View Full Version : Packer Rats Lose the Pudge Challenge

07-18-2006, 07:36 PM
I am about 30 pounds overweight. I need to lose this weight for the sake of my health and own desire to do so. I am going to keep a blog in here with what I eat every day, and the exercises that I do. I challenge everyone out there with a little pudge to lose to make themselves feel better and do what it takes to improve their health and to keep a record of what they do themselves. I want to lose 20 pounds by my August 27th.

In order to accomplish this, I am going to do the following things:
1. Bike to and from work each day (7 miles each way)
2. Cut out red meats temporarily and focus on Whey powder, veggies, fruits and fish oil.
3. Take a nice relaxing walk everyday at lunch instead of eating immense amount of fast food for lunch daily.
4. Plan out everything I am going to eat in advance.
5. Play tennis for an hour each night
6. Weight lift each night for 30 minutes

Tomorrow, my day is looking like this:
Bike to work
8-12 work
12-1 walk around outside on grass
1-4 work
4-4:45 bike home
5:15-end of match best of 3 set tennis match
7-8 Lift

What's your plan?

07-18-2006, 07:41 PM
for my first day of eating super healthy and kicking the addition to eating I have, I am going to all out. I know that if I let myself a. break from my eating pattern or b. have anything remotely fatty/sweet/delicious I will completely induldge and not be able to control myself.

I am going to go hardcore for atleast a week until I can get consistent blood sugar and lose the cravings.

I am going to bike to work fasted so I tap directly into my fat deposits.

Then, I am going to have a breakfast of mixed vegetables and mint chocolate whey protein with water.

I am then going to have more mixed vegetables for lunch, with an orange and banana as well.

For my dinner, I am going to have steamed peas and carrots and probably another scoop of whey protein, and cap it off with a fuel fish oil capsules to lower my chloelestrol.

That's all. No soda, no cookies, no ice cream, no entire pizzas, no double cheese burgers and malts, none of that garbage.

07-18-2006, 07:48 PM
I commend you Partial. It will take will power, but you can do it.

07-18-2006, 07:50 PM
I just took pictures of myself. It is now my wallpaper so I will be forced to look at it quite a bit. All I can say is yuck, and give my girlfriend a mighty big salute for putting up with that. She's hot and I am so not. Hopefully, that will change. I mean even after 20 pounds I won't be muscular or anything, i'll just be able to swear my size 33 pants again instead of the 36's I wear now.

07-18-2006, 08:45 PM

I commend you on your goal. This is, as it so happens, one area where I can give sound advice. From June 1st to date, I've lost about 25 lbs, through pretty much the same method you are suggesting, DDE (discipline, desire, and exercise).

Here's my daily diet:

Breakfast: 2 c. OJ, 2 c. skim milk w/ sugar-free Carnation Instant Breakfast
Lunch: FF yogurt, sandwich. (2-3 oz deli meat of choice, which excludes bastardized processed meats such as bologna and salami, cheese, lettuce, light Miracle Whip, turkey bacon, on 100% whole wheat bread)
Dinner: 2/3 slices toast
This is supplemented with a multivitamin and 2 fish oil capsules with each meal.

I would like to offer some constructive criticism on your diet. I'm no dietician, and if your method is working well for you, don't mind me:

I'm seeing little in the way of grains in your diet. I'd recommend adding some 100% whole wheat bread in there somewhere. Same with dairy products. That one's easily remedied, I'd just make the protein shakes with skim milk over water (which, in my opinion, improves the taste by an order of magnitude)

On the "garbage" note, just remember, garbage isn't just limited to foods that are simply bad for you. Read the labels of what you buy. If you see the words "High Fructose Corn Syrup" on it, don't eat it. It's also the chief ingredient in most sodas, which is why the removal of pop from your diet is an almost instant weight loss. It's also found in places you wouldn't expect, jams and peanut butter (if you get "100% fruit jam" or "natural" peanut butter you can avoid it), along with most store-bought breads (make sure you look for it if you follow my wheat bread suggestion)

While the "go hardcore I can take it" method is a noble venture, it's also the reason most diets fail. I beleive myself to be a person of extraordinary discipline, and this weekend, having not had ANY sugar or eaten anything bad/going out to eat for a month and a half, was practically convulsing on my bed with cravings for chocolate, deep fried food, etc. Almost every diet I have ever read suggests one "indulgence day" a week, and it's a damn good idea. However, if you're worried about going off the deep end, make your "indulgence" something simple. After not having any sugar, one of those cups of fat-free chocolate pudding kicks an almost indescribable amount of ass. Something like raisins or applesauce also are a good way to quell sugar cravings.

The part I like about my diet is that it follows USDA recommendations. Check out http://www.mypyramid.gov for good guidelines/suggestions.

Happy dieting, I'm off to run and lift,


07-18-2006, 08:54 PM
I just took pictures of myself. It is now my wallpaper so I will be forced to look at it quite a bit. All I can say is yuck, and give my girlfriend a mighty big salute for putting up with that. She's hot and I am so not. Hopefully, that will change. I mean even after 20 pounds I won't be muscular or anything, i'll just be able to swear my size 33 pants again instead of the 36's I wear now.

Very comendable, Partial. I also wear 36s - with some pride after the amount of cheap beer and pizza I went through during college.

I quit smoking about a month ago - and simultaneously started working out more. A hard part about smoking is that it acts as appetite supressant - now I have to be more diligent in choosing what to eat.

I'm certainly not as focused as your plan - but my motto is most things w/i moderation. I wouldn't cut out all natural protein as it helps w/ metabolism rates. But your plan of aerobic and strength training is spot on (as muscles continue to burn calories even after working out!).

I wish I could just go for a run like some people - to me its 1. too boring and 2. very bad on my already surgically repaired knees. I have to do more activities (golf, tennis, basketball, ultimate frisbee, swimming - in that order of my enjoyment/skill level and time) and then some light weight lifting in the evenings.

It's going pretty well so far - I've only lost like 5 pounds (but this is fairly significant as most people who quit gain 5-15 pounds).

Good luck!

07-18-2006, 09:26 PM
You are gonna really need to speed up your metabolism to lose it that fast so.....


It worked for Nichol Richie.

07-18-2006, 09:32 PM
I too am dieting cause I'm overweight. Am on weight watchers. Have a hard time getting in much exercise due to kid dom, but so far I've lost 36lbs by eating a lot better than I use to and drinking lots and lots of H20.

07-18-2006, 09:41 PM
B, you need to read more women's magazines. You're supposed to exercise with the kids. Hubby has been doing curls with children for years. It's not bedtime without them. You can do presses with them too, just be gentle and teach them not to squirm. Yes you can teach them that if you tell them you won't lift with them anymore if they squirm. We've also been known to run races down long hallways.

07-18-2006, 09:41 PM
As of note, I saw a lot of criticism of my diet. With due cause, it is not balanced at all. That's just what i'm doing tomorrow. I don't have a whole lot of healthy food and need to go shopping. I am going to post it every day.

Deputy Nutz
07-18-2006, 10:08 PM
As a former athlete, well someone who still thinks he is an athlete, I have a hard time putting down the fork. My body needed large quantities of food to maintain size, strength, and to build more muscle mass.

Now that my playing days are long behind me, injuries that still linger, and like Bretsky the kids have taken over my free time to workout.

I have decided to change my eating habbits. I have cut out fast food almost entilrely. Only 3 or 4 times a month.

I start every morning with a smoothy mixture of fresh berries and bannanas, plain yogurt, organic juices, pure flax seed oil, Aloh Juice, liquid multi-V, and ice. I also add organic fruit and vegetable concentrate.

For lunch, I either have a bowl of Total cereal, with skim milk(note: I can't believe how many people still drink whole milk, or even 2% milk) anyways, or I make a sandwich with ham or turkey, tomato, and lettuce.

For a snack, It seems that I will always choose a grain, like cereal mostly.

For dinner, it is always a salad with lots of different veggies, like red cabbage, dark leafy lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, and a bunch of different shit. I like some won't cut out red meat entirely. Lean red meat is just as healthy for you as most chicken. But still, I will usually eat chicken, or fish. Once a week I will make an Italian Suasage dish, that is something that I won't give up.

My main thing is that I get my daily servings of veggies and fruit. The smoothy is nice because I usually get that out of the way. I concentrate on consuming lots of antioxidents.

My goal is to start getting into shape, so at the beginning of the Wrestling season, I could wrestle a whole 6 minute match(I coach high school wrestling). After the wrestling season, or hopefully before, I want to start training in Mix Martial Arts. I don't want to compete, but I see it as a great workout, and later in life, I might want to train fighters.

07-18-2006, 10:11 PM
yep, I've put on 50 pounds in the two years since I left competitive tennis. I practiced year round and worked out for it all the time. That, paired with the fact I my metabolism has slowed down as I am now at full height and done growing, has really killed me. I've got to change the way I eat.

It's bad, I still exercise a lot, but I eat qdoba/chipotle twice a day, everyday for the most part. That shit is just killer.

Deputy Nutz
07-18-2006, 10:15 PM
Another tip, Drink a shit load of Green tea. That stuff is great for the metabolism.

Qdoba isn't to bad if you get your fixens in a bowl, lose the good stuff like the sour cream and cheese, stick to chicken, or just the mixed veggies like the peppers and the tomatoes.

I just gotta get my ass to the gym

07-18-2006, 10:29 PM
I am about 30 pounds overweight. I need to lose this weight for the sake of my health and own desire to do so. I am going to keep a blog in here with what I eat every day, and the exercises that I do. I challenge everyone out there with a little pudge to lose to make themselves feel better and do what it takes to improve their health and to keep a record of what they do themselves. I want to lose 20 pounds by my August 27th.

In order to accomplish this, I am going to do the following things:
1. Bike to and from work each day (7 miles each way)
2. Cut out red meats temporarily and focus on Whey powder, veggies, fruits and fish oil.
3. Take a nice relaxing walk everyday at lunch instead of eating immense amount of fast food for lunch daily.
4. Plan out everything I am going to eat in advance.
5. Play tennis for an hour each night
6. Weight lift each night for 30 minutes

Tomorrow, my day is looking like this:
Bike to work
8-12 work
12-1 walk around outside on grass
1-4 work
4-4:45 bike home
5:15-end of match best of 3 set tennis match
7-8 Lift

What's your plan?

Damn, Partial, that is one tough plan yer on.

Make sure you eat a little something during the day. Keep food in the stomach. One good trick is to carry around a baggie with carrots and celery to snack on. Celery is actually negative calories, the body burns more to digest it than it's caloric value.

That's a LOT of workin' out if you are gonna cut your caloric intake.
The big trick is to stay on a diet and excercise plan and this one would kick my ass. Lift 3 times a week max. the body actually builds the muscle on your rest days. Develop a plan you can handle, the one you are describing is pretty spartan

Some other tricks:

Walk everywhere
Abandon elevators go up the stairs.
Like Nutz alluded to... give yourself a binge day once a week or ten days or so.
Stop drinkin'. Those happy hour beers kill ya diet-wise
Don't eat dinner after 6 pm ( I cheat on this one so bad, it's sick)

Stick to it. It takes ahwile, then the pounds fall off.

07-18-2006, 10:54 PM
Losing weight via extensive exercise is a young man's game.

07-19-2006, 10:24 AM
Well, as I typed in an earlier post that was lost in the change, my frozen vegetables were frozen for a little too long, so I am instead opting for the fresh fruit my office brings in today. So far so good!

07-19-2006, 10:40 AM
I hate peer pressure. All morning long the guys I go to lunch with have been insisting I break my plan and go to lunch. Shit, this is why I always get off base. I've got to stay strong and stick to a plan otherwise I won't accomplish what I want to

07-19-2006, 10:41 AM
Maybe you should try the "Jenny Crank" diet. It only cost $20 a day.

07-19-2006, 11:46 AM
I hate peer pressure. All morning long the guys I go to lunch with have been insisting I break my plan and go to lunch. Shit, this is why I always get off base. I've got to stay strong and stick to a plan otherwise I won't accomplish what I want to Tell 'em you're feeling a little barfy and cough a couple times. They will leave you alone about lunch.

Deputy Nutz
07-19-2006, 12:21 PM
You know what sucks, the food network, they make the best food, and all they do is load it with butter and sugar, it makes me drool.

07-19-2006, 12:51 PM
Partial, what ever you do, don't do a crash diet. Those can cause some serious health problems. Crash diets can also cause hair loss if you cut out protien all together, so still get some meat in that diet.

07-19-2006, 01:02 PM
i'll get plenty of protein I just need to beat myself at these evil mind games and stay strong for a few days and get over all the cravings. That generally takes me only a few days from my experiences, then I can get a balanced diet significantly easier.

Today has been an all around shitty day. The car broke down so I am runnign back and forth from work and trying to deal with progressive. It has changed my plans significantly in terms of exercise over lunch and what i've eaten so far.

I've had an apple and a banana for breakfast, 3 8 oz glasses of water, and now some turkey from a huge roasted turkey breast, a slice of cheddar cheese, two tomatos and some lettuce on rye bread sandwich. It's really delicious.

I've got to headout and use my lunch hour to deal with this car stuff, so no walking for me.

07-19-2006, 03:35 PM
Dam I need food now :wink:

07-19-2006, 04:38 PM
So far so good today. I looked into fat burners and evidentally if you do it right you can create your own ECA stack (ephedra, caffeine, aspirin). I tried it today, and it is pretty weird. I feel extremely alert, and my body is definitely warm. I was sweating walking outside for like 5 minutes at a brisk pace. That could be due to the humidity though. Overall, so far so good!

07-20-2006, 12:36 AM
I made it through the first day very well, but I am wide awake and have to be up in 5.5 hours! For breakfast, I had an Apple and a Banana. For lunch, I had a turkey sandwich with lettuce, tomato, and cheddar cheese on a marbel rye bread. It may have been the best sandwich i have ever had. There was also a slice of ham on there. Due to chaos with a car, I missed several meals. Tonight after my workout (circuit training instead of free weights in an effort to change things up) I had a lemon yogurt which was delicious and 6x1x1.5 inches of boiled cod. It was an overall very nutritious day, and the food was really delicious, every bit as delicious as a qdoba burrito

07-20-2006, 08:19 AM
So far so good today. I looked into fat burners and evidentally if you do it right you can create your own ECA stack (ephedra, caffeine, aspirin).

Isnt this what was giving some people heart attacks?

07-20-2006, 08:32 AM
When they do excessive amounts yeah. Ephedra was banned but then reversed because it has less deaths per thousand than common drugs such as aspirin and ibeauprofen. Ephedrine, the synthetic version of ephedra is found in tons of common congestion medicines.

As long as you take it in controlled dosage it is fine. It has worked for years in fat burners and was the only stack that actually worked. A lot of high school athletes take it before games now a days because it gives you more energy.

The people that died were taking like 6x the proper ration.

07-20-2006, 08:33 AM
My boss is peer-pressuring me to go to lunch with the group of people today. I feel bad saying no, but i've gotta do this for me. I am gonna stand firm and hold off.

07-20-2006, 08:47 AM
You can go to lunch. It is one of the things you're going to have to learn to do. Go, order the grilled chicken with a vegetable and side salad (oil and vinegar dressing on the side) and have it with water.

07-20-2006, 08:57 AM
Yup. Grilled chicken or fish with some greens and fruit.

07-20-2006, 09:19 AM
You can go to lunch. It is one of the things you're going to have to learn to do. Go, order the grilled chicken with a vegetable and side salad (oil and vinegar dressing on the side) and have it with water.

see, the other reason for skipping lunches is the financial aspect. I am an intern at a big company, and the big people that I hang out with parents are all on the "C" level of the company and pay for all their kids stuff (gas, insurance, food, college), where as I do not have those luxuries so I am definitely starting to get concerned about spending the money. It's really a shame, but it is what it is.

07-20-2006, 10:28 AM
You know what sucks, the food network, they make the best food, and all they do is load it with butter and sugar, it makes me drool.

Here's what else sucks - commercials for food (especially fast food) later in the evening. I'm sitting there watching TV, and on comes a commercial for BK, Taco Hell or whatever. My will power being what it is(n't), its out to the car and off to the drive-thru.
Ban food advertisements at night and I bet you reduce obesity in this country by a significant percentage.
Alternately, can some brilliant scientist invent "willpower" or "self-control" pills?

07-20-2006, 10:49 AM
I tried the Atkins diet last year, lost the 20 lbs I wanted to easy w/in 5 months. However, I looked like an Aides patient. Put all the weight back on over the holidays.

This year I ate whatever I wanted, using commen sense, and just worked out each day. Pickup basketball twice a week, tennis twice a week, weight training twice a week, walk nine holes of golf, and go for a walk most every night. I have lost 15 lbs and look and feel great.

Burn more calories than you intake and drink lots of water is the ticket.

07-20-2006, 11:09 AM
You can go to lunch. It is one of the things you're going to have to learn to do. Go, order the grilled chicken with a vegetable and side salad (oil and vinegar dressing on the side) and have it with water.

see, the other reason for skipping lunches is the financial aspect. I am an intern at a big company, and the big people that I hang out with parents are all on the "C" level of the company and pay for all their kids stuff (gas, insurance, food, college), where as I do not have those luxuries so I am definitely starting to get concerned about spending the money. It's really a shame, but it is what it is.

Well, you didn't tell me that part!! :razz: Tell your boss that you simply can't afford to go and he should either get off your back or buy you lunch when he wants you to go.

07-20-2006, 11:10 AM
hopefully the latter

Deputy Nutz
07-20-2006, 11:48 AM
Here is another tip, oatmeal. It may look like spackle, but it is ver nutritious and it is extremely valuable in helping you lose weight.

Here is another tip, stay away from cheese. I noticed you put it on your sandwich. Get your calcium some where else. Cheese is really high in fat.

One more tip, be careful with yogurt. If you buy regular yogurt with say fruit or what not in it, it is full of fat and added sugar. I usually eat the daynon lite yogurt, vanilla. We can all agree that plain yogurt taste like ass.

07-20-2006, 12:08 PM
Plain yogurt may taste horrible on its own, but I've heard it's a great substitute for sour cream in sauces, etc. I take it, then Nutz that you're not a fan of the low fat/no fat/skim cheeses?

07-20-2006, 12:30 PM
I am trying to add more fish into my diet. However, the only fish that I like is the breaded stuff like what you get when you go out for your typical Wisconsin fish frys. Smply because it doesn't taste "fishy".

So, I'm just wondering what fish it out there that doesn't taste like fish!!

So far, I've discovered mahi-mahi - it tastes wonderful on the grill. But, I don't want to always heat up the grill just for fish, especially in the winter! Any ideas?

07-20-2006, 12:30 PM
I had a chicken salad at lunch, it was pretty tasty!!

07-20-2006, 12:35 PM
I am trying to add more fish into my diet. However, the only fish that I like is the breaded stuff like what you get when you go out for your typical Wisconsin fish frys. Smply because it doesn't taste "fishy".

So, I'm just wondering what fish it out there that doesn't taste like fish!!

So far, I've discovered mahi-mahi - it tastes wonderful on the grill. But, I don't want to always heat up the grill just for fish, especially in the winter! Any ideas?

Try cod with a brush of oil and a dusting of bread crumbs, tilapia is very mild too and I love it, I've had haddock before too and that wasn't too fishy either.

07-20-2006, 12:38 PM
I am trying to add more fish into my diet. However, the only fish that I like is the breaded stuff like what you get when you go out for your typical Wisconsin fish frys. Smply because it doesn't taste "fishy".

So, I'm just wondering what fish it out there that doesn't taste like fish!!

So far, I've discovered mahi-mahi - it tastes wonderful on the grill. But, I don't want to always heat up the grill just for fish, especially in the winter! Any ideas?

Try cod with a brush of oil and a dusting of bread crumbs, tilapia is very mild too and I love it, I've had haddock before too and that wasn't too fishy either.

I've never heard of tilapia. Is that a salt water fish?

07-20-2006, 12:48 PM
Nope. It's fresh. Mostly farm-raised. Good, mild fish. We like it with a little cajun seasoning.

07-20-2006, 12:50 PM
I'll have to look around here for it. We certainly have plenty of farms here :wink:

Deputy Nutz
07-20-2006, 02:20 PM
Plain yogurt may taste horrible on its own, but I've heard it's a great substitute for sour cream in sauces, etc. I take it, then Nutz that you're not a fan of the low fat/no fat/skim cheeses?

These low fat cheeses usually have a catch, like added sugar for taste. Well added sugar may not show up on the label as fat, but it turns into fat. Cheese is alright especially if you are doing the Atkins Diet.

As far as fish goes, I love Salmon, a fliet is usually big enough and sturdy enough to grill. I also like Tuna fliets but those are kind of expensive.

Little Whiskey
07-20-2006, 03:50 PM
gbm, try some walleye. one of my favs.

Little Whiskey
07-20-2006, 03:51 PM
I am an intern at a big company, and the big people that I hang out with parents are all on the "C" level of the company and pay for all their kids stuff (gas, insurance, food, college)

you work with tank's dad?

07-20-2006, 04:04 PM
I really like cod. Cod with lemon on it is very delicious. And no, I don't work with Tanks dad, I work at a massive company, just so happens I got put in the executive suite.

Little Whiskey
07-20-2006, 04:06 PM
no, I don't work with Tanks dad, I work at a massive company, just so happens I got put in the executive suite.

damn, i was hoping you could go up and kick him in the balls so that he can never reproduce again.

07-20-2006, 04:44 PM
:lol: harsh!

Scott Campbell
07-20-2006, 07:50 PM
I am trying to add more fish into my diet. However, the only fish that I like is the breaded stuff like what you get when you go out for your typical Wisconsin fish frys. Smply because it doesn't taste "fishy".

So, I'm just wondering what fish it out there that doesn't taste like fish!!

So far, I've discovered mahi-mahi - it tastes wonderful on the grill. But, I don't want to always heat up the grill just for fish, especially in the winter! Any ideas?

My favorite fish is Ahi. It doesn't taste fishy at all, and has a consistency more like steak than like fish. The best way to cook it is seared rare.

I'm with Ziggy too on Tilapia. Serve it blackened for with a dusting of cajun spice.

Do you like sushi?

Deputy Nutz
07-20-2006, 11:31 PM
I dislike Sushi. throw that shit on the grill

07-21-2006, 12:44 PM
so far so good! I'm going to be out of the area this weekend so I won't post. I'm going to be eating healthy and geting plenty of exercise, though.

07-21-2006, 02:32 PM
I was avoiding this thread for a reason. Now I feel like a fat bastard. My diet plan for the past couple months has been to drink a little less alochol, which has meant more soda, drink more water although I have no idea what health benefit that has, and to "work out."

By working out, I mean I stretch, which in and of itself is a difficult task. I think I may be missing some essential joints in my body. I also work some of that pussy-ass polates crap in there. Then some push-ups, sit ups, and very light weight work. My favorite is head-stand push ups against a wall. Sounds fucking stupid, but its amazing how fast you can build stregnth using your own weight (200 even for me).

The finalee is this:


BOB. The Body Opponent Bag. We throw down for 20-30 minutes. Usually he wins. In fact, I crapped out a shoulder for this past month with an awkward strike.

This "awesome" diet leads to me gaining weight, because I lose a little fat and build back muscle. But I would rather be a stronger fat bastard than a useless fat bastard, and I ain't ready to give up my love affair with food yet.

Nutz, if you give MMA a try and need a human punching bag, I'm your man. I have no official training, but I've always loved to put on some gloves and headgear and get bruised with friends.

07-21-2006, 03:15 PM
My boss is peer-pressuring me to go to lunch with the group of people today. I feel bad saying no, but i've gotta do this for me. I am gonna stand firm and hold off.

Going out for lunch regularly while at work is hard on the pocket book and the diet. Also with the marketing now, the portion sizes are more than what you should really have....and that's not just fast food. I have a salad for lunch almost everyday and use those packages of Starkist tuna on the salad. They come in different flavors but I know they have zesty lemon pepper and herb and garlic. It's a great way to get protein with no fat or carbs. If you use the whole package on your salad you are getting 30 grams of protein and the only carbs or fat you get is from your salad dressing. The whole package of tuna only has 150 calories in it. Use the packaged lettuce and it's a really quick and easy meal for lunch.

07-21-2006, 03:20 PM
We ran out of salad dressing the other day and had a revelation. We were using one of the bagged salads that had a few veggies mixed in. I put the salad in the bowls and cut up fresh peaches and strawberries to put on top. No dressing needed and it probably would have been even better without the strawberries.

Deputy Nutz
07-21-2006, 03:35 PM
We ran out of salad dressing the other day and had a revelation. We were using one of the bagged salads that had a few veggies mixed in. I put the salad in the bowls and cut up fresh peaches and strawberries to put on top. No dressing needed and it probably would have been even better without the strawberries.

What do you have against strawberries? You damn elitest.

Deputy Nutz
07-21-2006, 03:36 PM
Nutz, if you give MMA a try and need a human punching bag, I'm your man. I have no official training, but I've always loved to put on some gloves and headgear and get bruised with friends

I am thinking about joining Duke Roufus's Gym.

07-21-2006, 03:39 PM
I have absolutely nothing against strawberries--love them straight up or with things we don't talk about in front of Partial, but some of the greens in the salad mixture have a bit of bitter and they fight with the tanginess of even the sweetest berries.

Deputy Nutz
07-21-2006, 03:42 PM
ok then

07-21-2006, 04:19 PM
I have absolutely nothing against strawberries--love them straight up or with things we don't talk about in front of Partial, but some of the greens in the salad mixture have a bit of bitter and they fight with the tanginess of even the sweetest berries.

:lol: :lol:

07-21-2006, 06:07 PM
Stay away from bagged lettuce!!!

Saw some shit about it having a lot of e-coli risk cuz people dont clean it. The bag says its cleaned but not well enough.

07-21-2006, 06:13 PM
I read that too. I just clean it in a colander (sane people use a lettuce spinner) with a little veggie wash.

07-21-2006, 07:35 PM
Isn't lettuce a complete waste to eat anyway? I thought it had zero value. I've been eating spinach leaves for a few years instead and they are much tastier and make much better salads. Then again, I have no effen clue about nutrition.

Harlan Huckleby
07-21-2006, 07:37 PM
with a little veggie wash.

There is a kitchen product called "veggie wash"!? WTF. Life has gotten so damn complicated.

07-22-2006, 12:01 AM
I am trying to add more fish into my diet. However, the only fish that I like is the breaded stuff like what you get when you go out for your typical Wisconsin fish frys. Smply because it doesn't taste "fishy".

So, I'm just wondering what fish it out there that doesn't taste like fish!!

So far, I've discovered mahi-mahi - it tastes wonderful on the grill. But, I don't want to always heat up the grill just for fish, especially in the winter! Any ideas?

I'm suprised to see nobody has said Tuna. I had fresh Tuna for the first time at a restaurant a couple of days ago and actually thought they had given me an odd sort of chicken instead. It is truly the Chicken of the sea.

Another fish that I enjoy is the Roughie, if prepared correctly it can have no fishy taste. We had it grilled with some seasoning and it was fantastic.

07-22-2006, 08:48 AM
I just bought some orange roughy, it wasn't bad at all !

I'm all for fish that doesn't taste like fish!!

I could live on seafood though. Although that can be quite brutal on the pocketbook! Crab legs are my fav

Scott Campbell
07-22-2006, 09:24 AM
I'm suprised to see nobody has said Tuna.

Ahi is a kind of tuna.

Harlan Huckleby
07-23-2006, 10:49 PM
Shit, I just went to Taco Bell and spent $9.27.

Do you know how much food you can buy at Taco Bell for $9.27? About a ton. I threw half of it out - fuck the starving children. What a disgusting scene. Somebody send help.

07-24-2006, 02:19 AM
Q: Don't you know there are starving children in Africa?

A: Yes, and they are welcome to these leftovers if they can come and get it.

07-24-2006, 10:32 PM
I am about 30 pounds overweight. I need to lose this weight for the sake of my health and own desire to do so. I am going to keep a blog in here with what I eat every day, and the exercises that I do. I challenge everyone out there with a little pudge to lose to make themselves feel better and do what it takes to improve their health and to keep a record of what they do themselves. I want to lose 20 pounds by my August 27th.

In order to accomplish this, I am going to do the following things:
1. Bike to and from work each day (7 miles each way)
2. Cut out red meats temporarily and focus on Whey powder, veggies, fruits and fish oil.
3. Take a nice relaxing walk everyday at lunch instead of eating immense amount of fast food for lunch daily.
4. Plan out everything I am going to eat in advance.
5. Play tennis for an hour each night
6. Weight lift each night for 30 minutes

Tomorrow, my day is looking like this:
Bike to work
8-12 work
12-1 walk around outside on grass
1-4 work
4-4:45 bike home
5:15-end of match best of 3 set tennis match
7-8 Lift

What's your plan?

I dropped 80 pounds 3 years ago. 250 --> 170.

Low carb, work out. That's all you have to do. 50 carbs or less a day and work out 1/2 hour to 1 hour a day. Lift weights, do cardio. Low carb, work out, low carb work out....adios 30 pounds.

07-24-2006, 11:17 PM
I have been sticking to my plan very well and eating pretty healthy. I cut myself a little slack on the weekend because I have reached the stage where I stop craving ridiculously greasy or sugary foods and have accepted that I am eating lean, low GI foods.

My pants are feeling significantly looser today than they were last week. That is a good sign.

Tomorrow I am going to eat the following foods and do the following activity:

7am - Bike to work
8am - arrive, tukey sandwich, slice of cheddar on whole grain wheat bread with double fiber, maybe some lettuce and tomato if I can scrounge some up
12pm - jog/walk 2 miles at lunch
1pm - apple, banana, orange
4pm - bike home
6pm - lift
7:30 - 1/4 pound hamburger grilled and squeeze the extra oil out on a bun with pickels and ketchup
11 - sleep

Tomorrow is a big time fitness day, so here is hoping I have the energy and keep myself focused to get it done and get it done right.

Ras, I cannot go totally low carb because I would rip my eyes out. I am definitely eating fewer carbs and smarter carbs which I am hoping will work for me.

This weekend when staying with the GF I found a few creative ways in which we can exercise, so that is always a plus!! :lol:

07-25-2006, 09:40 AM
Ras, btw, I forgot to say congrats, that is an impressive change!!

Same goes for everyone else who is making the effort out there. All it takes it commitment and smart choices!!

Deputy Nutz
07-25-2006, 09:48 AM
I ate a bowl of oatmeal this morning. It wasn't very good

Harlan Huckleby
07-25-2006, 09:56 AM
All it takes it commitment and smart choices!!

Horse hockey. People are wired very differently. Some are more strongly driven to food than others. Somebody who is very heavy, and has been that way since they were a toddler, has a HUGE psychological challenge to change the patterns that are burned deeply into their brains. The success rate for people permanetly changing their body types has got to be about 2% or less. Why else would some people resort to something as drastic as gastric bypasses surgery?

I'm not criticizing your experience or encouragement! Just offering a reality check, people are very different. Winston Churchhill had the self-discipline to sit down and write an encylopedia length "History of the British People." Yet he couldn't resist a pastry to save his soul.

Harlan Huckleby
07-25-2006, 10:13 AM
I am finding some success in changing my eating habits through a process called "mindfulness". It is a practice that comes from Buddhism.



Anyway, it really comes down to being more self-aware, and more observant and "in the moment." It is helpful for changing all sorts of behavior, and especially for dealing with stress. It involves some daily meditation. It is an effort to stop running on "auto pilot", take some control of yourself and enjoy life more. It's good stuff.

07-25-2006, 10:28 AM
All it takes it commitment and smart choices!!

Horse hockey. People are wired very differently. Some are more strongly driven to food than others. Somebody who is very heavy, and has been that way since they were a toddler, has a HUGE psychological challenge to change the patterns that are burned deeply into their brains. The success rate for people permanetly changing their body types has got to be about 2% or less. Why else would some people resort to something as drastic as gastric bypasses surgery?

I'm not criticizing your experience or encouragement! Just offering a reality check, people are very different. Winston Churchhill had the self-discipline to sit down and write an encylopedia length "History of the British People." Yet he couldn't resist a pastry to save his soul.

I understand for some people it is very tough. The reason there are so many failures is because people don't have the will power to resist temptation. If anyone wants to change bad enough and 100% commits themselves to doing so, they most definitely can change. It's that commiting 100% that most people have a problem with. It is definitely a very mentally challenging, especially at the beginning.

I recommend you guys check out John Stone Fitness (http://www.johnstonefitness.com). It's a very good website run by a man who was a pothead and alcholic and very overweight, who three years ago committed himself to living a healthy lifestyle. He doesn't update his site with the same frequency as he used to picture wise, but he still writes a daily update. Here is a slew of images he took every morning during his initial fat loss stage several years back.


edit - if it doesn't work, right click on it and go to view image or something to that effect. It will work then.

07-25-2006, 10:39 AM
One thing that I fine very hard to resist, when trying to eat healthy, is all the donuts and snacks people are kind enough to bring into the office each day.

Harlan Huckleby
07-25-2006, 10:39 AM
The reason there are so many failures is because people don't have the will power to resist temptation.

It is more complicated than this. Ahman Carroll has plenty of will power and commitment, but he just wasn't able to keep his hands off of recievers. Changing ingrained habits requires reprogramming of the brain. And in the case of habits like eating that are so intertwined with emotions, it takes some special attention beyond brute-force will power. I've see many people lose a lot of weight, almost always they gain it back.

07-25-2006, 10:44 AM
The reason there are so many failures is because people don't have the will power to resist temptation.

It is more complicated than this. Ahman Carroll has plenty of will power and commitment, but he just wasn't able to keep his hands off of recievers. Changing ingrained habits requires reprogramming of the brain. And in the case of habits like eating that are so intertwined with emotions, it takes some special attention beyond brute-force will power. I've see many people lose a lot of weight, almost always they gain it back.

I completely agree. I'd say food is even more addictive than nicotine, atleast in my case, and it is extremely difficult to reprogram the brain. My nose is perking up everytime I smell pizza or anything that I love to eat. I get so hungry and I have thought about breaking my plan atleast once every day so far. But, I've gone up to the food i've wanted to break for, stared it down, and turned away and said no. I realize its kind of pathetic, but it is what it is. I am doing what I need to do to beat my brain and temptations and break these habits. It is taking a tremendous amount of willpower

Deputy Nutz
07-25-2006, 11:03 AM
All it takes it commitment and smart choices!!

Horse hockey. People are wired very differently. Some are more strongly driven to food than others. Somebody who is very heavy, and has been that way since they were a toddler, has a HUGE psychological challenge to change the patterns that are burned deeply into their brains. The success rate for people permanetly changing their body types has got to be about 2% or less. Why else would some people resort to something as drastic as gastric bypasses surgery?

I'm not criticizing your experience or encouragement! Just offering a reality check, people are very different. Winston Churchhill had the self-discipline to sit down and write an encylopedia length "History of the British People." Yet he couldn't resist a pastry to save his soul.

Harlan were you the fat kid growing up? If it is any consolation there are a lot of fat kids out there. You better hope you're at least funny

07-25-2006, 11:04 AM
Parital, what are the foods that have been tempting you most this week?

Deputy Nutz
07-25-2006, 11:07 AM
Pink Tacos

07-25-2006, 11:14 AM
Those aren't fattening.

Scott Campbell
07-25-2006, 12:03 PM
Well then, bon appetit.

07-25-2006, 12:04 PM
Parital, what are the foods that have been tempting you most this week?

well, it really depends what is around. I keep myself extremely hydrated so that cuts down the temptations. I work in the executive suite as an intern, so they always bring in food for lunches and meetings, so it really depends on what they have. Today they have turkey sandwiches so its not too bad, but other times they'll have chinese, pizza or mostacholi. I'm hanging in there though, i'll beat this. It's probably going to take a while, but I am going to drop my weight and change my habits for good.

07-25-2006, 12:37 PM
First things first. Harlan, while I fully recognize that the statistics you cite are true, the encouraging thing here is that Partial is young, was not always overweight and is at a crossroads in other aspects of his life as well. I say if you're gonna overhaul everything, Partials chances of success are better than others simply because ALL of his habits and surroundings will change when he graduates and gets full-time work.

Partial. On days when the office is offering something particularly bad, yet tempting, give yourself a raincheck. If they're having pizza, tell yourself that you'll make yourself a healthy pizza after work. If they're having chinese, promise yourself some terriyaki chicken when you get home. You can remind yourself that all their fat asses got that way by eating that crap and always keep food for yourself at work so if they break out the junk, you can break out something healthy. PM me if you need recipes.

07-25-2006, 02:09 PM
I ate a bowl of oatmeal this morning. It wasn't very good

I ate that yesterday. I put a banana in mine to make it taste like not ass

07-25-2006, 03:19 PM
I am 5 foot 10 and 153 pounds and want to add about 20 pounds because I want to start wight training. I cant add muscle to nothing so I need to add the wight on.

I guess my goal is a lot easier than your partial :twisted:

07-25-2006, 03:49 PM
I ate a bowl of oatmeal this morning. It wasn't very good

Did you eat the bowl too?

If so, then that may be your problem ...

If not, then maybe it's worth a try ...

Harlan Huckleby
07-25-2006, 04:11 PM
First things first. Harlan, while I fully recognize that the statistics you cite are true, the encouraging thing here is that Partial is young, was not always overweight and is at a crossroads in other aspects of his life as well. I say if you're gonna overhaul everything, Partials chances of success are better than others simply because ALL of his habits and surroundings will change when he graduates and gets full-time work.

Losing weight is always hard. I agree, people who are dedicated and have less than 50 pounds to lose have a good chance of success. And I think anybody can succeed, with the right strategy, and a lot of time.

Deputy Nutz
07-25-2006, 04:15 PM
I ate a bowl of oatmeal this morning. It wasn't very good

Did you eat the bowl too?

If so, then that may be your problem ...

If not, then maybe it's worth a try ...

I didn't eat the bowl. I put some blueberries in it, that made it better. Gotta eat your berries folks, you need those antioxidents

07-25-2006, 04:24 PM
Dark chocolate has antioxidants, so I eat 3 pounds of it per day.

07-25-2006, 05:24 PM
I am 5 foot 10 and 153 pounds and want to add about 20 pounds because I want to start wight training. I cant add muscle to nothing so I need to add the wight on.

I guess my goal is a lot easier than your partial :twisted:

Eat enough protein and calories and the weight training will put the weight on for you.

07-25-2006, 07:37 PM
I am 5 foot 10 and 153 pounds and want to add about 20 pounds because I want to start wight training. I cant add muscle to nothing so I need to add the wight on.

I guess my goal is a lot easier than your partial :twisted:

Eat enough protein and calories and the weight training will put the weight on for you.

Protein. Powder. LOTS of it.

07-25-2006, 07:37 PM
My current diet tip. Dont eat this Dove Icecream that has a layer of chocolate on top.

Im currently destroying my waistline and will-power simultaneously.

07-25-2006, 07:38 PM
I ate a bowl of oatmeal this morning. It wasn't very good

Did you eat the bowl too?

If so, then that may be your problem ...

If not, then maybe it's worth a try ...

I didn't eat the bowl. I put some blueberries in it, that made it better. Gotta eat your berries folks, you need those antioxidents

I've found that the Quaker Oatmeal instant Fruit & Cream packets are really quite good if you make them with milk.

07-25-2006, 07:46 PM
I am 5 foot 10 and 153 pounds and want to add about 20 pounds because I want to start wight training. I cant add muscle to nothing so I need to add the wight on.

I guess my goal is a lot easier than your partial :twisted:

Be careful with that shit. All through high school I was about 5'9" and 145. I would eat and fucking eat and lift and swim and play basketball every fricken day trying to add muscle. It just wouldn't happen. Then came college. I stopped doing anything (including eating) and dropped to 135. When I could afford food again though, I shot right on up to 200 like a bolt of ky jellied lightning. Now begins the long road back.

Quick question. Why do you have to add weight to weight train? If you lift shit, your muscles will grow. I'm assuming you have bones. That's all your muscles need to grow on, you know.

Deputy Nutz
07-25-2006, 07:56 PM
Well today my wife had to "work" late, so I used some decent will power and made myself a yummy salad with spinich, carrots, red cabbage, romain lettuce tomatoes, blueberries, Blackberries, and strawberries. I topped it off with feta cheese and balsamic vinegar.

Deputy Nutz
07-25-2006, 07:57 PM
I need some protein so I am snacking on some beef jerky

07-25-2006, 08:15 PM
I just came back from a dinner of carrots, a brat, and some baked beans. It was quite good. I'm going to go to the gym now and do a little weight lifting and maybe a slow and short jog. I am also walking to the gym, but its like 2 blocks away.

Deputy Nutz
07-25-2006, 11:06 PM
I just finished watching the reality show Work Out on Bravo, It is on at 8 o'clock central time and replayed at 10.

It is about a hot athletic lesbian that runs her own gym/personal training business. She makes out with her hot lesbian lover, its cool. The rest of the show is about average

07-25-2006, 11:08 PM
I just finished watching the reality show Work Out on Bravo, It is on at 8 o'clock central time and replayed at 10.

It is about a hot athletic lesbian that runs her own gym/personal training business. She makes out with her hot lesbian lover, its cool. The rest of the show is about average




Deputy Nutz
07-25-2006, 11:18 PM
to bad you have a job otherwise you can catch the re-run tomorrow or the next day in the afternoon.

Next week her mom comes to town spouting off at the mouth about how god didn't create her to be a lesbian. I hope her mom has a heart attack.

Some other hot sexy trainers on that show.

Here is Jackie the owner of the gym.

07-25-2006, 11:29 PM
Almost went to bed without updating this.

I am starting to wear down physically do to a lack of sleep. I am going to try to start going to bed by 10 so I get a full 8 hours in before biking to work. I've been sticking to my plan diet wise very well, however the exercise constantly changes depending on how tired I am after work. I have consistently made it to the gym though, and played a ton of tennis. These things are pluses in my book.

Tomorrow, I am going to eat:
A turkey sandwich
an orange
an apple
a banana
a lemon 60 calorie yogurt
some steamed veggies
and a chicken breast baked with olive oil, chicken seasoning and lime juice.

07-26-2006, 09:16 AM

Something urgent has come up,
So we don't give a fuck about your diet.

Nutz, tell us more about that show, immediately.

07-27-2006, 09:35 AM
haha KY,

anyway, I am doing really well. I'm down about 10 pounds but I am sure it is mostly water. My stomach definitely feels like its shrinking, which is good. My pants are also fitting better. Today I am going to treat myself to something a little tastier and less healthy for lunch to spike my metabolism since I have been eating significantly less than I normally do.

07-27-2006, 09:54 AM
Like what?

07-28-2006, 10:51 PM

Something urgent has come up,
So we don't give a fuck about your diet.

Nutz, tell us more about that show, immediately.

We know you like your fried chicken Colonel, don't be mad that you can't stay on a diet. :razz:

07-28-2006, 10:57 PM
Like what?

I had a burger and fries. That's all I ended up having to eat that day for assorted reasons.

07-29-2006, 05:56 AM
Nutz-where you coach?

08-01-2006, 08:41 AM
Ahem....Partial? Forget something?

08-01-2006, 09:02 AM
Haha yes I have been getting lazy with this thread, but going strong in the diet. I have been going for 1.5 weeks now, and am down 11 pounds. It is mostly water weight though I am assuming.

08-01-2006, 09:04 AM
any thoughts on a turkey, lettuce, tomato, and sprout sub from jimmy johns? I think thats what i'm going to end up having for lunch. It costs a little extra to get a wheat sub, but i'd honestly rather not do that as I need to save money.

I have eaten an orange and a banana for breakfast so far.

I was going to have the sub for lunch with some coworkers (the turkey tom as they call it).

Then I was going to have a light dinner with some sort of grilled chicken.

I did not bike to work today because of the heat advisary, but after work I am going to go lift.

08-01-2006, 09:50 AM
You're doing good with the sub as long as you don't have mayo on it. See if you can get it with oil and spices instead. You are better off with whole wheat, but it's only REALLY better if it's whole grain. Hard to find out which it is at a chain, though. I can't believe the charge extra to put it on whole wheat for you. 'Round here, a chain would go out of business for something like that.

Another thing you might try is taking a salad to work and nibbling on it before lunch to give you extra fiber and fill you up a little so maybe you don't finish the sandwich.

The last thing is that if you're lifting weights at all, when calculating weight loss, pay more attention to how your clothes fit than the numbers. While you're losing fat, you're gaining muscle and muscle weighs more than fat, so at some point you might even notice a slight gain in pounds, but if your body fat is still going down, don't worry about it.

08-01-2006, 10:03 AM
You're doing good with the sub as long as you don't have mayo on it. See if you can get it with oil and spices instead. You are better off with whole wheat, but it's only REALLY better if it's whole grain. Hard to find out which it is at a chain, though. I can't believe the charge extra to put it on whole wheat for you. 'Round here, a chain would go out of business for something like that.

Another thing you might try is taking a salad to work and nibbling on it before lunch to give you extra fiber and fill you up a little so maybe you don't finish the sandwich.

The last thing is that if you're lifting weights at all, when calculating weight loss, pay more attention to how your clothes fit than the numbers. While you're losing fat, you're gaining muscle and muscle weighs more than fat, so at some point you might even notice a slight gain in pounds, but if your body fat is still going down, don't worry about it.

Thanks, and yes its very nice fresh bread, thats why it costs more. It is very tasty, but I think i'd rather save 50 cents a day in hope of getting atleast a gallon of extra gas to get to GB for practice monday.

Jimmy John's is a really good chain, its significantly more expensive then subway, but their subs are a lot better and probably better for you.

I will definitely be holding off on the mayo. I've never really been a mayo fan at all.

Harlan Huckleby
08-01-2006, 10:12 AM
I'm reading a book called "Intuitive Eating" that urges you to listen to your body singles about hunger and fullness, and move towards eating stuff that makes you feel better, and not fret over falls from grace.

It's working for me.

Partial, a young whipper-snapper like you can go on a strict diet and exercise regimine, lose 25 pounds, and probably you'll be fine. Older or fatter people really don't benefit much from diets, they have to change their brains to keep the weight off. You can take my advice if you ever become older and fatter.