroll in a remedial english class.

seee?? that's called a typo by the way

Of course it is. :roll:

You "accidentally" hit the "o" twice. :roll:

01-21-2009, 06:25 PM

Gah...hate that pseudo word. How the hell can irregardless mean the same thing as regardless?

Just making sure you are watching.


Harlan Huckleby
01-21-2009, 10:51 PM
From Garrison Keillor's column about the inauguration:

http://www.startribune.com/opinion/37928144.html?elr=KArksc8P:Pc:Ug8P:Pc:UiacyKUnciae c8O7EyUr

when Mrs. Obama appeared, there was a roar, and when the Current Occupant and Mr. Cheney came out of the Capitol, a low and heartfelt rumble of booing. Dignified booing. Old black ladies around me tried to shush them -- "Don’t do that!" they hissed -- but it’s a democracy, and how will those men know how we feel if we don’t tell them?

The horror. Keillor is sort of a hero of mine, for reasons unrelated to some of his political tirades.

Can you imagine how Keillor would have reacted if a large group of conservatives started booing Barack Obama at the inauguration? Would he call it "dignified booing", or an act of democracy?

Liberals have gone crazy. They are so sure of their moral superiority, that they have stopped being reflective.
Conservatives at least have some suspician that they might be assholes.

01-22-2009, 12:00 AM
Conservatives at least have some suspician that they might be assholes.

I'm a total asshole - and proud of it.

01-22-2009, 09:23 AM
Conservatives at least have some suspician that they might be assholes.

I'm a total asshole - and proud of it.


01-22-2009, 01:09 PM
Conservatives at least have some suspician that they might be assholes.

I'm a total asshole - and proud of it.


* * * *

01-22-2009, 08:23 PM
I've been known as an anal cavity to some of my liberal colleagues also.

Just so I can live up to that standard..... Garrison Keiler and all the other liberal media / celebrities, etc. can go to hell. What happened to Pres. Bush at the Inauguration was flat out abominable. Though I may detest some of his future policies, I will never disrespect President Obama. Anybody who brushes off or supports the behavior of some to this President are rank hypocrites. What would have the reaction been if Carter or Clinton had been booed? The press would have howled in indignation.

If any voice dissent on Pres. Obama's initiatives some may call them racist or obstructionist. But they fail to remember many Dems followed the motto "dissent is the highest form of patriotism" for the past 8 years.

When and ONLY when it is necessary, I will voice my dissent here, in blogs (maybe even my own) and anywhere else. If Pres. Obama brings forth a good idea, I will, with equal diligence, state my support of it.

If that makes me an anal cavity, so be it.

Tyrone Bigguns
01-22-2009, 08:49 PM
I've been known as an anal cavity to some of my liberal colleagues also.

Just so I can live up to that standard..... Garrison Keiler and all the other liberal media / celebrities, etc. can go to hell. What happened to Pres. Bush at the Inauguration was flat out abominable. Though I may detest some of his future policies, I will never disrespect President Obama. Anybody who brushes off or supports the behavior of some to this President are rank hypocrites. What would have the reaction been if Carter or Clinton had been booed? The press would have howled in indignation.

If any voice dissent on Pres. Obama's initiatives some may call them racist or obstructionist. But they fail to remember many Dems followed the motto "dissent is the highest form of patriotism" for the past 8 years.

When and ONLY when it is necessary, I will voice my dissent here, in blogs (maybe even my own) and anywhere else. If Pres. Obama brings forth a good idea, I will, with equal diligence, state my support of it.

If that makes me an anal cavity, so be it.

I guess you don't believe in freedom of speech?

While I don't agree with booing the prez, it is nothing new...they get booed from day one to the end.

However, stop acting like an a-hole. As Keillor pointed out, many tried shushing the booers. There are always going to be those that act like boors.

Dissent: Which is worse, being called a racist/obstructionist or being called a traitor..which many of us have been called?

01-22-2009, 09:24 PM
I've been known as an anal cavity to some of my liberal colleagues also.

Just so I can live up to that standard..... Garrison Keiler and all the other liberal media / celebrities, etc. can go to hell. What happened to Pres. Bush at the Inauguration was flat out abominable. Though I may detest some of his future policies, I will never disrespect President Obama. Anybody who brushes off or supports the behavior of some to this President are rank hypocrites. What would have the reaction been if Carter or Clinton had been booed? The press would have howled in indignation.

If any voice dissent on Pres. Obama's initiatives some may call them racist or obstructionist. But they fail to remember many Dems followed the motto "dissent is the highest form of patriotism" for the past 8 years.

When and ONLY when it is necessary, I will voice my dissent here, in blogs (maybe even my own) and anywhere else. If Pres. Obama brings forth a good idea, I will, with equal diligence, state my support of it.

If that makes me an anal cavity, so be it.

I guess you don't believe in freedom of speech?

While I don't agree with booing the prez, it is nothing new...they get booed from day one to the end.

However, stop acting like an a-hole. As Keillor pointed out, many tried shushing the booers. There are always going to be those that act like boors.

Dissent: Which is worse, being called a racist/obstructionist or being called a traitor..which many of us have been called?

Personally my issue isn't with the actual booing, there are always going to be a few classless bad seeds in a group that large. It is with this line "but it’s a democracy, and how will those men know how we feel if we don’t tell them"

Give me a fucking break on the moral superiority.

01-22-2009, 09:30 PM
I guess you don't believe in freedom of speech?

I do believe in free speech, Ty. Like you calling me an a-hole, it's your right.

President's get booed regularly from day one to the end, huh? Please name the inauguration in recent memory in which ANY President was booed. There are certain levels of decorum one should observe. Even liberal hack Chris Matthews thought it was in bad taste, while Olbermann thought the only negative was that it overshadowed something re: the new First Lady.

I never advocated calling people traitors unless their behavior merited it. John Walker Lindh or any person who's spied for other countries on the US...those are traitors and should be swiftly tried and punished. If you wish to voice dissent on an issue, voice it. Those who voiced opposition to the war in Afghanistan or Iraq weren't traitors as some misguidedly voiced. I may firmly disagree with them, but to call it treasonous behavior is weak.

I'm just saying I'm not going to sit idly by and just do nothing or rubber stamp what goes on. It's my right, my duty, to make my representatives know how I feel and voice my opinions in whatever public forum I see fit. I will blog, email, use Twitter or whatever social medium is available to let any Sen. or Rep. know how I feel. How else do you REALLY expect change if you don't get involved, voice your opinion and get involved in the causes you think are just?

Michael Moore, Molly Ivins, Olbermann, etc. have done nothing but demean Pres. Bush from the outset of his first term. Calling him "the Shrub", the "Current Occupant" or something more profane is OK? Yes, it's free speech, but there is a level of decency that we citizens should maintain. Pres. Obama deserves a chance to state his case on whatever legislation or policies he wants to enact. Once stated, we as citizens need to let them know how we feel, but it doesn't give us free reign to be malicious.

By the way, I did say I would just as loudly voice approval toward Pres. Obama (e.g., I believe he is spot on regarding hiring a CTO to oversee expansion of our Internet access and speed). Saying nothing when someone does something noble or correct undercuts the arguments when voicing necessary dissent.

Tyrone Bigguns
01-22-2009, 09:40 PM
I guess you don't believe in freedom of speech?

I do believe in free speech, Ty. Like you calling me an a-hole, it's your right.

President's get booed regularly from day one to the end, huh? Please name the inauguration in recent memory in which ANY President was booed. There are certain levels of decorum one should observe. Even liberal hack Chris Matthews thought it was in bad taste, while Olbermann thought the only negative was that it overshadowed something re: the new First Lady.

I never advocated calling people traitors unless their behavior merited it. John Walker Lindh or any person who's spied for other countries on the US...those are traitors and should be swiftly tried and punished. If you wish to voice dissent on an issue, voice it. Those who voiced opposition to the war in Afghanistan or Iraq weren't traitors as some misguidedly voiced. I may firmly disagree with them, but to call it treasonous behavior is weak.

I'm just saying I'm not going to sit idly by and just do nothing or rubber stamp what goes on. It's my right, my duty, to make my representatives know how I feel and voice my opinions in whatever public forum I see fit. I will blog, email, use Twitter or whatever social medium is available to let any Sen. or Rep. know how I feel. How else do you REALLY expect change if you don't get involved, voice your opinion and get involved in the causes you think are just?

Michael Moore, Molly Ivins, Olbermann, etc. have done nothing but demean Pres. Bush from the outset of his first term. Calling him "the Shrub", the "Current Occupant" or something more profane is OK? Yes, it's free speech, but there is a level of decency that we citizens should maintain. Pres. Obama deserves a chance to state his case on whatever legislation or policies he wants to enact. Once stated, we as citizens need to let them know how we feel, but it doesn't give us free reign to be malicious.

By the way, I did say I would just as loudly voice approval toward Pres. Obama (e.g., I believe he is spot on regarding hiring a CTO to oversee expansion of our Internet access and speed). Saying nothing when someone does something noble or correct undercuts the arguments when voicing necessary dissent.

Booed: Whether in person or while watching on tv...same thing. Booing is booing.

Insults: Plenty of people insulted clinton from day one.

Traitors: Plenty did. Stop personalizing it. We know we were called that..nobody has said anybody is racist yet. You guys are all up in arms about something that hasn't even happened yet.

01-22-2009, 09:43 PM
Traitors: Plenty did. Stop personalizing it. We know we were called that..

I will if you will.... :wink:

Harlan Huckleby
01-22-2009, 11:44 PM
Freed by U.S., Saudi Becomes a Qaeda Chief

BEIRUT, Lebanon — The emergence of a former Guantánamo Bay detainee as the deputy leader of Al Qaeda’s Yemeni branch has underscored the potential complications in carrying out the executive order President Obama signed Thursday that the detention center be shut down within a year.


Harlan Huckleby
01-22-2009, 11:51 PM
The Guantánamo Bay situation is so dicey. The prisoners there are not exactly criminals, they are closer to POWs. Is it really smart to bring them into this country and afford them the status of prisoners in the U.S. criminal system? How can they possibly be given any sort of due process when the evidence is on some ancient battlefield.

Most of the prisoners' countries of origin don't want them back.

The remaining prisoners are apparently threats. The marginal people were released over the years.

I'm not sure that Guantánamo Bay isn't the least bad option. I hate that OBama road the wave of anti-U.S. propaganda during the campaign. Now what is he going to do? Will the Europeans who Obama courted with his Close-Gitmo-Now talk accept some of them? I think not.

01-23-2009, 08:35 AM
The Guantánamo Bay situation is so dicey. The prisoners there are not exactly criminals, they are closer to POWs. Is it really smart to bring them into this country and afford them the status of prisoners in the U.S. criminal system? How can they possibly be given any sort of due process when the evidence is on some ancient battlefield.

Most of the prisoners' countries of origin don't want them back.

The remaining prisoners are apparently threats. The marginal people were released over the years.

I'm not sure that Guantánamo Bay isn't the least bad option. I hate that OBama road the wave of anti-U.S. propaganda during the campaign. Now what is he going to do? Will the Europeans who Obama courted with his Close-Gitmo-Now talk accept some of them? I think not.

It's not complicated; It's not dicey. It's just plain idiotic and idiotic in a horribly dangerous and anti-American way to close up Guantanamo. These God damned terrorists have no Constitutional rights. They are God damn lucky we treat them as good as we do. If they got what they deserved, they'd be tortured every day of their worthless lives, and then killed.

Obama is catering to his stinking leftist base on this issue--and truth be told, based on everything he has ever said and voted on, he is a true believing part of that America-hating leftist base that would subordinate America's well-being and even survival to the treatment of enemy scum and the opinions of foreign trash around the world.

I have given Obama credit for showing a few signs of moderating is his extremist views, and following the highly successful Bush policies on this, THE FAR AND AWAY MOST SIGNIFICANT ISSUE OF OUR TIME, SECURITY FROM TERRORIST HITS IN AMERICA. Obama's acts and words in the last few day, though, reflect a return to the dangerous idiocy and America-hate he has spewed in the past--forbidding harsh interrogation of terrorist prisoners, shutting down not only Guantanamo, but all of the CIA's secret prisons in foreign countries, and bringing the terrorist scum into OUR judicial system--affording them OUR rights and procedures of due process.

The chances of surviving the Obama years without repeats of 9/11 or worse were already much lower than with Bush, and they just got a lot worse with these latest moves.

01-23-2009, 09:01 AM
It's not complicated; It's not dicey. It's just plain idiotic and idiotic in a horribly dangerous and anti-American way to close up Guantanamo. These ... terrorists have no Constitutional rights...

The chances of surviving the Obama years without repeats of 9/11 or worse were already much lower than with Bush, and they just got a lot worse with these latest moves.

Other than the creepy, gratuitous acts of torture and mayhem mentioned in TPB's post, he is right.

Obama should have publically acknowledged that he would consider requests from any country to declare responsibility for any detainee and negotiate terms for extradition--it would give the Obama administration a great opportunity to share information with the sponsoring countries and point out how offended we'd be if little Achmed showed up in a Kansas City strip mall in six months wearing a dirty bomb suit.

The thing is--no country would come calling for these twisted, religious nutbag terrorists if they had to do so by publically taking responsibility for the future actions of the extradited detainees.

01-23-2009, 09:17 AM
Creepy and gratuitous acts of torture, huh? I would call that a normal American gut reaction about how to treat that scum, and I think about 80% in this country, including many who vote Democrat, would agree.

I appreciate your overall agreement, though, swede.

There is a front page editorial today in the Washington Post saying that Obama signing off on the Guantanamo thing, the closing of the other CIA prisons, and the ending of harsh interrogation effectively ends the War on Terror--presumably by surrendering. Incredibly, the America-hating leftist mainstream media seems happy about that concept.

In fairness to Obama, however, there have been rumblings from the left that maybe he is talking the talk but still planning on doing enough of the right stuff to get the anti-terrorist job done. I'd be a helluva lot more confident about that if Obama didn't have the rotten history of anti-American words and votes that he has.

01-23-2009, 09:36 AM
I saw that suck cock Murtha said he didn't have a problem housing them in max security prisons, then offered to take them into his district - which conveniently only has a minimum security prison - which seems to exemplify the euro-Democrat position on this. Decry the conditions that these poor poor people are kept in (which are better than the conditions they were living in before), bemoan their lack of freedoms (freedoms they don't even believe in themselves), then offer a solution that cannot possibly be arrived at - if any solution is offered at all.

Any president's first actions in office are meant to set the tone for the administration. This was an idiotic, weak, and confused tone to set.

01-23-2009, 09:40 AM
So far, I dont think he has a damn clue except to appease the left wing nuts jobs that seeded his campaign. So, are we safer today then we were last week?

01-23-2009, 11:07 AM
Obama should have publically acknowledged that he would consider requests from any country to declare responsibility for any detainee and negotiate terms for extradition--it would give the Obama administration a great opportunity to share information with the sponsoring countries and point out how offended we'd be if little Achmed showed up in a Kansas City strip mall in six months wearing a dirty bomb suit.

We've already done this with Saudi Arabia. Worked out well.

Tex, although I agree with you, your unilateral view on what the terrorists DESERVE seems elitist to me.

01-23-2009, 11:54 AM
Obama should have publically acknowledged that he would consider requests from any country to declare responsibility for any detainee and negotiate terms for extradition--it would give the Obama administration a great opportunity to share information with the sponsoring countries and point out how offended we'd be if little Achmed showed up in a Kansas City strip mall in six months wearing a dirty bomb suit.

We've already done this with Saudi Arabia. Worked out well.

Tex, although I agree with you, your unilateral view on what the terrorists DESERVE seems elitist to me.

Do you use the word "unilateral" to imply that only I have that view? Go to any bar, barber shop, factory, a lot of schools and even churches, and I think you will find out differently. And "elitist"? If you said "extremist", I could understand--I violated the signature on my posts, but how is taking the unsophisticated gut reactionary view of "killing 'em all and letting God sort it out" elitist? I'd say opposing that is more an elitist view.

I know it ain't gonna happen; I'm just venting--but it still would be appropriate and just.

01-23-2009, 11:58 AM
Obama should have publically acknowledged that he would consider requests from any country to declare responsibility for any detainee and negotiate terms for extradition--it would give the Obama administration a great opportunity to share information with the sponsoring countries and point out how offended we'd be if little Achmed showed up in a Kansas City strip mall in six months wearing a dirty bomb suit.

We've already done this with Saudi Arabia. Worked out well.

Tex, although I agree with you, your unilateral view on what the terrorists DESERVE seems elitist to me.

Do you use the word "unilateral" to imply that only I have that view? Go to any bar, barber shop, factory, a lot of schools and even churches, and I think you will find out differently. And "elitist"? If you said "extremist", I could understand--I violated the signature on my posts, but how is taking the unsophisticated gut reactionary view of "killing 'em all and letting God sort it out" elitist? I'd say opposing that is more an elitist view.

I know it ain't gonna happen; I'm just venting--but it still would be appropriate and just.

I just meant deciding what other people DESERVE is elitist - at least that's what you've been telling us with regard to housing.

Harlan Huckleby
01-23-2009, 12:51 PM

I like to set out a little red meat for the boys now and then.

01-23-2009, 01:50 PM


01-24-2009, 12:49 PM
I saw that suck cock Murtha said he didn't have a problem housing them in max security prisons, then offered to take them into his district - which conveniently only has a minimum security prison - which seems to exemplify the euro-Democrat position on this. Decry the conditions that these poor poor people are kept in (which are better than the conditions they were living in before), bemoan their lack of freedoms (freedoms they don't even believe in themselves), then offer a solution that cannot possibly be arrived at - if any solution is offered at all.

Any president's first actions in office are meant to set the tone for the administration. This was an idiotic, weak, and confused tone to set.

Even worse. We decried the gitmo prison and our solution is to move them to a maximum security prison on US soil. Gee, I bet the captives will really distinguish the difference.

01-24-2009, 02:18 PM
I saw that suck cock Murtha said he didn't have a problem housing them in max security prisons, then offered to take them into his district - which conveniently only has a minimum security prison - which seems to exemplify the euro-Democrat position on this. Decry the conditions that these poor poor people are kept in (which are better than the conditions they were living in before), bemoan their lack of freedoms (freedoms they don't even believe in themselves), then offer a solution that cannot possibly be arrived at - if any solution is offered at all.

Any president's first actions in office are meant to set the tone for the administration. This was an idiotic, weak, and confused tone to set.

Even worse. We decried the gitmo prison and our solution is to move them to a maximum security prison on US soil. Gee, I bet the captives will really distinguish the difference.

Ya know, you just stumbled onto a silver lining in this horrible Obama-driven cloud. Close your eyes and imagine these Guantanamo grads mingling and interacting with a prison full of Bloods and Crypts and Latin Kings and last but certainly not least, the Aryan Nation.

To use a little jargon appropriate to a football forum, the terrorists may go in tight ends, but they'll soon be wide receivers.

Harlan Huckleby
01-24-2009, 05:44 PM
Ya know, you just stumbled onto a silver lining in this horrible Obama-driven cloud. Close your eyes and imagine these Guantanamo grads mingling and interacting with a prison full of Bloods and Crypts and Latin Kings and last but certainly not least, the Aryan Nation.

Probably the prisoners will have to go to special prisons on military bases.

I don't think the country needs another negative PR debacle with POWs getting abused in U.S. prisons.

The whole situation is screwed-up. The main thing now is to put it in the rear view mirror.

01-24-2009, 10:21 PM
Ya know, you just stumbled onto a silver lining in this horrible Obama-driven cloud. Close your eyes and imagine these Guantanamo grads mingling and interacting with a prison full of Bloods and Crypts and Latin Kings and last but certainly not least, the Aryan Nation.

Probably the prisoners will have to go to special prisons on military bases.

I don't think the country needs another negative PR debacle with POWs getting abused in U.S. prisons.

The whole situation is screwed-up. The main thing now is to put it in the rear view mirror.

Why the obsession with the country's PR?

Who gives a shit what a bunch of ignorant and cowardly damn foreigners think anyway?

I'd trust inmates in our prisons far more than liberal judges to give these terrorists what they deserve. And if I was a governor or president with the power to do so, I'd pardon any prisoners providing a painful enough death to terrorists. I suppose this will be another Tim Russert moment--where even some of our conservatives develop limp wrists and pretend this is somehow NOT the prevailing attitude among good normal Americans--like when I advocated "gratuitous torture" of the stinking terrorist scum.

01-25-2009, 08:34 AM
Ya know, you just stumbled onto a silver lining in this horrible Obama-driven cloud. Close your eyes and imagine these Guantanamo grads mingling and interacting with a prison full of Bloods and Crypts and Latin Kings and last but certainly not least, the Aryan Nation.

Probably the prisoners will have to go to special prisons on military bases.

I don't think the country needs another negative PR debacle with POWs getting abused in U.S. prisons.

The whole situation is screwed-up. The main thing now is to put it in the rear view mirror.

Why the obsession with the country's PR?

Who gives a shit what a bunch of ignorant and cowardly damn foreigners think anyway?

I'd trust inmates in our prisons far more than liberal judges to give these terrorists what they deserve. And if I was a governor or president with the power to do so, I'd pardon any prisoners providing a painful enough death to terrorists. I suppose this will be another Tim Russert moment--where even some of our conservatives develop limp wrists and pretend this is somehow NOT the prevailing attitude among good normal Americans--like when I advocated "gratuitous torture" of the stinking terrorist scum.

This is an offshoot of BDS. Most European countries hate us no matter what. I'm convinced it's jealousy. Any negative foreign press and the moonbats went ape shit. "see, see everyone hates this guy"

Harlan Huckleby
01-25-2009, 10:00 AM
I'd trust inmates in our prisons far more than liberal judges to give these terrorists what they deserve.


01-25-2009, 12:34 PM
Ya know, you just stumbled onto a silver lining in this horrible Obama-driven cloud. Close your eyes and imagine these Guantanamo grads mingling and interacting with a prison full of Bloods and Crypts and Latin Kings and last but certainly not least, the Aryan Nation.

Probably the prisoners will have to go to special prisons on military bases.

I don't think the country needs another negative PR debacle with POWs getting abused in U.S. prisons.

The whole situation is screwed-up. The main thing now is to put it in the rear view mirror.

Why the obsession with the country's PR?

Who gives a shit what a bunch of ignorant and cowardly damn foreigners think anyway?

I'd trust inmates in our prisons far more than liberal judges to give these terrorists what they deserve. And if I was a governor or president with the power to do so, I'd pardon any prisoners providing a painful enough death to terrorists. I suppose this will be another Tim Russert moment--where even some of our conservatives develop limp wrists and pretend this is somehow NOT the prevailing attitude among good normal Americans--like when I advocated "gratuitous torture" of the stinking terrorist scum.

This is an offshoot of BDS. Most European countries hate us no matter what. I'm convinced it's jealousy. Any negative foreign press and the moonbats went ape shit. "see, see everyone hates this guy"

the euro has sunk to 1.297....oh that wonderful utopia :P

01-25-2009, 06:55 PM
If the dollar is down, and the euro is down, and the yuan is held down, then, as Bugs Bunny would say, what's up, doc?

Does it still not occur to anybody that this allowing of currency to drift downward in value is intentional? And that if it's intentional, it might just be beneficial to the nations doing it?