View Full Version : Guess the answer (an easy one this time)

02-12-2009, 07:13 AM
Over the years Favre has inadvertently given us an answer to the following question:

What significant factor might drive Favre to make yet another "comeback" at some time, either in 2009 or later?

Favre mentioned it numerous times his last five years or so in GB. (This is probably too easy for all of you.)

02-12-2009, 07:35 AM
His "itch"? :lol:

02-12-2009, 07:43 AM
The team wants him back, he can still play, and is not injured.

02-12-2009, 07:49 AM
Plausible answers, but not the one I have in mind. I am thinking of something more concrete, more defined.

02-12-2009, 07:53 AM
His agent is a greedy bastard?

02-12-2009, 08:08 AM
Randy Moss?

02-12-2009, 08:15 AM
Chance to go to and win the Superbowl?

02-12-2009, 08:15 AM
Again, something quite definite, quite determinable.

Take your guesses. I'll be around this evening to see if anyone thinks like I do! (Poor soul, if they do!)

02-12-2009, 08:41 AM
The Jets give him his unconditional release and the queens show an interest?

02-12-2009, 08:44 AM
the streak

02-12-2009, 08:45 AM
Pretty sure you've mentioned this, also.

His 14th consecutive start would break Jim Marshall's record of consecutive starts for players (Feagles and scum like that don't count!)

He wants to hang 'em up with 283+ consecutive starts.

So he has to go to a team that will start him after he sits out almost all of camp, cuase his old bod can't possible handle both camp and the regular season.

So what team can he go to that needs a starting QB real bad?

And wears purple uni's?

Oh fuck, here we go again, eh?

02-12-2009, 08:47 AM
His family and friends encouraged him to.

Maybe Deanna doesn't want him around the house? I've seen a few women chase their husbands out of the house when they are suddenly spending more time there :lol:

02-12-2009, 08:54 AM
Rodgers gets hurt

02-12-2009, 08:59 AM
He can only ride his tractor for so long before he gets bored.

Cheesehead Craig
02-12-2009, 09:37 AM
If his arm doesn't need surgery in any way.

02-12-2009, 09:41 AM
He can get a prescription of Vicodin again.

02-12-2009, 09:56 AM
He runs out of lawn to cut?

02-12-2009, 11:21 AM
He still feels he can play at a high level?

02-12-2009, 11:31 AM
Madden puts him on the cover of his game again!

02-12-2009, 11:56 AM
He still feels he can play at a high level?

Good answer. And yes, we've heard that from him before.

I think it's your answer, or mine (family encouragement) that Patler is referring to.

02-12-2009, 12:23 PM
I'm guessing it's Jim Marshall's streak.

02-12-2009, 12:46 PM
I'm guessing it's Jim Marshall's streak.

But Patler said it's something Favre has brought up before. I don't think I ever recall him mentioning the streak as a reason to return.

Privately, it could be one, but I don't think he's stated it publicly. I could be wrong.

02-12-2009, 01:00 PM
He still feels he can play at a high level?

Good answer. And yes, we've heard that from him before.

I think it's your answer, or mine (family encouragement) that Patler is referring to.

Before I read the second page, this was my guess too :lol:

EDIT - ok, 2nd page is clear ... :P

someone got it right or patler would still be in here "encouraging".

02-12-2009, 01:26 PM
I'm guessing it's Jim Marshall's streak.

But Patler said it's something Favre has brought up before. I don't think I ever recall him mentioning the streak as a reason to return.

Privately, it could be one, but I don't think he's stated it publicly. I could be wrong.

brett has mentioned many times how he's most proud of the streak record

maybe he would want the streak to end on its own, not because he just decided to retire

02-12-2009, 03:15 PM
He still feels he can play at a high level?

Good answer. And yes, we've heard that from him before.

I think it's your answer, or mine (family encouragement) that Patler is referring to.

Before I read the second page, this was my guess too :lol:

EDIT - ok, 2nd page is clear ... :P

someone got it right or patler would still be in here "encouraging".

This would have been my answer also.

02-12-2009, 03:20 PM
In fact, I don't think he uses that phrase once in his interview:

February 12, 2009
Brett Favre transcript
Here is the complete transcript of the conference call given by Brett Favre to announce his retirement from football, courtesy of the New York JetsNew York Jets :

On why he made the decision to retire...

There were several things that went into the decision, but most importantly, obviously, the most important thing physically with my shoulder feeling as it did the latter half of the year. I thought it hampered the way I played, obviously. I'm 39. I had a couple of options. One, to (get) Arthroscopic (surgery) and go ahead and relieve the rest of the tendon that was attached. That probably would speed up the process. Secondly, let time more or less heal (it). It would pop on its own at some point and I know that 4 a fact because I did it to my left one. How that would affect me as far as playing? I have no idea. At 39, it was something I was not willing to risk. Why now? I just felt like it wasn't going to change. Two months from now, if I would still have the same doubts or questions, that's not the way I want to play.

On the future of the New York Jets receivers...

The sky's the limit 4 those guys. I really believe that. I had a blast working with them. We obviously were productive. The last half of the year, we were not as productive and I put that on me, but it was a pleasure working with those guys. I think whoever takes over is inheriting a very good crop of receivers.

On if there is a sense of finality in retiring this year...

Yes, there is. Physically, 4 the most part I feel the same, aside from the most important thing, and that's my throwing shoulder. Progressively, it got worse throughout the year. Other than that, I can't complain. I'm very thankful and blessed that I withstood so much 4 so long and I guess it was a matter of time before something broke down and it happened to be, 4 a quarterback, the most important thing, and that is his throwing shoulder. Obviously, it's something that I was able to play with. I don't think I was nearly as productive as the season progressed, but that very well could be fine next year, and I'm well aware of that. Then again, it could linger and bother me throughout the year, and I just felt like it was time. I think to me, that more than anything was a wake­up call.

On if he would re-evaluate his decision if his shoulder felt better...

No, I wouldn't. It obviously is tempting. That, more than anything, is the reason why I am retiring. I think the team will fare well. I think they will be better than they were this year. It's not like I'm leaving a team that's on the decline. It's nothing I would second guess. No.

On if he is officially retiring...

I have no reason to wonder why you would be so skeptical. No, I'm sure because I have family and friends, (saying) "All right, Brett, is this the real deal?" It is, believe me. It's been a wonderful career. I couldn't ask 4 anything more. It was worth a shot 4 me to go to New York. I wish I could have played better down the stretch. I didn't and it's time to leave.

On if would still play if he were healthier...

Of the players that I've talked to, former players, and I've talked to numerous throughout the years, (they) really never let it go. You just move on. I'm not going to sit here and tell you that I can just click it on and off, because that's not true. Once a football player, always a football player. The downside of this sport is that unlike other professions, you can't do it 4ever. I've done it a long time. Emotionally, I'm okay with it. I really felt like it was time. Obviously, the circumstances last year were a lot different. Physically, if I felt better, we may not be having this conversation, but I think that is more than anything the writing on the wall.

On if anyone in the Jets organization tried to talk him into playing...

I've talked with Woody today 4 the first time since the last game. I talked to Mike numerous times, and throughout our conversations, he's reiterated over and over that they'd like to have me back. Mike, I think based on what's happened in the past, did not want to be pushy one way or the other, but, believe me, I got the sense from day one that I was welcome back and I truly appreciate that. It was solely my decision. Mike and I, once again, have talked on several occasions and sent each other texts back and forth. Why today as opposed to any other time? I just felt like it's time 4 them to move on. Even though they didn't ask 4 an answer, I just felt like it was time, in fairness to them, to let them pursue what they're going to do. But, yes, that was reiterated to me numerous times that I was welcome back.

On if (Favre's agent) Bus Cook asked 4 his release...

No, it doesn't matter one way or the other. It all comes down to physically how I feel. Once again, that could change, based on arthroscopic surgery or whatever, but I'm not willing to do that, and I'm not willing to take that chance and that more than anything is why I'm retiring. No, we didn't ask 4 a release.

On if he felt he was a disruption to the franchise...

I honestly believe that it was more of a positive than a negative. I really believe that. I think anyone out there who followed this has to figure that there is a good chance that Brett plays one year and is done. I didn't think it would be one year and done based on anything physical, but that's the case. I'd like to think that. I wish we would have gone to the playoffs. There was a point in the season where we all thought that and they were talking Giants­Jets Super Bowl. It was plenty of talk. It wasn't all that bad. I think more than anything the leadership qualities and the way that I handled myself was a positive. I'm not concerned about Thomas (Jones) and Kerry (Rhodes) comments. I think a lot of those guys, as I do the rest, as a teammate and I would venture to believe that it's more of a positive than a negative. I really would.

On if there was an element of getting (playing) out of his system...

Maybe some. I'm human just like anyone else. Maybe part of me was fueled by the wrong reasons, but I went into New York no differently than I went to Green Bay, and I had every intention of leading that team to victory. I did everything I possibly could do on and off the field to see that would happen. Honestly, I really don't know if there was anything to get out of my system. I think I got my answer as the season progressed. I just said, you know what, okay, I finally can't throw the ball like I once threw it and that probably more than anything is what is telling to me.

On the importance of reaching a decision sooner than later...

It was important, but it was also important to make the right decision. The day I left New York, Mike and I sat in his office and he said, "Look, Brett, whether you're 100 percent committed to coming back, whether you're 100 percent committed to retiring, I don't want to know. I want you to go home, get away, think about it, take as much time as you need, and we'll talk later." That was good advice. As I thought about it once again, I felt like 4 my sake and my family and 4 the Jets organization, the sooner the better, especially based on what's happened in the past. There is some closure (4) my teammates up there in New York. In fairness to Rex Ryan, this is the direction we're going to go in. That's why I tried to expedite it as quickly as possible.

On if he filed his retirement papers with the league today...

Mike is in the process of doing that now and it may be done. I'm not sure. I had to answer an email that he sent in regards to that, and I did. Whether or not that is finalized today, I don't know.

On his New York experience...

You know what, it was fine. To be totally honest with you, I went to the facility, practiced and worked out, went home and studied and helped my daughter with homework. That was really it. (4) my wife, people would come in 4 home games and they'd go into the city and do those things. I was more engrossed with what I was trying to do and learning. I really was starting over again, more or less. As far as the media and the fans and all of that is concerned, it was fine. I thought the fans were great. Did I ever feel like it was home? Probably not, because of all the years I'd spent in Green Bay. But I truly, honestly, enjoyed the whole experience. I say that it was everything I thought it would be and then some. I just wish we could have gone a little bit further.

On if the last five games will weigh on his career...

I'm sure I'll think about it, but I honestly think my career in general will overshadow negative. It's just human nature and the competitive side of me to think about what could have been or what I could have done and things like that. I do know this, no different than last year or any other year, I honestly believe I did everything I could do mentally and physically and with that, I'm satisfied. It was disappointing the way it ended, sure, but you know, I've had a great career and I'm proud of everything I've done, and I'll leave it at that.

On if he has anything more left to prove...

Going into the season as I was flying up to New York I thought to myself there is nothing to prove. Go in there, have fun, do everything you can do. You don't have to show anybody anything. I feel no differently today. You name it in professional football, and I have done it. Very few people, if any, can say that. I've received way more honors than I probably deserve. I've had my share of mistakes. I've had my share of lucky breaks. You name it. I wouldn't trade my career 4 anything.

On the Packers retiring his number...

I hadn't even thought about it. 4 the teammates that I played with in Green Bay and 4 the fans, nothing has changed from day one. It's a shame what has unfolded throughout this whole thing. I don't know. I don't have an answer 4 that right now. It may be five years, it may be the first game. I have no idea. Honestly, I haven't even thought about it.

On his dealings with Ted (Thompson)...

He had his reasons, I had my reasons. Who is to say who is right or who is wrong. He has a plan. I'm not mad at him 4 that. Other people may be, but I don't know. It's a touchy situation. I know that my stay in Green Bay was unbelievable and nothing can take that away. Not one person. That organization has been outstanding to me throughout my career. It is what it is. It's unfortunate, but, at some point, it will be dealt with.

On if he can pinpoint when his shoulder started hurting...

I don't think it was a specific hit and I go back to I did the same exact thing to my left shoulder five, six years ago. I don't even know when it was. Of course, I wasn't throwing with my left shoulder, but every time I would hand off or raise my left arm above my head, I would feel it. The same symptoms started arising in my right, and it actually started probably when I started back throwing in the summer. Ever so slight and not very often, but just enough that I'd be like , "oh, and I wrote it off as, you know, just old age or whatever." I don't know. If there was one particular time, I don't know, other than when I first started back throwing. Each week, just with wear and tear, it progressively (became worse) and I'm not a doctor, but I think, as the season progressed, it would tear just a little bit (more). I wouldn't feel it tear, but it just got a little bit more fatigued. There were times at practice I would throw and I threw almost every day at practice. There were very few days I took off, but I would throw. I didn't have the velocity all the time. I started noticing that more passes were wobbly or whatever. I think I started kind of altering my throwing motion, and that was from the first game on, you know, I didn't think about it much early in the season. But as it progressed later in the year, I noticed I would ice every so often which was rare 4 me. I never iced in training camp. So just little subtle hints like that, to the point where almost every throw I felt it.

On if he feels the next quarterback 4 the Jets is on the roster...

I think (the Jets are) probably better suited to answer that question. I do think that one of those three is very capable of leading the team. I really and truly believe that. Obviously, Erik (Ainge) is a little bit younger, but I was impressed with all three. They all have different styles. I think that those three guys can be very productive given the chance. I think more than anything from my end, leadership is not spoken, it's more action. I try to bring some enthusiasm, some fun, along with my work ethic and preparation, but also be open to anything. Those guys would be the first to tell you. If they ever asked me a question, I'd be more than willing to help out and just be a regular guy because that's what I am. I've been fortunate throughout my career to achieve a lot of great things, but that makes me no better than the next guy. I think they got that sense from day one.

On if he has spoken with the Packers...

No, I haven't talked (to them). Only several players, teammates of mine from Green Bay have sent me some nice messages, and that's it.

On if he will be on FOX NFL Sunday...

I have no idea what I'm going to do, and I'm fine with that. When I get the urge to do something, whether it's TV or whatever, I'll act on it, but right now I've got no desire to do anything.

On what hunting season he is looking forward to...

Deer season is about to wrap up here in Mississippi, unfortunately, but I'll put all my energy into that.

On if he ever felt mentally he wasn't "Brett Favre"...

Mentally, I felt fine. There was a point in the Seattle game I threw numerous seam passes. I think all but one were to Laveranues ColesLaveranues Coles and I underthrew, I think, every one of them. They were into tight coverage, and when I let it go the end result was not where I was wanting it (the ball) to be. It had to have been a perfect throw to be completed, but I felt like I could make that throw. Not only once, but numerous times. I had a brief conversation with Brian Schottenheimer right after the game and with Mike, and reiterated that to them that my shoulder (had been bothering me) and they knew my shoulder had been bothering me. I had an injection after the San Francisco game to try to relieve some of the inflammation. They knew that it was affecting me to a certain point. That was probably the only time where I really had doubts after that game. I made some throws during that game that I made throughout the season that I thought, okay, that's what I do. I just felt like after that game there were some throws that, whether or not we would have caught them, I don't know. I could have made better throws and I threw it, and it didn't end up where I wanted it to. That to me was an eye opener.

On if he received a cortisone shot after the San Francisco 49ers game...

Yes, it was a cortisone shot right after the game with San Francisco. It did feel better. In fact, I didn't throw again until Thursday. That Thursday practice probably was my best throwing practice throughout the year, but then it went downhill again after that.

On what he did today after letting the Jets know he was retiring...

I was on a bulldozer 4 a little bit, pushing up some down trees and stuff and just was doing a little bit of yard work. I had my phone on me, but I didn't talk. It was nonstop buzzing the whole day, but I did what I always do.

02-12-2009, 03:24 PM
I always hear "my body says no, brain says yes"

something like that at least

02-12-2009, 03:43 PM
I always hear "my body says no, brain says yes"

something like that at least

For, back in the day when I was at the clubs, it was the other way around....

02-12-2009, 04:01 PM
"It's not like they're going to cut me." In other words, he'll play until he gets cut.

02-12-2009, 04:05 PM
I'm at a loss to come up with a good answer, but I don't really like any of those here either. I'm going with none of the above, and Patler has a surprise in store--he said he would be away until tonight.

The one that sounds the closest to me is the rottenest one of all--maybe playing for the Vkings, but I really don't think ol' Patler would torture us by bringing that up.

02-12-2009, 06:58 PM
My Bowflex misses me

02-12-2009, 08:39 PM
Several of you thought as I did. The starting streak is what I was thinking of. It seems that answer disappoints several of you, so let me explain.

He is just one start away from a tie with Jim Marshall for the record by position players, 269 for Favre, 270 for Marshall.

For years when asked about his stats and the records that would eventually be his, Favre would say the only real meaningful stat to him was his starts, because it showed he was always there for his team. They could rely on him. He even rightly noted that it was all the starts that provided the foundation for all the other records. He even mentioned one time that it was the only personal record he had, all the rest, the wins, the TDs, the yards were team records shared by the players he played with. The starts were the only one that was up to him and him alone.

He is now at the top of the list of most every significant record there is for a QB. But the record that he said was most meaningful to him he has missed by just one.

02-12-2009, 08:45 PM
Several of you thought as I did. The starting streak is what I was thinking of. It seems that answer disappoints several of you, so let me explain.

He is just one start away from a tie with Jim Marshall for the record by position players, 269 for Favre, 270 for Marshall.

For years when asked about his stats and the records that would eventually be his, Favre would say the only real meaningful stat to him was his starts, because it showed he was always there for his team. They could rely on him. He even rightly noted that it was all the starts that provided the foundation for all the other records. He even mentioned one time that it was the only personal record he had, all the rest, the wins, the TDs, the yards were team records shared by the players he played with. The starts were the only one that was up to him and him alone.

He is now at the top of the list of most every significant record there is for a QB. But the record that he said was most meaningful to him he has missed by just one.

Interesting.. I didn't know he was one shy from that record. Thanks for that fact. I have a solution! TT and Brett kiss and make up for the sake of football and Packer fans...Brett signs a one day contract with the Packers...starts the very first game of the season...hands off to Grant...and takes the bench forever. His number is retired at half time and he represents the Packers for life. Damn that would be a fairytale, huh?
In reality, any chance the Packers offer Favre the $20 million contract again to "represent" the team?

02-13-2009, 02:58 AM
Several of you thought as I did. The starting streak is what I was thinking of. It seems that answer disappoints several of you, so let me explain.

He is just one start away from a tie with Jim Marshall for the record by position players, 269 for Favre, 270 for Marshall.

For years when asked about his stats and the records that would eventually be his, Favre would say the only real meaningful stat to him was his starts, because it showed he was always there for his team. They could rely on him. He even rightly noted that it was all the starts that provided the foundation for all the other records. He even mentioned one time that it was the only personal record he had, all the rest, the wins, the TDs, the yards were team records shared by the players he played with. The starts were the only one that was up to him and him alone.

He is now at the top of the list of most every significant record there is for a QB. But the record that he said was most meaningful to him he has missed by just one.

Interesting.. I didn't know he was one shy from that record. Thanks for that fact. I have a solution! TT and Brett kiss and make up for the sake of football and Packer fans...Brett signs a one day contract with the Packers...starts the very first game of the season...hands off to Grant...and takes the bench forever. His number is retired at half time and he represents the Packers for life. Damn that would be a fairytale, huh?
In reality, any chance the Packers offer Favre the $20 million contract again to "represent" the team?

I don't think Favre would be okay with that solution. I think he'd consider it another act of disrespect, as would most of his supporters, if he was brought back to start one game, run one play - not even a pass play, but a handoff - and then never be seen on the field again. Hell, I am not one of his supporters and even I'd consider that disrespectful.

The Packers have already said that $20 million offer is still on the table and will be for the forseeable future. They'd be stupid not to leave that on the table, because from a financial standpoint, they'd make WAY more than $20 million over 10 years. Will Brett accept? I think so, in due time. Eventually he'll come to embrace this franchise that did so much for him and vice versa. But it will take some time.

02-15-2009, 02:16 PM
What significant factor might drive Favre to make yet another "comeback" at some time, either in 2009 or later?

If he's not starting day one next year, the streak is over is it not?

02-15-2009, 11:44 PM
Are you by any chance counting playoff starts, Patler? I thought he was something like 14 short of Marshall. Please clarify.

02-16-2009, 01:18 AM
Are you by any chance counting playoff starts, Patler? I thought he was something like 14 short of Marshall. Please clarify.

13 starts in 1992, 16 starts in every season since is 269 starts. Marshall had 270.

As for DonHutson's question, I'm not sure what would happen if Favre stayed retired for 2009, but then came back to play in 2010. I've seen some strange things with "consecutive game" streaks of recent, including Driver's streak of consecutive games having a pass reception. It continues even though Driver did not play in the last game of 2007. He and others were inactive in anticipation of the playoffs. With the hype around Favre and his streak, I suspect the NFL would say that it continues after returning from retirement, although obviously I do not know for sure.